Transcendent Dawn

Chapter 250 - Chapter 250: Chapter 0250: Guess (Additional 5400, Soliciting Monthly Tickets)

Chapter 250: Chapter 0250: Guess (Additional 5400, Soliciting Monthly Tickets)

Translator: 549690339

Moonlight washed over everything like a serene lake.

Su Lu removed the ‘Raven’s Mask’, looking at his own reflection in the lake.

The face reflected from the lake was of a somewhat pale young man with pleasing features, not strikingly handsome, but rather ordinary-looking.

“Having worn the mask for so long… I almost forgot what my true face looks like.”

He chuckled bitterly, staring at the attribute bar.

“Status normal, no symptoms of ‘soul burning’ or anything of the sort. Was it because I only activated it for a brief moment? Or is it that my body has gradually adapted? Such a pity that unless I reach the Fifth Level, I can no longer use the Evil Spirit Knight card. My adaptation now seems meaningless…”

Su Lu was reminded of the darkness in Bukadi’s memory and the hissing sounds, a shudder of fear swept through him.

Check the attribute bar, it was to prevent himself from being unknowingly affected.

“Looking at it now… that hissing sound probably isn’t from the real ancient giant snake, it could merely be one of its offspring, and the real terror within the darkness didn’t show itself, otherwise, even with the Evil Spirit Knight activated, I couldn’t have escaped…”

Back then, if the Evil Spirit Knight, a high-grade marvel, hadn’t been there to confront the terror, he would have been doomed.

“Speaking of which, Bukadi once told me he tried divination, was that his best method to deal with me? It seems… he didn’t divine my trump card…”

The Seal card is at least a marvel that [Wandering Mages] can create, a high professional rank.

In this world, such high-rank items naturally interfere with divination, astrology, prophecy and the like.

Especially when ‘evil spirit possession’ was activated, even the spiritual anomaly caused by the hissing of the snake was suppressed.

“Unfortunately…I can’t use it anymore. Before [Wandering Mage], I have one fewer trump card, but in return, I’ve acquired the professional information of [Dream Master], which is worthwhile.”

Su Lu turned his gaze to another place on the attribute bar:

[Fifth-level Professional Information – Wandering Mage! …Inauguration information under analysis, current progress…]

The progress bar, which had been stuck there all along, finally begin to progress slowly.

“As I had thought, the stagnation of the [Wandering Mage] lineage was due to a lack of critical information, it was the [Dream Master]! Once it was filled in, the progress will swiftly reach 100%! My path to legends relies on this…”

Su Lu gently touched his thoughts and immediately obtained a wealth of information.

Legend-tier, Fifth-level Professionals!

In the Mysterious World, they go through a qualitative change, a transformation.

Their advancement requires a very complicated ritual and assistance, with many requirements.

When more information emerges, a trace of strangeness appears on Su Lu’s expression:

“[Wandering Mage], also known as [Dimensional Mage] and [Void Mage]! They are darlings of the Void, traversers of Dimensions, able to shuttle through the Spirit World, possessing remarkable spell abilities, even… using the Spirit World as a transit to travel to different worlds!”

“One of the important preliminary rituals for [Wandering Mage] to advance requires a marvel carrying the breath of an alien world, to strip away this breath of the alien world and fully integrate it into one’s own soul to achieve transformation?”

“This…have I already completed it? Since my soul originally doesn’t belong to this world, it would naturally carry the ‘breath of an alien world’…”

This ritual, being the most important and most challenging one among the advancement of [Wandering Mage], involved a transformation at the soul level.

But for Su Lu, there was no difficulty at all!

“Indeed…this profession suits me!”

He looked at the attribute bar for a long while, only after confirming that there was no problem did he relax.

After all, he almost had a contact with a divine being!

Although it’s probably just a projection of a bit of the other’s power, the contamination it might create could be extremely lethal!

“I wonder how Bukadi will fare… Hmm, he is a believer in the ancient giant snake, he probably won’t die, perhaps he will even receive some ‘gifts’ and gain strange and terrifying abilities… but his spirit and body will undergo a profound transformation. They truly are a bunch of madmen in the Ancient Snake Society.”

Prior to returning to the ruined mansion, Su Lu suddenly froze, his face filled with a complicated expression.

“In my memories… during the Twilight of the Gods, the father of this body, Donks, rashly initiated the ‘Stare at the Abyss’ ritual in an attempt to advance to become a professional and failed. The scene took place here, and the consequence of the failure was a large fire and his mother’s disappearance…”

“Although Donks moved afterwards, the previous Su Lu never forgave his father and chose to leave this home far behind and traveled to the other end of the Federation to study.”

He looked at the ruins and stayed motionless for a long time, then he suddenly gave a bitter smile: “I truly… am not Su Lu!”

If it was the real previous owner, profound emotions might be triggered at this moment.

But now, he was only sensing all this through memory and found himself in a peculiar state of both integration and estrangement.

‘It’s as if my past self is watching a movie, of course, there’s a sense of immersion, but becoming emotionally entangled to the extreme because of that is basically impossible…’

Despite this, Su Lu still removed his hat in respect, and stood silently for quite some time.

Not until the first ray of daylight appeared on the horizon did he come back to his senses: “It’s time to leave… I don’t need to pretend to be anyone else here, I will simply be Su Lu Pottery, I have to find Rod.”

That old guy supposedly ran into an old Demon Hunter from the Goddess Church and is under his tutelage now.

He should have been promoted by now, right?

The only thing is, where could they have gone?

Given the habits of Demon Hunters, they can burrow into deep woods and old forests and survive perfectly well for months on end, so there’s no need to worry about safety for now.

“There are still some things I need to confirm… like whether Donks really went to the Abyss, and how he did it.”

If in the beginning, Su Lu had been half skeptical about what Rod relayed to him, now he was full of doubts.

After all, the ‘Stare at the Abyss’ ritual for advancing to the first level absolutely couldn’t connect with the real ‘Abyss’, let alone open a physical channel!

“That involves profoundly high-level knowledge about the Spirit World, needing powerful strength, instantly penetrating the Illusionary Spirit, Mind Spirit, Dream Spirit World, perhaps even more… even I can’t do it now!”

Su Lu’s face turned serious: “If Donks really went to the Abyss, there are only two possibilities. First… his prayers somehow communicated with the real demon, a real demon!”

Such a being could easily send anyone to the Abyss.

Moreover, these demons are notoriously chaotic and capricious, doing anything without needing a reason!

“The second possibility lies in the heritage of the Pottery family.”

As a family of [Demon Hunters], having even had a Sixth Level Professional among their ancestors, they cannot be any worse off than the Dougweir family, can they?

Even the head of the Dougweir family, Nellin, held a piece of storage equipment!

If the ancestors left behind any powerful magical items, it would make sense for Donks to use their power to go to the Abyss.

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