Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 505: Leaving Punk Hazard

Chapter 505: Leaving Punk Hazard

In the end, Buggy leaves with just Flintstone & his wife using a boat. The saved criminals are given access to ships of the Donquixote Family. They can do whatever they want and go wherever they want with those ships, but they need to leave by themselves.

As for the civilians, Dressrosa Kingdom and Prodence Kingdom are taking care of them. They will wait for the Marines who will come soon to make a plan to send these people home. It brings relief to the civilians who finally can go home after being enslaved for years.

However, it doesn't mean the war is over already. Many battles still occur all over the island because not everyone knows of Doffy's defeat yet. Law & Corazon also don't spread the news yet and just stay silent.

"Why don't we tell them that Mingo has lost?"

"If we do that, then those Donquixote Family bastards will run away before the Marines arrive. Those Marines will arrive soon, and they will surely try to catch every criminal here. If we tell them of Doflamingo's defeat, then they will run away to save their lives."

"Oh, I don't really understand but that sounds great."

"You want the Marines to capture them because they are criminals? Do you forget that we are criminals too?"


Leo suddenly comes with lots of wounds on his body. He is dragging an unconscious person by the foot. Then he throws that person to Luffy's feet and Luffy is surprised to see who it is that Leo tossed to him.


It isn't Luffy who said it, but Corazon who gets surprised seeing Lucci here.

"I thought he had died in the War of Gods when Marie Geoise was destroyed."

"There weren't clear records of the casualties in that war because everything was decimated. Maybe he was away when that war happened."

"That seems to be the case because there's no way he could survive that war if he's there."

"Leo, what about Bellamy?"

"He's fine, he should come soon. There was someone else that showed up, so I ordered Bellamy to handle him."

Sometime later, someone comes, though it's not Bellamy, it's Sanji. He has some wounds too, mostly caused by sharp attacks. But he looks fine overall, so they know his battle was hard but not too hard either, just enough for him.

"Are you okay, Sanji?"

"Yep, it was a tough fight. He was the strongest opponent I've ever... No, never mind, the 3rd strongest I've ever faced."

"Who was it, Cook-ya? And 3rd?"

"It's the guy with a long nose from CP-9 that we fought on Enies Lobby. Yeah, he is 3rd. The strongest was Admiral Kizaru when we were on Sabaody, and the 2nd was that unknown guy we fought on Sky Island."

"Long-nosed man from CP-9? I think he was the one promoted to CP-0 before the fall of Celestial Dragons, just like Lucci here. Then it is safe to assume that the Donquixote Family was recruiting former Cipher Pol agents."

As if to confirm that, Bellamy comes while carrying a defeated ex-CP-9 agent, Jabra, the man with wolf devil fruit who lost to Sanji in Enies Lobby.

"Luffy, Law, you guys need to leave now, the Marines are coming."

King Riku suddenly comes and warns them.

"Take your crews out of this island, we will handle the enemies and prevent them from escaping. We've warned the other pirate crews and they are on their way to the port now. Only Dressrosa Kingdom, Prodence Kingdom, and Happo Navy will stay. Although Happo Navy has some people with bounties, the Marines won't capture them because they belong to Kano Country. But it's different for you."

"What about Mingo?"

"The Marines will take care of him. Let him rot in Impel Down. Killing him here will make his punishment too light."

With nothing more to do here, they prepare to leave the island. They go to call their crewmates first while some go to prepare the ship. Luffy & Leo go to pick up their crewmates while Sanji goes to Thousand Sunny.

Leo & Sanji actually wanted Luffy to go to the ship, but the Straw Hat insisted on checking his crew members. Both of them know he would create a problem if left alone, so one of them needs to follow him. Besides, Luffy is bad with direction even though it's not as bad as Zoro.

One by one, they find their crewmates who are still fighting. So they assist them to finish their battles quickly while telling them what happened. The last one they find is Zoro who fights the giant stone Pica.

They could come earlier because Pica is very noticeable. But they know Zoro doesn't want to be disturbed in his battle and the others need more help than Zoro. After they arrive and explain the situation, Zoro finally decides to end his fight.

He couldn't finish faster because he didn't know what to do with the aftermath. But with Luffy & Leo here, he doesn't need to worry anymore. He cuts Pica's stone giant body in half before cutting the upper body into some parts to find Pica's real body.

This scene shocks the people all over the island because they can see the colossal stone body getting cut by a swordsman. Shortly after that, Zoro managed to defeat Pica who was confident he could defeat Zoro easily.

But then, the stone body parts that Zoro cut fell toward the ground. People are panicking, but Leo is moving to the center of where the stones will fall instead. Luffy takes some distance from Leo while grinning widely.

Leo raises both of his hands and points his palms to the falling giant rocks. His whole body turns into fire and the temperature around him rises a lot. Even the ground beneath him starts to become red and the area around his feet melts.

"Get wrecked! HELL CANNON!"

Leo shoots a massive fire beam that has a wide range. It's very wide, so it engulfs all the falling giant rocks. Soon, many explosions happen inside the massive fire beam as the giant rocks are getting destroyed by the fire.

The destroyed giant rocks keep getting destroyed again and again. They are also burnt by the super hot fire that starts to melt them and turns them into ashes. When Leo is done, the ones falling are small red stones, melting stones, and ashes.

Luffy & Zoro are jumping around to avoid the hot stuff that rains on them. They are shouting and protesting at Leo, but he doesn't care about their complaints. Everyone else has run away, but they are staying, so it's their fault.

Anyway, they go back to their ship after that because the Marines have arrived on Punk Hazard. They don't want to get caught, so they need to leave fast. But the Marines are quicker than them to reach the coast where they left Thousand Sunny.

The ones who returned earlier are doing well on holding the Marines. Luckily, no high-ranking Marine comes, so they can defend quite easily. Then because of that, Luffy, Leo, & Zoro can destroy the Marines' blockade easily.

They quickly leave the island, but the Marines are still chasing them. It's not just any squad that chases them because it's Garp's unit that chases them now. Their Captain's grandpa is very determined to make them suffer with his cannonball throws.

It's not just them who suffer though. The other pirate crews are also being targeted by Garp because they set sail from the same coast. Thankfully they are not weak, so they can defend Garp's attacks and even counterattack the Marines.

While the rookies are still struggling against the Marines, Buggy is relaxing on the boat with the Flintsone couple. The boat is big enough for the 3 of them because it's quite a big boat. Buggy couldn't store supplies if it's too small, after all.

"Will we keep using this boat to the base?"

"If you want to. I already called some people to pick us up after we escape from the island."

"Eh? When? I didn't see you call anyone."

"Did you see me clicking the button on this small denden mushi?"

"Yeah, I thought you were just playing around with it."

"No, I was sending codes that only some people know. The person I contacted would call someone after receiving my message. We do this to avoid anyone eavesdropping on us. But because we only send codes like these, we can just use small denden mushis for long-distance communication. Still, it can't beat big denden mushi's range even with signal enhancers that Ruff made."

"Woah, that's very impressive, Captain. You guys have improved a lot."

Buggy grins as he sees a ship approaching from afar.

"That's our ride, just right on time. I am starving and I've run out of supply. Another day and I might die of starvation."

"You're exaggerating."

"Maybe. Anyway, Flint, you'll meet everyone later, and you'll be surprised to see our current selves."


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