Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 471: Closer to Victory

Chapter 471: Closer to Victory

The war continues with the Clown Pirates clearly having the advantage now. Those whose opponents have been defeated are helping to fight the rest of the enemies. Only Imu, Kong, the Cerberus God's Knight, and Fenrir God's Knights are left among the enemies.

Enel is assisting Buggy now after killing the CP-0 Chief. He killed the Chief that has been chopped by Buggy's attack with a powerful direct lightning attack. Enel grabbed the Chief's head and released his strongest lightning that has been combined with haki directly to the Chief.

The powerful lightning shocked every cell of the Chief's body and the heat of the lightning also burnt those cells. Enel electrocuted the poor guy for a few minutes, causing the Chief's heart to burst after being stimulated by the lightning, making it beat much faster so that it couldn't hold the pump and burst.

Only a charred upper body is left from the Chief's corpse. Buggy has told his crewmates to kill every enemy in this war against the Celestial Dragons. Everyone agreed easily because their hate for Celestial Dragons is very deep.

It's especially true for the Fishmen and those who have themselves or their loved ones suffered under the Celestial Dragons' hands. Even those who don't share the same fate are more than happy to help their crewmates' revenge. They have gone through a lot of things together, after all, so their friends' suffering is their suffering, and their friends' revenge is their revenge.

Anyway, Enel assists Buggy to fight Imu because Buggy can't catch up with Imu's speed. Even with his gigantic body after transforming into such a devilish form, Imu still can move very fast as if he doesn't have a bodyweight. So Buggy needs someone who can move fast too to help him catch Imu.

However, even Enel is having a hard time attacking Imu with his speed. Imu can see all their attacks and move accordingly. He always avoids Buggy's attacks, but he often counters Enel's attacks because they aren't that dangerous for him.

They are still struggling in their fight against Imu even with 2 people. Imu is a truly troublesome opponent because he can read all their attacks, move faster than them, and his attack power is very high. Furthermore, he might have more cards up his sleeves that haven't been used.

On the other side, their crewmates are having an easy time fighting the last 2 God's Knights. They overwhelm the Cerberus and Fenrir God's Knights with number and power. Tens of Clown Pirates are bullying 2 enemies happily even though the 2 have started working together.

"Hold their movements!"

Deon shouts from the back as the leader of this small raid team. Some pirates move forward and use their devil fruit abilities. A deep hole suddenly appears beneath each of Fenrir's & Cerberus's feet, making their feet fall into the deep holes.

A member of Clown Pirates with Dig Dig Fruit created those holes which then get filled with grey liquidy substance. Another member uses his Cement Cement Fruit to fill the holes with cement. It dries up quickly as another man uses his Dry Dry Fruit ability to dry the wet cement.

The concrete is enough to stop the beasts' movements, but the Clowns don't think it's enough because those 2 still can attack either using their mouths or tails. So a woman uses her Tape Tape Fruit to create long tapes to seal the 2 beasts' mouths.

The Cerberus has 3 mouths as it has 3 heads, so it is a difficult task. That's why the others are attacking the beasts to make her tapes seal the beasts' mouths easier. She also uses her tape to stick the Cerberus' 3 heads together.

After that, a Smell Smell Fruit user puts a very stinky cloth ball into each of the beasts' nostrils. Then an Itch Itch Fruit user shoots numerous sweat projectiles from his body that can cause severe itching in others.

The smell and itch make the beasts go berserk as they try to release themselves, but the Clowns won't let them. A Resin Resin Fruit user suddenly moves to cover the beasts' bodies with resin. It dries up quickly with the help of the Dry Dry Fruit user.

The beasts can't move now with the resin dries up and hardens. But cracks start to appear in the dried resin as the beasts try to free themselves so they can scratch the unbearable itching on their bodies. Too bad for them, the Clowns won't just set them free.

Only the beasts' feet and bodies are covered by things like concrete and resin. Their heads are free even though their mouths are tied with tape. The beasts are crying right now because of the smell and itch, but they can't even scream and can only let out their tears silently.

They are suffering so much now, but it's not enough for the Clowns. This is such a good chance to end these 2 beasts. With the 2 beasts' feet getting trapped in concrete, the Clown Pirates start bombarding their heads with attacks.

Bullets, slash attacks, bombs, devil fruit abilities, etc. They use everything they have to attack the 2 trapped God's Knights while laughing like maniacs. The Cerberus and Fenrir God's Knights can't do anything other than try to hold on.

They can't even use their haki because the smell and itch disrupt their concentration. The only thing they can do now is cry silently. In other words, they are doomed. They are just waiting for their death to come and it finally comes after some minutes.

"Damn, they are really tough."

"They aren't. You were just playing around. If you used all your power then we would kill them faster."

"Weren't you like that too?"

"Well, yeah, it was fun torturing them, after all."

"I think so too."

The Clowns joke around after killing the 2 God's Knights. But then the executives call them and remind them that the war hasn't finished yet. There are still 2 powerful enemies left, so they shouldn't get relaxed yet because one of those 2 enemies is so powerful that he doesn't even get hurt after fighting their Captain for so long.

They all get serious again and move to fight Kong who fights Cricket & Palu. Their plan is to defeat Kong first so that all of them can fight Imu. After all, Kong is a much easier opponent than Imu, so their winning chance against Kong is higher.

But it seems they don't really need to help because Cricket and Palu are dominating the fight. Kong doesn't use the drug even till this moment, so his power doesn't increase at all. He is already past his prime, so his power is surely much lower than years ago, but he still refuses to use the drug to increase his power.

"Are you sure you won't use that drug, old man? This might very well be your last chance, you know."

Cricket says calmly while flying using his flame cloud vest. Kong is also flying using a small cloud as a platform while Palu flies using his wings.

Cricket's question makes Kong grin a little. "I never relied on things like that to get stronger. It is a fake power that I won't even desire even in the face of death. Besides, my old bones won't be able to handle the consequences of using that thing. If I'm gonna die anyway, I will die while being my real self."

"Hmm? What's with that cool speech that sounds righteous which makes us look like the villains? Well, we are villains, but that doesn't make you a hero. Someone like you who assisted those pieces of trash torturing people while claiming yourselves to be the embodiment of justice and law is no different from them."

"We are not righteous people, but we have the right to say those things to you. After all, our loved ones have suffered from your actions. It is our duty to seek justice for them. Well, that's the reason we have prepared for you to make you feel guilty. HAHAHA!"

"So what's your real reason?"

Cricket and Palu grin when hearing Kong's question.

"Because you are blocking our way."

"You guys keep standing in our way, blocking us from doing everything we want. There are still many places we want to see, but you always try to stop us from visiting those places. The islands you claimed, towns you rule, Red Line, and your version of forbidden islands like Laugh Tale. All those places we want to visit but you want to hide."

"Then there is your threat to us. You threaten us using our loved ones. Do you think we would just stay still while you prepare to hurt our loved ones anytime? You must be dreaming if you expect us to be obedient."

"We want to be free and you guys are the only shackles to our freedom and shackles are meant to be destroyed."

Palu moves to attack Kong, but the old monkey tries to escape because if he faces Palu, then Cricket will also attack him. But he can't even escape because Cricket suddenly catches him from behind. Cricket locks Kong's limbs using his limbs too and he uses his dragon tail to lock Kong's body.


Kong tries to release himself, but Cricket doesn't even budge because he is much stronger than Kong and has more energy now. Meanwhile, Palu has arrived in front of them with his Warhammer ready on his right. Kong widens his eyes when he sees Palu swings that big Warhammer to his chest.

But that attack never landed because Palu stops it right before it hits Kong. Instead of Palu's Warhammer, what hits Kong is Cricket's headbutt from behind. The unprepared Kong is knocked out by that powerful headbutt that shakes his brain.

"We really won't kill him after saying all those bullshits?"

"No, he is a good bargaining chip to negotiate with the Marine. He was a Fleet Admiral, after all. At least they will appreciate us for letting him live even if we slaughter all Celestial Dragons."

"We don't slaughter them, we let one live."

"I know, it's just a saying. Anyway, let's secure him, there is one monster left."

Cricker tosses the unconscious Kong to his incoming crewmates before looking at Buggy and Enel who struggle against Imu. He is the only enemy left and the Clowns will now fight him together.


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- Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by /CaptMermain

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