Chapter 468: Buggy vs Imu

The battles against the 5 God's Knights are as earth-shattering as the ones against the enemy's leaders. After all, many people are involved and the God's Knights are powerful. They are as strong as Vice-Admirals that are close to the Admiral level.

Furthermore, their Mythical Zoan abilities are troublesome. Mythical creatures have strange power that other devil fruit types can't match. So these 5 God's Knights are very tricky opponents that can even give the Clown Pirates executives and members a very hard time.

What the Clowns don't know is that these 5 God's Knights are actually the ones who will replace the 5 elders in the future. That's why they are given their mythical zoan devil fruits and trained until they become this powerful so that they'll be able to rule the world in the future.

But it doesn't matter for the Clowns because it won't change what they need to do. They'll still need to eliminate all these people and put an end to World Nobles. Only in the world without these World Nobles can they be truly free to roam around the world.

The freedom to explore the world is the main reason why Buggu bothers to attack Marie Geoise. He has visited and explored many places, but there are still many places that he can't visit too like islands that are used as Marine bases or those owned by World Government.

Though the biggest place he wants to explore but can't because of the World Government is Red Line. He really wants to explore Red Line which splits this world in half. But surely, the World Government won't even let his crew climbs Red Line because Marie Geoise stood on top of it.

Now Marie Geoise has fallen from the sky to the sea. So they need to eliminate the remaining World Nobles to really get the freedom to explore Red Line and other prohibited places. The Clown Pirates will remove every obstacle that blocks them in their adventure.

Though they are also excited to fight strong opponents like these guys. Other than great adventures, they also enjoy battles and getting stronger. The harder their battles, the more excited the Clown Pirates become.

Even Imu is getting more frustrated as his battle against Buggy goes on. Instead of getting tired, Buggy is getting more excited, stronger, and fiercer. Both of them are still looking fine, unlike the ground around them which has been damaged greatly.

Imu and Buggy are still in a tie with no one gaining advantage. In fact, none of them is getting injured yet in their battle. They can read each other's attacks easily, making their battle looks like a game.

Buggy is quite pissed, but he is grinning widely because he enjoys this battle. He hasn't had such a difficult battle that makes him unsure of his victory for a long time. This kind of thrill is something he really likes because it makes him feel alive.

Imu suddenly flashes toward Buggy and swipes his hand which is covered by black flame. Buggy slashes his sword to cut the hand while expecting that Imu will evade it. But surprisingly, Imu keeps swiping his flaming hand.

Then suddenly, before it gets cut, Imu's flaming hand splits and moves toward Buggy from 2 sides. Buggy jumps backward to avoid them while frowning. Then he sees Imu's chopped hand moves back like a burning black liquid.

"The fuck? What exactly is his power?"

Before Buggy can recover from his shock, Imu surprises him again. Imu suddenly shoots a red fire beam from his mouth like a Dragon. But it is much more powerful than Kaido's or Cricket's best shot. Buggy can't evade it because his crewmates are behind him.

"Another type of fire?! Can he use many types of fire? Damn, that's better than Fire Logia. Tch, screw this!"

He lowers his stance, raises his right-hand sword beside him, and covers it with armament haki. Then he activates Pollux's Pressure devil fruit ability and stacks it with his own devil fruit ability. He even uses his advanced armament and conqueror haki to make his most powerful attack.

When the red fire beam is about to hit him, Buggy thrust his sword to stab the beam. His attack collides with the beam, making it explodes right in front of him. But then, the explosion gets chopped into square pieces, and he doesn't get hit at all.

The chopping spreads through the beam. It keeps chopping the massive red fire beam and gets closer to Imu rapidly. It finally forces Imu to get away before he also gets chopped by Buggy's power.

'He can reform his body, but he still avoids my power?'

Buggy is confused, but he doesn't really mind it because he still can't hit Imu. He can't win if his attacks can't hit Imu, after all, so worrying about this problem is useless now. It will only make him think of unnecessary things and forget what's important.

He will find out sooner or later as he keeps pressuring Imu. The pressure will force Imu to reveal more of his cards, so Buggy will see Imu's abilities sooner or later. He just needs to keep attacking for now and finds any chance to land his attacks on Imu.

Buggy keeps attacking Imu, but his attacks keep getting evaded. It's quite frustrating seeing all his attacks are being read perfectly, but it's also exciting because Buggy knows he can grow in this battle. He is racking his brain to find a way to land his attacks on Imu.

Imu looks calm, but he's actually struggling to keep up with Buggy's pace. Buggy is a madman who keeps attacking continuously. He only takes breaks a few times even though they've fought intensely for minutes as if he never gets tired. Well, he can fight intensely for days, so this is nothing for him.

But for Imu, this battle's pace is too intense. He might be strong, but he mostly spent his time in peace. Meanwhile, Buggy fought very often as if that were his daily meal. Imu might fought often 800 years ago, but surely his skills have gotten rather rusty after staying behind the scene for 800 years.

Others might not notice it, but Buggy notices that Imu is starting to have a hard time fighting him. If not for his super intense battle pace, Imu might not show this slight problem. So if Buggy can keep up this pace or even intensify it more, then he will be able to tire Imu up.

Obviously, that's not the best solution because Imu surely knows his condition better than Buggy. He will try to defeat Buggy before he runs out of gas and Buggy finds any chances to strike him. He has been standing on top of the world for 800 years and he won't fall now. They continue to fight and the clashes of their attacks are shaking the fallen land of Red Line. Everyone fighting on it can feel the shakes, but they don't have time to care about it. Their battles are also difficult and they need to focus. Besides, all their battles are shaking this place, so they can't get distracted by others' fights.

Though their fights are shaking the land, while one fight is shaking the sky. Cricket is now fighting Garling high in the sky that isn't used by anyone else. Garling in his 6-winged Seraphim or Archangel form is flying freely while fighting the half-dragon Cricket who uses his flame cloud to fly.

But rather than using his flame cloud as a platform to fly, Cricket is using a different method. He uses it to cover his body like a vest, helping him fly without obstructing his movements. As a martial artist, being able to move freely even in the air is very important, after all, so he came up with this idea.

He attacks Garling using his hands, feet, tail, and even horns. Garling is surprised to see how agile and unrestrained Cricket is while fighting in the air. He thought he would get the advantage in the air as a Seraphim, but Cricket actually keeps up with him and even starts gaining momentum.

Cricket also fights at a high pace like Buggy, pressuring Garling so much. Unlike Imu, Garling isn't immortal, so age has caught up to him. Although he is still very powerful now, he is still an old man who has passed his prime a long time ago like the 5 elders, so he won't be able to fight for too long.

Garling can't keep up with all of Cricket's attacks that rained down on him. If he isn't in the sky and can't fly freely because of his Seraphim form, he would've been hit many times by Cricket already. Cricket's attacks aren't just powerful, but also unpredictable and deadly, after all.

He might've been fighting well so far and defended all of Cricket's attacks decently. But Garling knows he is reaching his limits of stamina, concentration, strength, and the limit of his skills. If he doesn't defeat Cricket before reaching his limits, then he's done.

"37 years ago, I was defeated badly. The Champion of God Valley was defeated. It was very frustrating. I vowed to get stronger and never get defeated again, especially by another pirate."

Cricket frowns while looking at Garling who holds a syringe while speaking. Then Garling suddenly stabs that syringe and injects its content into his neck. Cricket is indifferent at first, but then his jaw drops, and his eyes pop out of their sockets as he sees Garling.

"What in the avocado cinnamon-!?"


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