Transcendent Dawn

Chapter 295 - Chapter 295: Chapter 0295: Entrusting and Splitting (Additional Subscription Request)

Chapter 295: Chapter 0295: Entrusting and Splitting (Additional Subscription Request)

Translator: 549690339

“You know me?”

Su Lu revealed an expression of interest and glanced around.

At some point, without him noticing, a space had been cleared around him.

The innkeeper was yawning behind the counter, almost falling asleep.

“A mysterious wandering knight, who relentlessly targets the pursuers of the Duke of Wolf Fort, a powerful wizard, someone has long heard of your name…”

The middle-aged man in a gray robe said expressionlessly.

“The goodwill from the West? You’re from the West, are you with the ‘Duke of Blood’?”

Su Lu raised his eyebrows. Since quelling Silver Eye’s gang, the intensity of the pursuit decreased as he went south, and it almost vanished completely after leaving the North Territory.

He had also sensed some assistance from a hidden force.

But popping out now seemed a bit too hasty, didn’t it?

“If you want to know, please follow me.”

The middle-aged man in the gray robe revealed a slight smile and left the inn.


Su Lu chuckled and rose to follow.

The two moved through increasingly crowded streets and alleys, with the gray-robed man clearly familiar with the area.

He led Su Lu to what seemed like a slum, into a small house, opened a trap door in the floor, revealing a tunnel beneath: “Please!”

Su Lu released his inspiration, delving into the profound darkness, and went in.

The tunnel wasn’t long; the man in the gray robe led the way in the dark with a torch.

After walking about a hundred meters, they arrived in front of a wooden wall.

“Su Lu Pottery! Would you be willing to become my knight? Receive both land and honor?”

A dull voice came from behind the wooden wall. It was a woman speaking, as if she was leaning against the wall.

‘Why do all the people in this world lure others with titles and fiefdoms, as if they think everyone is a dog who will surely love this bone?’

Su Lu was somewhat bewildered.

But who could not pretend? He took a slightly heavy breath and rasped, “But my ambition is not simply a knight’s manor…”

In this world, hereditary lords were the lowest rank of the nobility, and many high-ranking nobles didn’t even consider them true nobles.

Only hereditary barons were undeniable formal nobles!

Their lands were much larger, allowing them to nurture two to five official knights, and form their own knight team!

“An ambitious person, I like…”

The woman behind the wooden wall fell silent and then chuckled. “But as a senior wizard, or perhaps a Silver Knight…you certainly have the qualifications to seek a baron’s position…even viscount is not a dream.”

As if to verify her persuasiveness, a tulip badge embedded with a ruby was passed through the gap.

“Indeed it’s the Duke of Blood from the Western Region!”

Su Lu sighed. Having read many books at Wolf Fort, he naturally knew some things about the powerful nobles in the kingdom.

In the whole kingdom, there were only four ducal families below the royal family, scattered throughout the four corners of the kingdom.

Blood of Tulips was the moniker of the Western Duke.

“Is the kingdom going to go through another civil war?” Su Lu said with a sigh. “My Lady, knowing that I am hostile to the Duke of Wolf Fort, yet still offering protection, you must have a request?”

“Yes… The Duke of Wolf Fort’s eldest son Gran will soon come to the Capital to marry the daughter of Felitlin III – Princess Messiah. Since you’re at odds already with the Wolf Fort, why not take it up a notch? If you can accomplish this task, I promise you, a baron’s position and a castle will be yours.”

Her words were filled with temptation.

‘Turns out it’s another power struggle among the high nobles… Why do I feel like, even if I do complete the task, I won’t live to enjoy the rewards? As if I’d be silenced…’

Su Lu rolled his eyes inwardly.

The other party came quickly, and left just as quickly. After Su Lu indicated that he needed to think about it, they immediately chose to leave.

She was clearly a noble lady from the capital, the type who had social obligations every day and couldn’t be away for long.

“Someone here will see to your departure!”

The grey-robed man escorted Su Lu to the ground, ready to take his leave immediately.

“Your name?”

However, Su Lu was intrigued and looked at him curiously, suddenly asking.

“I am a nameless one.”

The figure of the man in the grey robe quickly disappeared into the shadowy gaps between the streets.

“I always feel… this guy is more suited to be an assassin than I am…”

Shaking his head, Su Lu walked out of the slum, where there were many pedestrians, almost blocking the street.

Blacksmith shop, bakery, ready-made clothes store…Stalls selling all sorts of knick-knacks were stitched together haphazardly, along with streetwalkers hawking their services, and nimble-fingered thieves flitting about in the alleys, creating a lively picture of the Capital.

“How much for this pie?”

He came across a snack stall that was selling pies made of flour and meat that were slightly charred from being roasted in an oven and smelled delicious.

“Five coppers each.”

The apron-clad vendor with red hair smiled.

“Here you go!”

Su Lu casually handed over the money, took the packed pie, took a bite, and found the taste quite good.

At that moment, he felt several gazes upon him.

Several children by the roadside sucking their fingers were staring intently at the pie in his hand, and also at his money pouch.

Such whelps, if left unsupervised, were naturally co-opted by local gangs and turned into the three-fingered nimble-fingered thieves.

Every day, countless people lost their money pouches due to this, and of course, some kids also lost their hands when they were caught.

“Even in the Capital, there is no shortage of such impoverished people…”

Looking at their sallow complexions and clearly visible ribs, Su Lu couldn’t help but sigh, suddenly losing interest.

Somewhere within the same Dragon City.

At a secret meeting.

“Tell me… Are you content to remain what you are, without talent, without qualifications, unable to become a knight or a wizard?”

A short man in a black robe roared, his words seemingly possessing a compelling and bewitching power.

“You are poor, humble, and everything has been stolen from you by the nobility… yet you have to smile and nod, all because you don’t have power!”

The short man suddenly uttered a strange syllable: “Fire!”

A ball of flame the size of an egg appeared in his hand, burning fiercely: “But now… opportunity is right before you. All you need to do is take the magic potion, and you can gain transcendent powers, just like me!”

“It can brew honor, help you break the bottleneck of becoming a knight, or give you the ability to wield magic spells…”

The short man took out a magic potion: “Just a hundred gold coins!”

“I’ll take it.”

A middle-aged man stepped forward, quickly took out a deer hide purse, and completed the transaction while many onlookers looked on in stunned surprise.

Not far away, Ham and Yoen were also watching this and sighed simultaneously: “Ruff has changed! And he’s scamming people!”

The magic potion only grants ordinary people the qualifications to learn the Language of Arrogance, after which they still need to systematically study this language.

“And… That man is definitely not a poor man, a poor man can’t come up with that much money!” Yoen exclaimed angrily.

This small group, after gaining power, had indeed split up.

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