Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 512: Usurping Emperor Throne

Chapter 512: Usurping Emperor Throne

Buggy receives the report of how the Straw Hat Pirates and Heart Pirates were defeated by the team he made. It's not really an impressive battle because those 3's easy victory was mainly caused by the rookies' carelessness and the 3 were not giving them a chance to fight back.

But that's also something that can decide life & death in this world, so those rookies need to learn that. Only by winning battles can they survive in this dangerous world. Many people would do anything to win because their lives are the most important thing to them.

"Where are they right now?"

"They are on Babel Island now."

"Oh? What a coincidence. All of them are gathering there now."

"Yes, all crews that have been defeated by our teams are on that island now because it's the closest island and it's also a neutral location not controlled by anyone."

"Yeah, but that means there's no law there. It's like the smaller version of Hachinosu, after all. Well, that doesn't matter. Just prepare to do what I asked."


Meanwhile, a big war breaks on Whitebeard Pirates' base. 2 Pirate crews are attacking Whitebeard Pirates. They are Legend Pirates and Charlotte Pirates which are parts of Clown Pirates' Fleet.

"Gurararara! It has just been a year since you challenged me, little brat Alan. Do you think I would get weaker in just a year?"

"It's exactly because you haven't gotten weaker that I come to fight you again. If you've gotten too weak, then it would be meaningless for me to defeat you, old monster."

"Hmph, you are just like that red-nosed brat."

"I'm not as amazing as Grand Captain who defeated you at your prime."

Alan sends a powerful punch at Whitebeard and the old man counters it with a punch too. Their punches aren't touching each other because Alan uses advanced Conqueror and Armament haki while Whitebeard uses his devil fruit power.

The impact of their clash is so powerful that the area around them is breaking apart. Everyone else has gone far from them that fight in the center of the island. They are also fighting now because this is a war, not a duel.

"Are you guys trying to take the Emperor title now, Katakuri?"

"That's right, and we won't return before we get it, so prepare yourself, Marco!"

"Tch! Are you fine with this, Katakuri? Even if you win, it's Alan who'll be the Emperor, not you."

"Haha, don't worry, we have talked about this, so no need to concern yourself. Just try to keep that Emperor crew title for as long as you can."

Katakuri thrusts his trident, but Marci avoids it by jumping into the air. Then Marco rotates his body midair as his hands become blue phoenix wings. He then sends a strong kick from above toward Katakuri, but it's blocked the trident.

They aren't the only ones fighting in that location. Yamato & Ace are also fighting near them, and the fight is even more intense. These 2 have been fighting many times and think of each other as rivals, so their fights are always very intense because they know each other's skills quite well.

A magma logia is fighting a wolf deity that can use cold and ice. The clashes of their opposing abilities are creating big impacts around them. When Ace shoots a powerful magma fist, Yamato will shoot a powerful ice breath that negates the magma's heat.

Their hot magma and cold ice keep clashing with every attack they use. It's like seeing Akainu fighting Aokiji in the series. But Akainu has died in Buggy's hands here and that magma power is owned by Ace now, so there won't be any fight between Akainu & Aokiji.

The clashes of hot magma & cold ice also create swirling winds like small tornadoes that move everywhere. These whirlwinds not only block people from getting closer to the 2 of them but also create more destruction in their surroundings.

Though not far from them, another big fight also occurs. Jack in his human-mammoth form is fighting Diamond Jozu whose strength is known to be very high. Both of them are trying to overwhelm each other with their strength, so they are just using their fists.

Watching their fight is like seeing 2 madmen hitting each other without any care of their bodies. They don't defend and just attack, so their injuries are accumulating. But of course, Jozu has a better defense than Jack because of his diamond power.


"Hah, withdraw? You should be the one withdrawing, Jozu-san. We had never truly tried to take over your position as Emperor crew before as we only trained ourselves by fighting you. But now, we will take it no matter what. Time to change the world."

Jozu smirks and their punches clash again. It looks like before at first, but then Jozu suddenly grunts in pain as his fist bleeds and he feels his bones are cracking.

"Y-you, this is advanced haki. You can use advanced haki?!"

Advanced haki can pass through any defense and hit someone's inside directly. So even Jozu's diamond body can't block advanced haki that hit his bones & flesh. After all, he is still a human, not a diamond statue, so he still has internal organs.

"I could use it since a few years ago, but never used it against you because I want to toughen my fists by using them against you. Didn't I tell you? We will win. This will be your last day as a Division Commander of an Emperor crew. Tomorrow, the world will hear the rise of a new Emperor."

They continue to fight and so are the others who fight all over the island. The war shakes the entire island and the sea around it. Even the Seakings around the island are being scared by the war and run away.

"Damn, I really want to join that war."

"Alan will kill you. Besides, we are not strong enough to fight the powerhouses there. We can only fight the small fries if we join. Is that what you want?"

The 6 young pirates that defeated Straw Hat Pirates & Heart Pirates are watching the war from the sea. They are far enough from the island, but they can feel the strong vibration caused by the battles on the island.

"Tsk, how would we know if we aren't strong enough without trying, Bege?"

"So you think you can defeat the enemies that even those who defeated us so easily are struggling against? We were thrashed so easily by just Yamato & Jack. Or do you think you can defeat them already now, Ulti?"

"He's right, Ulti-chan. We are not ready to join that yet, and we have a job to do here, so we can't join anyway."

"Tsk, fine, fine, I will stay put."

"Hmm, but they are actually very impressive, I mean Whitebeard Pirates. Instead of getting weaker, they are actually getting stronger as a crew. Whitebeard himself is stronger than 2 years ago after being cured. He is still not as strong as his prime self, but he still has the power to destroy an island easily."

"Then, just how strong was the Grand Captain who defeated Prime Whitebeard?"


"I don't want to imagine that. He defeated prime Whitebeard years ago when he himself was still young and now he is entering his prime age. He will still dominate this world for years."

"Yeah. Even if someone else managed to find Laugh Tale and find Gold Roger's treasures, I don't even know if they can be called the Pirate King while he's still around."


They suddenly hear a powerful rumbling sound coming from the island. Their eyes widen as they see a powerful shockwave spread across the sea and then hit their ship. They get pushed, so their crew tries to control the ship.

That shockwave was caused by Whitebeard & Alan who went all out just now. Whitebeard sends an all-out quake vertical slash using his weapon and Alan sends a modified version of Rokuogan that gets combined with Hasshoken, which then called Rokuoken which Cricket taught him and improved by him.

But Alan improved it further by combining his Acid devil fruit ability into it. He was covering his fists with a thick layer of acid before shooting the Rokuoken. To add more power, Alan also used advanced haki in his attack.

Alan shot it from below to counter Whitebeard's attack from above and the impact of their clash was utterly powerful. The clash is not only causing a powerful shockwave, but the ground where Alan stands also starts breaking, unable to hold the impact.


Both of them finally get pushed back by their own clash. Alan rolls on the ground because he was in the lower position in the clash while Whitebeard gets flung back quite far because he was above Alan when clashing.

Whitebeard crashes onto a few trees and breaks them as he flies back. Alan who rolls on the ground stops after balancing himself and sliding on the ground. He stands up without any visible injuries and as for Whitebeard, his hands feel a little numb and some blood drips from a corner of his mouth.

"This brat has become much stronger. Seems like he really can defeat me. That red-nose brat has raised a monster."


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