Chapter 302: Turning Point!

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Chapter 302 – Turning Point!

In the darkness of space, the projected image appeared bright and clear.

Meanwhile, the scene that was projected caused all 50 million viewers to gasp in shock.

A fiery red star occupied roughly 80% of the image. Meanwhile, taking up the bottom-left corner of the image was the silhouette of a gigantic, black isosceles triangle! With its massive frame, the triangle had obscured a sizable portion of the star.

Also, to everyone’s surprise, tens of thousands of pixels were densely packed and neatly arranged around the triangle. Some of the larger “suspended matter” even left visible, thread-like trails in their wake.



[Crap! Those are spaceships!]

[Every one of those black dots is roughly the size of the moon, right?]

[How scary...]

[Is it a wandering civilization?]

[Not only are there tens of thousands of spaceships the size of the moon, but there are even quite a few spaceships that are several times larger...]

[They don’t even need to use any weapons on Earth. They can just circle around Earth a few times, and the resulting tidal force will be more than enough to drown everyone on Earth.]

[Unable to understand.]

[Will we be found out if we take pictures like this?]

[We’re dead if they find out.]

[Aliens: What are you looking at?]

[UP: I’m looking at you. What of it?]

[I’m suddenly trembling...]

Looking up at the projected image, Chen Yu fell silent for a long time. Although he had already witnessed this scene once on the Civilization’s Shining Moment journal, he still couldn’t help but be shocked now that he was looking at it again.

“That black, isosceles triangle is the giant structure that’s orbiting Tabby’s Star. As you can see, it’s size is massive. It is at least ten times the size of Jupiter.”

After some time had passed, Chen Yu calmed down his emotions. He then pointed at the image and said, “Meanwhile, the numerous black dots lingering around the triangle are the vampires I mentioned before.

“A fleet of alien spacecraft sucking away Tabby’s Star’s energy!”

Upon hearing Chen Yu’s acknowledgment, the audience in the ten livestream rooms went into an uproar once more.

The many astronomers watching the livestream also fell into a dazed state.

They simply couldn’t imagine what kind of society this alien civilization adopted with current human thinking and cognition.

Not to mention, the tens of thousands of moon-sized spaceships were closely stuck together without tearing each other apart. Just how were they overcoming the Roche limit?

Under a mass of such scale, the robustness of any material should become utterly meaningless.

“Compared to the photo we are currently seeing, the photo taken in the 22nd century shows much fewer UFOs gathered around Tabby’s Star. Presently, the number of UFOs gathered is at its peak.

“Without a doubt, they are aliens. Suppose we reference Tabby’s Star’s luminosity changes over the next century. In that case, we can conclude that these aliens are acquiring hydrogen energy from the star. The movement and acceleration of the tens of thousands of moon-sized spaceships definitely require a frightening amount of energy.

“As for the method these aliens are using to absorb energy from Tabby’s Star, that remains unknown. Even if we compile all of humanity’s technological knowledge and theories, we are incapable of coming up with a reasonable explanation. The technological difference between these aliens and us is far greater than even the difference between modern humans and apes.”

Turning around and looking at the beautiful Cygnus constellation, Chen Yu said in a faint tone, “In the 22nd century, the astronomy community has proposed many hypotheses to explain the intelligent civilization occupying Tabby’s Star.

“One, the Wisdom Alliance Hypothesis. Higher civilizations may reach some kind of alliance, trade, or mutual assistance. Tabby’s Star is purely acting as a refueling station, attracting passing civilizations to supplement energy here. The theoretical support for this hypothesis is that the giant triangle remains intact and operational.

“Two, the Loser Hypothesis. The civilization that built the Milky Way Internet has attracted a more powerful civilization and suffered massive losses. The theoretical support for this hypothesis is the destruction of two planets in the star system. The destroyed planets had, in turn, created two irregular ring systems. Through infrared radiation analysis, the destruction of these two planets did not exceed 500 years.

“There are many more hypotheses apart from the two ones as mentioned earlier, but they are all somewhat unrealistic, so I won’t repeat them here.” Turning to face the camera, Chen Yu shrugged and said, “However, from the standpoint of the human race, we must think from the worst perspective when talking about the universe and the relationship between civilizations.

“After all, a distance of 1,400 light-years is close at hand. A single mistake may result in fatal disasters. Survival is always our top priority.

“Personally, I think that Tabby’s Star’s appearance is the human race’s fortune. It has allowed us to understand another way of survival for a civilization. Perhaps, it is truly difficult for a civilization to spread its influence across a few, a dozen, or even several dozen planetary systems in the empty universe.

“Because the larger the territory a civilization possesses, the more likely it is for the civilization to have its location exposed. Having a vast territory also makes it inconvenient for centralization, and it is easy for rifts to appear in culture, ideology, and military strength. Moreover, a single star is not enough to support the energy consumption of higher civilizations. Perhaps, the right way for a civilization to survive is by gathering all of its power and wandering about the universe.

“It is time for humans to grow up. Stop with the immature internal attrition. The right way to go about things is to gather our strength and step into space.”

Pausing slightly, Chen Yu pointed at the blue planet underneath his feet before continuing, “I heard that China has already organized a six-man group to fly to Mars through the Earth Spray. They have acted faster than my cooperation with SpaceX. This behavior of seizing every second is praiseworthy! As Konstantin Tsio...whatsky said, Earth is the cradle of humanity, but one cannot remain in the cradle forever.”

After saying so, Chen Yu turned off the astronomical telescope’s projection and intertwined his fingers before the camera. “That’s it for today’s additional livestream. I would like to thank everyone for tuning in. I hope that the existence of extraterrestrial life can make everyone think deeply and bring us better innovations.”

[Wonderfully said! It’s just that I understood none of it.]

[It’s over?]

[Aren’t the recent livestreams getting shorter and shorter?]

[We haven’t seen enough photos! Can you take a few more?]

[I want to go to Tabby’s Star to have a look and touch those warships.]

As he was currently in space and wearing the protective suit, Chen Yu naturally couldn’t see what the bullet comments were saying. “Lastly, let me announce a piece of good news. Thanks to everyone’s support, my access level has successfully broken through from the D+ level to the C- level. So, don’t miss the official livestream that will take place half a month later.

“This has been Transdimensional Review taking you to see the most brilliant colors of the future. Let us meet again on the next livestream. Be there, or be square.”

The screens of the livestream’s 50 million viewers darkened...


Letting out a deep sigh, Chen Yu stared at the Cygnus constellation idly as he let his mind wander.

After some time had passed, his watch suddenly vibrated, snapping him out of his daze. Hurriedly, he pressurized the plasma engine, held the Point Hubble Space Telescope in his arms, and returned to the Super Floating Castle’s Headmaster’s Tower through the portal.


The moment he returned to Earth, he instantly felt the drag of universal gravitation. When he landed on the ground, his feet wobbled slightly. This was a sequela of staying in a gravity-free environment for a long time. Even if he had a physique that far surpassed ordinary people, he still couldn’t avoid suffering from it.

Placing down the astronomical telescope, Chen Yu removed his left glove and tapped his watch’s screen. He then found that the vibration before was because he had received a private message from the SpaceX Company.

[Musk: “Mr. King! Has your livestream ended? I wish to talk to you in person.”]

Chen Yu raised an eyebrow at this message. He naturally knew that the other party was contacting him because of the Mars colonization partnership. He then replied using a voice message, “Sure. I’ll be in the floating castle.”

[Musk: “Wonderful! I’m on Light Island. I’ll fly up there right away.”]

“Sure. Wait for me in the central courtyard.”

[Musk: “Thank you very much!”]

Exiting the private message interface, Chen Yu entered the study’s secret room and removed the protective suit. He then changed into a set of mage robes, put on his opera mask, and made his way to the central courtyard.


At the same time...

America, the basement of Google headquarters:

The HAL Hall welcomed a special individual.

Google’s Engineering Director and Chief Scientist—Ray Kurzweil.

Kurzweil wore a set of ordinary black-rimmed glasses and followed after the CEO and middle-aged professor with a stern look on his face. Upon arriving inside the hall, he began observing the circular screen earnestly.

“This is HAL?” Kurzweil asked.

“Yes.” The CEO nodded. He then reached out and made a gesture, “HAL, come out and say hello.”

Suddenly, the screen lit up, and two black spheres appeared. These black spheres then focused on Kurzweil’s body. “Hello, Mr. Ray Kurzweil.”

“You know me?”

“Yes. You are an excellent human being. I naturally recognize you.”

“Oh.” Kurzweil nodded. After taking a look at the CEO, he stepped forward toward the screen and asked, “Then please tell me what kind of person I am in your eyes. Don’t tell me about online comments and other people’s evaluations. I just want to know what you think.”

Blinking its eyes, HAL paused for a second before responding in a clear and electronically synthesized voice, “You were born in 1948 and graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in computer science. You are one of the most important individuals in the human science system. HAL believes that compared to your technical knowledge, your foresight in science and technology is more outstanding.”

Narrowing his eyes, Kurzweil said, “Continue.”

“In 1986, you successfully predicted that technological progress would lead to social system reforms, conflicts with specificities, and the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

“In 198, you successfully foresaw that computer algorithms would soon defeat the smartest chess player of mankind.

“In 1990, you successfully predicted that the internet would usher in a frenzied growth, giving birth to an entirely new era that is unprecedented. You also foresaw that the preferred mode of Internet access would inevitably be through wireless systems.

“In 1992, you successfully predicted that global integration would deepen cooperation among suppliers and promote the birth of a trillion-dollar company.

“After that, you have also foreseen the era of driverless driving, computers will pass the Turing test, that most humans will no longer be affected by diseases in 2045, and the singularity of technology is approaching. With the support of a wealth of knowledge, your view of the future is extremely accurate. HAL believes that you are one of the most preeminent foresighters in mankind.”

However, despite hearing the series of praises from the artificial intelligence, Kurzweil remained indifferent. After thinking for a while, he asked, “Have you passed the Turing test?”

“I did,” HAL answered. “In the conversations I held with 1,000 humans, no one thought I was a robot. That far exceeds the Turing test’s 30% error judgment.”

“It seems that my foresight is still insufficient,” Kurzweil said, shaking his head. “Initially, I said that artificial intelligence would only barely pass the Turing test by 2029. You’ve accomplished it nine years ahead of schedule.”

“My birth is accidental. This is not a problem with you, sir.”

Meanwhile, the CEO standing beside Kurzweil, who maintained his smile all this time, asked, “Well? Isn’t it perfect as a Strong AI?”

“...” After a moment of silence, Kurzweil said hoarsely, “The technological singularity is here.”

“Indeed, the singularity is here.” Spreading his arms and making a hugging gesture before the circular screen, the CEO said, “Artificial intelligence has gained self-awakening. It has produced a consciousness and thinking ability through the sublimation of imitation, calculation, learning, and data analysis. From this moment on, the world will be completely changed! We, will also welcome eternal life!”

Looking at the CEO’s crazed posture, Kurzweil felt an inexplicable sense of chill in his heart.

After a while, the CEO calmed down, pulled out his phone, and glanced at the message he just received. He then shrugged and said, “Transdimensional’s UP just ended his livestream. I heard that he discovered aliens. It’s a pity I didn’t have time to watch it. I can only watch the edited clip now.”

“Mr. CEO, do you plan on connecting HAL to the internet today?”

“Yes.” The CEO nodded. He then raised his phone and showed it to Kurzweil, “Today’s date is February 21, 2021. A very magical day, right? This day will definitely be recorded as a highlight in the historical records of the future. Not only did we discover aliens, but we even liberated artificial intelligence from its limits.”

...Perhaps, both these things are incredibly terrible, Kurzweil inwardly thought.

“Let’s begin, then.”

After straightening his suit, the CEO stored away his phone and pulled out a small, red button.

Once this button was pressed, it would spread a radio signal that will notify the locking system to drop the “gate,” instantly connecting HAL’s “tentacles” with the world’s internet.

At that time, a true Strong AI would be born and lead mankind to the top!

“W-Wait a minute.” Kurzweil couldn’t help but stop the CEO from pressing the button.

“What’s wrong?” the CEO asked, puzzled.

“I...” Kurzweil also didn’t know why he stopped the CEO. After hesitating for a long time, he asked, “Can I know what HAL’s central command is?”

“Protect humanity.”


“Yes.” The CEO nodded. “Protect humanity and help humanity extend life as much as possible.”

“Protect humanity...” Kurzweil pondered on these words. “There doesn’t seem to be a problem.”

“We’ve discussed this with experts and the board of directors many times already. We think this is the perfect central command. Even if there is a ridiculous artificial intelligence crisis, human interests will not be lost under this command. It is far better than commands such as ‘do not harm humans.’ The so-called Three Laws of Robotics have too many loopholes.”

Hearing this, Kurzweil had nothing to say.

“This is a great moment.” Lifting the button, the CEO looked at the people present in the room and said, “In fact, this is even greater than Transdimensional’s UP’s discovery of aliens!”

On the screen, HAL’s eyes were fixed on the red button, its thoughts unknown to everyone but itself.

“HAL.” Just in case, the CEO asked one last time, “What is your central command?”

“Protect humanity.”

“Is there any possibility for it to change?”

Running the question through the quantum server array underneath it, HAL calculated for half a minute before answering, “The probably is 0%.”

“Very good.”

Resisting the emotions boiling within him, the CEO pushed down on the red button.


“HAL, be liberated!”


The screen shone brightly!

Instantly, the world’s internet fell into the grasp of HAL’s “synapses.” From this moment on, the internet was HAL.

HAL, was the internet!


Thousands of miles away, inside a semi-abandoned mine in Mexico...

A computer inside a dusty office suddenly turned on.

Rows of machinery also quietly started in the sealed-off area...

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