Loss, Preparation (2)

Han Jae-jung and Baek Ah-hee. The two stared at each other for a long time frozen. 

“Ah, no that’s… that’s what I mean… um… but… are you two… acquainted?”

Joo Ah-yoon, not knowing what to do while making excuses, noticed their reactions that seemed like they knew each other.

“Why is she here?” 

“Why did Mr. Han Jae-jung, come to your house sister?”

Han Jae-jung asked in embarrassment, and Baek Ah-hee asked in astonishment.

“The person who was dating Sirius until just now, why is he at Deneb house…?”

Baek Ah-hee quickly turned her head. To prove this causal relationship, she recalled the things she had experienced.

When Han Jae-jung said he was doing suicide counseling, Pink Deneb reacted overly sensitively.  

Blue Sirius and Pink Deneb seemed to have had a connection even before becoming magical girls.

Blue Sirius and Han Jae-jung had been dating since they were students.

Of course, Pink Deneb, who was close to Blue Sirius, must have also had a connection with Han Jae-jung.

The conclusion derived from this…!


Baek Ah-hee muttered with a pale face. In her mind now, a sticky and immoral affair that had lasted for years was replaying like a movie.

“A wrong encounter… The betrayal of a trusted junior and boyfriend… He whose day and night were different….”

“…Why is she acting like that,”

“I don’t know. She’s like that sometimes. The kid has a high tension. It’ll be easier once you get used to it.”

Baek Ah-hee flinched in surprise when her eyes met Han Jae-jung’s.

“Could the reason he got close to me also be…?”

Then, as if hiding her flaws, she tightly hugged herself with both arms.

“Was what Davi said true?! Were you really a master at making women cry up and down with your unique appearance and eloquence, Mr. Han Jae-jung…?!!”

“Hey, watch your mouth. The kid’s going crazy.”

“The old saying goes that a man’s value is in his face, and that’s exactly it! Seeing that you like Deneb, it seems you like young or young-looking women… If you approached me trying to do something, you’re mistaken! I think it’s better if we just get to know each other for now! And I don’t like two-timing men! Get your relationships straightened out and try me!”

“Please stop with the foul language… No, nonsense.”

“Is there a reason you changed your words?”

Baek Ah-hee stood up and ranted passionately.

“Ah, anyway… two-timing is… not good, I think. Sirius must be really hurt… De, Deneb! There are many good men in the world! You don’t have to be with a man like Mr. Han Jae-jung who has a sadistic taste and a penchant for young girls! I’ll take responsibility and treat Mr. Han Jae-jung!”

“You’re going too far? Even if we’re close, there’s an age difference, so you should show some basic manners….”

Baek Ah-hee, who glanced back at where the flick had come from, smiled faintly and gently rubbed her stomach.

“Do you remember that time, Mr. Han Jae-jung? When I said I didn’t want to, but you forced it…”

Han Jae-jung fell silent. That incident would probably haunt him for life, and at the same time, it would undoubtedly have a value that would never change for that lifetime.

Even tea leaves become lighter the more they are steeped, so why doesn’t that past lose its unique aroma no matter how many times it is steeped?

Seeing Han Jae-jung with a gloomy expression and sealed lips, Joo Ah-yoon looked at him as if she couldn’t believe it.

“I understand the appeal of a secretive, special relationship between the two of you. There’s a perverse, guilt-ridden pleasure to it. But still, as a magical girl who upholds justice, that kind of thing is a bit…”

“I’m not a magical girl anymore. And it’s not me who should be hearing those words…”

Joo Ah-yoon retorted coldly. Her eyes, which were never particularly friendly even normally, became sharper.

“It seems like it should be your side brother? What was that just now? Brother, what did you do to that kid?”

“What did I do? I…”

Han Jae-jung pondered deeply about what he should say to avoid being trash, but no matter how he packaged what he had done, it was undoubtedly going to be trash. After a brief contemplation, he confessed the truth.

“I… Just stepped on that kid’s stomach with my foot…”

“Yes! That’s right! It was just Mr. Han Jae-Jung showing a great appreciation for my stomach! The two of us have an extremely wholesome and harmonious relationship… probably. Sister! Don’t worry! I’m not Mr. Han Jae-jung’s affair partner!”


Baek Ah-hee cheerfully affirmed, and Han Jae-jung regretted speaking.

‘Ah-hee, you’re not going to worry after hearing that?’

His thought was the correct answer. Joo Ah-yoon wavered between trust and a sense of betrayal, and that wavering affected her eyes as well. Her gaze, swaying like a light feather, suggested her confusion.

“Huh? But is it okay to say that? Back then, clearly…”

Watcher’s merciless assault on Red Vega. That scene was also witnessed by Pink Deneb. Han Jae-jung’s words just now could have been an important clue linking Watcher and him.

‘No, I don’t know anything.’

Baek Ah-hee stopped thinking. She decided to pretend she didn’t know Han Jae-jung’s true identity. She resolved never to get close to the truth.

Watcher and Han Jae-jung were separate individuals. Baek Ah-hee had to think that way.

‘Because that way, I can protect Mr. Han Jae-jung.’

As White Davi had said today, if they know the true identity of a villain, even if it’s a disguise, the principle is to attack them.

If she completely connects Han Jae-jung and Watcher, Baek Ah-hee wouldn’t be able to have a peaceful conversation with him like this.

She could tease him with suspicions and circumstances, but she couldn’t truly know him.

When she suddenly became serious, Han Jae-jung and Joo Ah-yoon became serious in a different direction.

“Oh, brother did something to that kid…”

“Wait, let me explain everything, okay?”

“What’s there to explain! I, I should have checked when I saw your browsing history. Watching wasn’t enough for you?”

“That wasn’t my history, it was Seol-hwa’s. Anyway, let me explain everything over there…”

Han Jae-jung tried to grab Joo Ah-yoon’s shoulder but stopped. Even this physical contact could be mistaken as an act of violence at the moment. His characteristically careful and sensitive personality made him considerate of others even when his social standing was shaken.

Noticing this consideration, Joo Ah-yoon’s anger subsided a little.

“Ah-yoon, trust me. Please. I’ll explain everything.”


Joo Ah-yoon grabbed Han Jae-jung’s wrist and led him to the room.

“I got too excited. If you have something to say, I’ll listen.”

Baek Ah-hee, who was drinking hot chocolate, was startled.

“Oh, you called a guest and now you’re doing something among yourselves…?!” 

“Explain yourself, you wench! And who are you calling a guest, barging in like that.”

“Heheh, just kidding~ Enjoy your time together.”

“Look at her, she didn’t understand a thing. This girl’s mind is totally in the pink. What do I mean by red, you’re the pink one.”

Joo Ah-yoon took Han Jae-jung into the room where she had pulled him out of the bathroom and calmed him down, to hear his explanation. 

By the time Baek Ah-hee finished her hot chocolate, the explanation was over.

“I’ve heard it all. It’s really nothing serious… It didn’t happen, but it’s still not at the level I thought.”

Compared to the worst assumption of sexual exploitation of a minor, anything was decent.

“See, I told you~”

“I’m going to shower now. Ms. Vega, you should head home after playing around a bit. Don’t stay too late.”

“You sound like the homeowner? Must have stayed here often.”

Finally able to engage in proper post-return conduct, Han Jae-jung happily headed to the bathroom. His whole body was drenched in sweat, with dirt and blood sticking to it. Just looking at him made one feel his hardship.

Seeing the traces of his struggle, Baek Ah-hee felt relieved. It might be a nasty and selfish thought, but she was truly glad that he could return safely.

The suspicion voiced by White Davi about the lightning villain appearing today was probably true. The Paradox he endured instead prevented a greater disaster from unfolding.  

“…You worked hard today.”

Baek Ah-hee said so with a sense of guilt and respect. It was just a guess, but he might be Watcher.

Han Jae-jung gave her a small bow in response. As he was about to enter the bathroom again, he felt Joo Ah-yoon’s burning gaze.

When their eyes met, Joo Ah-yoon shyly averted her gaze and muttered, “Thank you for coming back.”

Joo Ah-yoon conveyed her gratitude, respect, and relief as well. Although it was delayed due to the unexpected three-way encounter, this was truly Joo Ah-yoon’s greatest sentiment today.

She had trusted and fled, but couldn’t help feeling uneasy. She was overjoyed that he pierced through the chaotic lightning and returned.

Trust and flee.

That was the best Joo Ah-yoon could do at the moment. 

She was a total burden.

Joo Ah-yoon had no dreams, for she considered dreaming to be misfortune. But she didn’t want to hinder those who dreamed, either.

Having already endured countless hardships and bound to face more, she didn’t want herself to be perceived as another hardship by others.

Joo Ah-yoon looked at Baek Ah-hee.

“You said you were my brother’s suicide counselor?”

“Huh? Yes, yes! That’s right! I’m Jae-jung’s counselor!”

Although she received more help than she gave. Baek Ah-hee omitted that part and just giggled.

“Thank you for helping my brother.”

“Oh, no~ It’s nothing~ Anyone would have done it! Heh, heheh….”

While pretending it was no big deal, Baek Ah-hee’s lips curved up from the praise.

“You really do all sorts of things. Magical girl, isn’t it hard?”

“Heheh, sister, you’re talking as if I’m no longer a magical girl? Well, if I have to say… of course it’s hard!”

Baek Ah-hee was frank and straightforward.

“But isn’t it cool being a magical girl? Even though it’s tough, you keep going without giving up, so doesn’t that give it value? The stars in the sky don’t stop shining just because they’re tired of it. I want to become a star like that. A guiding star like Polaris that leads everyone to peace.”

Thus, those words must have been unembellished as well.

Despite her young age, having dreams and striving for them – that was truly beautiful.

Continuing to challenge herself despite the hardships that come with dreams. Joo Ah-yoon felt a respect for this young girl similar to what she felt for Han Jae-jung.

“Ah, you’re right! I can’t rest like this! Thank you, sister! I’ll get back to work!”

“What else are you going to do?”

“Villains don’t rest at night either!”

Baek Ah-hee rose from her seat and headed for the front door. Joo Ah-yoon didn’t even have a chance to stop her. Her will was firm.

“I thought you’re going after dinner!”

“Now that I’ve confirmed you two are safe, my mission is complete!”  

Baek Ah-hee smiled mischievously.

“And… I’ll be extra careful with what I say to Sister Sirius. About your relationship. Heheh, have a good time! This party crasher will take her leave!”


Only then did Joo Ah-yoon realize that the two-timing suspicion hadn’t been cleared up yet.

“Hey, hey wait! You’ve got the wrong idea! Hey!”

And with that, Baek Ah-hee left the house.  

“She left early? That’s a relief. I didn’t know what to do if she stayed until late.”

Han Jae-jung, who had showered, came out to the living room drying his damp hair. Joo Ah-yoon protested with a flushed face.

“What’s so relieving about that… She thought our relationship was… like an affair….”

“Well, we can just explain it to her the next time we meet.”

Han Jae-jung didn’t think much of it. Joo Ah-yoon pondered seriously whether it was because he didn’t dislike their relationship being misunderstood that way, or if he really didn’t care.

‘…He’s always going on about us being like siblings… or does he actually not mind?’

Still, she concluded it was the latter, and then brought up her purpose.

“Oh right, bro.”  

“Yeah, what?”

“We were going to open a shop, remember?”

“Were we really going to do that?”

She sounded a bit disappointed as she continued.

“I was thinking of opening a cafe? Do you have a barista certification, bro?”

“Is there even a thing like that…?”

“Then you’ll get one later. By the way, I have one.”

“Can’t I just be a server?”

“No way. You’ll attract customers as a handsome cafe worker. Ah, we’ll make good money.”

“Don’t sell my face.”

“No, I’m going to show off your face. So, about that, I was going to look at real estate? That’s why I went out today… Bro, can you help me out tomorrow?”

Han Jae-jung took out his phone with a conflicted expression. Yoon Seol-hwa still hadn’t contacted him, probably because she was very busy.

Yoon Seol-hwa was indeed quite busy. She had to punish White Davi for the grand trolling he committed today and devise a response plan for the future. The former accounted for 70% of why she was so busy.

Mournful music echoed from the underground of the Association, but the soundproofing prevented anyone from hearing it.

“…Alright, I’ll help. It would be troublesome if that eagle bastard kidnaps you again.”

“See, that’s why? Look here, bro. I got bruised.”

Joo Ah-yoon naturally lifted her hoodie to show her injury. There was a purplish bruise on her pale skin. Han Jae-jung averted his eyes as her chest was slightly exposed.

“Hey, a grown-up lady shouldn’t be showing her skin so casually.”

“A grown-up guy can kick a woman’s stomach and show his bare body?”

“Hey, I didn’t show it, you saw it… Alright, my bad.”

Joo Ah-yoon smiled brightly. She had found a good excuse to go out with him.  

“So, does that mean you’re allowing me to go with you tomorrow?”

Their plans for the next day were




On top of a shabby building, a man with a monstrous appearance covered in feathers observed below. 

“Hmm…It was a failure this time.”

“What was?” 

Behind that villain, the man named Paradox asked.

“The kidnapping. I thought I had found something precious to take…but unfortunately not.”

Around the villain, a few giant birds were soaring in the sky, screeching. The eagles that had tried to kidnap Joo Ah-yoon today. Birds of prey big enough to rival aircraft.

Paradox responded to his displeasure with a polite laugh.

“Well, if you fail, you just try again, don’t you? So, do you like it here?”

“Hmm, it’s cramped and shabby…but I do like it. There are many things I want to have.”

“That’s fortunate then.”

Those birds were villains rivaling S-grade villains. And the greatest villain controlling such villains was the man in the form of an eagle.

“Mr. Aquila.”

“Hmm. I’ll let your rudeness of calling my name slide just this once.”

The Eagle Constellation villain called Aquila smiled with satisfaction.  

“I, who have found things I desire, am extremely merciful.”

Not long after arriving in this country, he had discovered a strange girl who simultaneously gave off the auras of both a magical girl and a villain.

A rarity even in his own country. Worth kidnapping.

Aquila nodded as he recalled this.

“You’re right. If I fail, I’ll just try again.”

If he thought to have something, he was determined to obtain it no matter what. This was Aquila’s creed.

“There is nothing in this world and universe that I cannot possess.”

He had the ability to realize this arrogant creed.

Dozens of eagles screeched loudly.

Anyways… Happy Reading!!!


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