Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 338: New Beginning (1)

Chapter 338: New Beginning (1)

Chapter 338 – New Beginning (1)

Wuhan City, Erxian Bridge:

A busy scene was presented outside the SF Express office located under the Erxian Bridge.

Paper bags containing space rocks were packed into delivery boxes and stacked up into the office warehouse one after another as they were prepared to be sent to all over the world.

“No. 653, ID Traveler Without Borders, address Xishan Province...

“No. 654, ID Guardian, address Xishan Province...”

Under the makeshift pergola set up outside the office, Chen Yu sat on a sofa with his legs crossed as he read the fan addresses displayed on his watch to Wuhan City’s government officials.

“M-Mr. Chen...” After sealing another package, the person in charge of Wuhan City straightened his back and wiped the sweat off his face. While panting, he asked, “W-Would you like to take a break first?”

“Thanks, but that won’t be necessary.” Taking a sip of freshly squeezed juice from the cup beside him, Chen Yu smacked his lips and said, “I’m not tired, so we can continue. We have a thousand deliveries to make. If we take a break here and there, when will we finish? No. 662, ID...”


The person in charge swallowed his grievances along with his saliva. He then bent down and continued packing the space rocks his assistant handed to him.

“If you’re not willing to work, you can leave.”

“No, no, no! Nothing of the sort! It is very meaningful to be able to participate in an event involving hundreds of millions of people,” the person in charge said while waving his hands hurriedly.

“What an excellent attitude!” Giving the person in charge a thumbs up, Chen Yu said to Little Peach, “Assistant, assign a few more rocks to this person here.”


Wuhan’s person in charge: “...”

Picking up his juice and taking another sip, Chen Yu looked at the crowd of people working busily in front of him and felt a wave of dizziness and exhaustion assault him.

However, he had no way out of this situation. He had to do his best to fulfill the boastful promise he made. And as it wasn’t realistic to send gifts to 1,000 fans via the Interstellar Portal and Type-R Spacecraft, his only other option was to rely on China’s excellent logistics system.

“No. 759, ID Story After The Rain...

“No. 847, ID Secret Hamburger...

“No. 973...

“No. 1,000! ID Daily Milk, address Unit 7, Beijing Information District.”

After reading the last selected fan’s address, Chen Yu shook his sore wrist and stood up. He then scanned the audience and said, “That’s everything. Thank you for your help, everyone. We’ll leave the rest to SF Express to handle. I hope you can safely deliver all 1,000 packages to their destinations.”

“Mr. Chen, please rest assured,” the manager of the SF Express office said hurriedly. “We will make sure every package is delivered straight to their recipients.”

“Okay. I’ll leave it to you.” After emptying the glass of juice, Chen Yu hooked his finger at Little Peach and asked, “Hey, how many rocks do we have left?”

Looking into the storage compartment, Little Peach answered, “There are about a hundred pieces left. There’s also plenty of sand particles.”

Hearing this, the eyes of Wuhan’s person in charge brightened immediately. The back pain he felt also disappeared instantly as he looked at Chen Yu eagerly.

Chen Yu also looked at the person in charge. Nodding, he said softly, “We can’t just throw the rest away. Since Wuhan’s government officials have contributed a lot today, let’s...”

“Ohhh!” The government officials couldn’t help but cheer.

“...Take it back to the Transdimensional Academy and let the professors conduct research on them,” Chen Yu added.


The cheering stopped abruptly, and the government officials looked at each other with blank looks on their faces.

Taking the storage compartment from Little Peach and reconnecting it to his backplate, Chen Yu cleared his throat and said, “There shouldn’t be anything else we need to do here, so let’s go. I’ve already sent a message to the 1,000 winners, so if any one of them fails to receive their gift, I’ll come for you.”

The officials: “...”

“Wuhan is a beautiful city. We’ll come here again if we have another delivery to make in the future.”

The officials: “...”

“Oh, right, the delivery fee.” Patting the nonexistent pockets of his protective suit, Chen Yu turned to Little Peach and asked, “Uh... Did you bring any money?”

“Money?” Blinking her eyes, Little Peach asked innocently, “What’s money?”

“What’s money? This is a good question.” Looking at Wuhan’s person in charge, Chen Yu asked, “Can you explain it to her?”

“...Cough, cough...” Wuhan’s person in charge covered his mouth as he coughed violently. He then bit his lip and said, “M-Mr. Chen, you don’t need to worry about the delivery fee. Leave it to us local authorities.”

“Wonderful!” Giving the person in charge a thumbs up for the second time, Chen Yu said, “Your bid was successful! I will definitely return when I have deliveries to make in the future!”

“Wuhan City will always w-welcome you...”

“Thank you for your efforts. Bye-bye.”

After saying so, Chen Yu picked up Little Peach and took to the skies, the trail of blue flames he left behind causing the reporters outside the cordoned area to start taking pictures frantically.

While waving his hand at the crowd, Chen Yu left without leaving behind a single rock...



A dozen seconds later, Chen Yu and Little Peach arrived back on the lawn of the central plaza like a shooting star.

When the armed police officers responsible for guarding the scene heard the noise, they couldn’t help but be startled. Simultaneously, they turned around and raised their weapons. However, after discovering that the intruder was Chen Yu, everyone grew even more nervous.

“G-Greetings, Transdimensional’s UP. I am the captain of Wuhan’s First Police Force,” a slightly chubby middle-aged man said as he rushed forward. While bowing to Chen Yu, he asked, “Do you have any instructions for us?”

“No. We’re going to board the spacecraft, so everyone should move further away to avoid getting injured.

“This...” The captain hesitated to speak. However, after thinking for a moment, he ended up holding back his words. He then commanded his subordinates to withdraw from the area.

“Wait a minute. Don’t leave yet.” Chen Yu suddenly stopped the captain.

Tensing up, the middle-aged captain stood at attention and said, “Please speak.”

“Do you have any iron bars? Give me one.”

“Yes! Please wait for a moment.”

“Find a thin one. The type that can be used to engrave words.”


Shortly afterward, an officer carrying several dozen iron bars came running over while panting.

Accepting the iron bars from the officer, the captain then presented them to Chen Yu respectfully and asked, “Will these be suitable?”

“They’re all good.”

Casually grabbing an iron bar, Chen Yu then pulled out a space rock from the storage compartment and engraved the following words—Transdimensional Review.

“Once you return, give this to the local authorities,” Chen Yu said as he passed the engraved rock to the captain. “A space rock with my signature on it should be worth a lot. Take it as remuneration for everyone’s hard work and compensation for the damaged lawn.”

“T-This is too valuable!” While saying so, the captain pocketed the rock at supersonic speed.



A minute later, the sky dimmed, and strong winds sprang up. Accompanied by an uncomfortable pressure, the Type-R Spacecraft gradually lifted off the ground.

Noticing this, the people gathered outside the plaza instantly grew excited.

“It’s taking off!”

“Look quickly!”

“It’s so awesome!”

“So, this is a spaceship?”

“Old fellows in front of the screen, can you see humanity’s first spaceship? If you like it, make sure to subscribe to my channel!”

“Crap, this youngster flew here in a kegel ball...”


Standing inside the spacecraft, Chen Yu removed his helmet as he stared down at the crowd gathered below with narrowed eyes, various thoughts floating through his mind.

“I guess we’ll have a new beginning from today onwards...”

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