Severed Traces (5)

The axe unfolded a lightning bolt in a straight line. 

It was accurate. Without any wasted force or starlight, it erased the trajectory of the fist above. Precisely to the necessary degree.

After burning all attacks that could harm him with lightning, he leaped upwards.

Contrary to the original intent, Pegasus’ charge was directed at Gemini, and Gemini’s fist was aimed at Pegasus.

‘It’s impossible.’

It was too fast to react. Even with lightning-fast movements, the body’s reaction speed is not that of lightning. It was an attack too fast to see and react to.

Just as he possessed the speed of lightning, this side had the speed of wind and shooting stars.  

Suddenly, Gemini realized an astonishing fact.

He did not act with quick judgment right now.  

Even before she and Pegasus executed their techniques, he had already taken action in advance.

Before Gemini’s fist could land, before Pegasus’ charge began, he had already finished preparing to swing the axe and leap.

As if he had known all these facts beforehand.

‘I was so wrongly mistaken. That guy’s ability is not power….’

He did not react. He simply acted according to what he had predicted in advance.

‘He predicts. The future!’

In fact, Gemini’s guess was accurate. Belt’s unique ability to observe possibilities. Right now, he was utilizing this function to see up to 3 seconds into the future. Precisely, the most likely possibility closest to the future.

Right now, he was closer to a machine than a villain. Quickly grasping and predicting what needs to be done, and acting without any excess.

The mechanistic movements opposed the savage force. He could thoroughly calculate and take the most efficient action.

It was undeniable that his body leaked starlight. But there was a way to minimize that waste.

Gwahng! Pegasus and Gemini collided, both suffering immense damage. Gemini’s hands were bent at strange angles, and most of Pegasus’ face caved in.

As he fell backwards, Gemini looked up at the sky once more.  

Wordlessly, he readjusted his grip on the axe in mid-air. Lightning condensed just as he had swung at Pegasus moments ago. Looking again, there was no movement as tidy as that.

The lightning obscured his body, and its unique glow obstructed the view, so the details were unclear. But his movements from the start until now had not a single wasted motion. Clean straight lines. Movements of perfect straight lines that did not permit even the slightest curve or arc. An inhuman trajectory that only a machine could trace.

I had thought him a rampaging beast, but it was not. That was not an uncontrolled rampage of his own volition….

“A subordinate unit.”

He can only do what needs to be done. Probably cannot speak, nor think properly like usual.

But his body still moves. To destroy the villains before him.  

For the sake of the girls suffering by their hands.

In advance, predicting, processing.

Like a computer receiving orders, without a word of objection, as if it were only natural.

An inhuman act that disregards free will, but quite effective when unnecessary thoughts are not needed, as now.

The axe descended like a lightning bolt.

Once more, two moons rose above the darkness. Showering the remnants of the sunset below, two moons marking the end of the brilliant day. One would set today, never to rise again, while the other would set today only to rise anew tomorrow. Though shining far more dimly than today.  

Streams of light flowed from the corpses of the two villains, reaching him. Amidst the lightning engulfing him, all that light gathered into the belt that had not lost its function.

“Hahaha! Amazing! Incredible! When did you become so strong? Is it because you found your purpose that you grew stronger? I can believe in you now! You have a purpose!”

Jason clapped in admiration. He silently watched Jason. Meeting his gaze, Jason flinched and stepped back.

“Ah, sorry I didn’t believe you before. No, actually I really didn’t know what those two were up to either? Anyway, don’t be so mad. Hey? You should smile to invite good fortune. That lightning was quite cool. Hmm, not a hammer, but reminded me of Thor. Thor, you know? The Norse mythology?”  

When no response came, Jason clicked his tongue.

“Aye, so dull. A person needs some wit, you know. Did you suddenly become too stiff? I didn’t see you like that before. Aren’t you a bit too edgy now?!”

Step. He turned and started walking towards Jason.

“Oh oh, whoa whoa. No, you really got too edgy. Ah, this is going too far too.”

Jason manipulated the belt again. The surroundings began to distort.

“Hahaha, but it was still pretty cool. That lightning, pababak!”

Amidst the warping view, Jason’s final words struck home.

“After all, a fellow villain is my comrade. My fellow villain comrade!”




It has been 30 minutes since Jason’s ability randomly dropped me somewhere in the city.

Fortunately, it wasn’t too far from Ah-yoon’s house, so I could return on foot.

Every time the biting winter air passes by my ears, a sigh rises up.

‘Did Ah-yoon really want to make a contract with the stars?’

I know her personality. She’s kind but fundamentally a realist. She naturally calculates gains and losses. For such a girl to make a contract with the stars without any benefits.

‘No, there could be a benefit.’

None other than life. The test results at the hospital showed that even though Ah-yoon used the Black Dwarf Star, she was in an unusually healthy condition. She should have been close to terminal, but the results were all green.

The doctor was puzzled and advised her to keep visiting the hospital, as symptoms could appear later.

But the reality is different. By making a new contract with the stars and obtaining starlight, that starlight healed the wounds in her body.

In other words, she gained life as compensation.

‘But is it just life? Just wanting to live…?’

Of course, life is reason enough to look forward to something and hope for an opportunity. What’s weighing on me now is not the value of life itself, but Ah-yoon’s personality.

Did she really dream of life when she was on the threshold of death?. She must have been close to death, even if it was actually just fainting?

‘I don’t know.’

If even she can’t know for sure, how can I guess correctly?

While pondering like this, I found myself standing in front of the front door.  

When I rang the doorbell, I heard the sound of feet pattering down the hallway from the other side of the door.

Soon the door opened.

“Did you come, brother?”

“Yes, I’m here.”

“Ugh. What kind of weird polite speech is that? You must be cold. Come in quickly.”


As I entered, I felt the warmth washing away the winter chill on my skin. Ah-yoon’s gaze swept over me with concern. She knows there’s an issue. She must be curious about what information I’ve obtained.

“Ah… Ah-yoon. You know…”



“First, go take a shower. Warm yourself up in the hot water, and then we’ll talk. Your body odor is no joke, brother.”

She cut me off with a playful smile. Whether out of consideration or avoidance, she seemed to have guessed that I didn’t get very good results.

After looking at her for a moment, I smiled and answered.

“Shall I?”

If she wanted to become like me, how should I treat her? What does it mean to protect her? Her free will or her life? It was a problem without an answer.

As I entered the bathroom, I suddenly recalled the last words Jason had said to me.

Fellow villain. It must have been the result of being intoxicated by unpurified starlight, transforming his personality and behavior.

When I activated the Big Dipper, I was closer to being a villain than just a villain. My personal desires were thoroughly excluded. Only actions faithful to my purpose.

If Ah-yoon wanted the same result as me, would she end up in the same situation?

No matter how much she contracted before the monstrous transformation, her appearance after the transformation would be no different from mine, a villain.  

She could be weighed down by an even greater burden than before.

Should I push her into that abyss of loathing? Even if she wants it herself, shouldn’t I stop her?

Where is the line between respect and…?

Shhhhhhhh. The stream of water washed away my wandering thoughts like a shower of bullets.

Slowly entrusting my body to the hot water,

A voice flowed from the belt I was wearing along with the water.

[Activated the stars.]


Well, I did defeat two S-grade villains today, so I could probably activate stars that couldn’t be activated before.

After the shower, I should slowly read those memories later. As I thought that, I recalled what answer I had given earlier.


Someone could take that simple question as an agreement.

This belt is quite inflexible. Once an answer is given, it cannot be undone, and it will be strictly executed.

Soon, with a whitening of my vision, I experienced lost memories.




“This is insane… Insane…”

No matter how many times I looked in the mirror, it didn’t change. Not a single inch of human skin remained. Where flesh should have been, a hard armor-like skin had formed. My facial features had disappeared, replaced by a hard visor-like lens for eyes.

“Did I… become a villain…?”   

There was no doubt. After that crazy villain group attacked me yesterday, I ended up like this. Why? Why did Red Spica do this to me?

I couldn’t understand. What grudge did they have to turn me into a villain? Moreover, why do I still have memories of when I was human?

“Ah… uh… um…”

I was confused. After staring at the mirror for a while to sort out this ominous feeling,


With a deep sigh, I finally came to one answer in this confusion.

“I’ll kill myself.”

When there is no answer, suicide is the answer.

Out of the blue, after some time passed, I returned to my original human body. I immediately grabbed my wallet and left the house.

What I needed to buy right away was a sturdy rope and paper for a letter.

That’s how I began preparing for my suicide.

In the crowded city, I saw the faces of magical girls everywhere. After I disappeared, Blue Sirius seemed to have regained her resolve and began a lot of activities, taking up a large portion. Just looking at her made my heart feel at ease. But it also made me nauseous, reminding me of my own sins. It was such a contradictory reaction.

I had already left many stains on her life. I couldn’t leave another.  

At least while I still had my human mind, I had to meet a gentle death.

“Oh right, the rope.”  

My steps were light. The end always brought joy.





With a ragged breath, I opened my eyes. Looking around, it wasn’t a city but a modest home. I had returned to reality again.   


Letting out a deep sigh, I placed my hand on my heated forehead.

Now I finally realized why I had tried to kill myself that day.

What made me, who had tried so hard not to commit suicide, try to take my own life.

In the end, the reason was the same this time too.    


“Did you call me, senior?”

Startled by that voice, I turned my head.

“Huh? Brother, you almost drowned after passing out in the bathroom.”

Ah-yoon was looking this way with a concerned and angry expression.

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