Chapter 460: Haki Training

Leo has left Elegia with the Red Hair Pirates and of course, Uta. They can't leave her there with Tot Musica's music sheet trying to keep calling her all the time. Also, everyone wants her to see the world more to change her perspective.

Shanks wants to take her to visit many places in the world. But before that, they will go to an uninhabited island in Calm Belt to train her & Leo. Just like Leo, she will need to train her combat ability to be safe when she's exploring the world with Red Hair Pirates.

The uninhabited island they'll use to train is an island full of strong beasts that Clown Pirates found when they explored Calm Belt. Though it's different from Ruskaina. Clown Pirates named this island Foggia because thick fog appears all day and night in the forest.

The only places without fog are the beach and the big lake in the center of the island. That means they can only camp either on the beach or lake. For now, they decide to stay on the beach because they don't know much about the island yet.

So they need to explore the island to know more about it before letting the kids enter the island. Shanks starts his lesson immediately while his crewmates prepare to explore the island. He will teach Haki to Leo while Uta will learn battle skills with Benn.

"Have you ever heard of Haki?"

"No, is that a famous person?"

"It's not a person, Haki is power, spiritual power that can be used to fight."

Shanks starts explaining Haki to Leo and demonstrates the uses of 3 Haki types. He asks his crewmates to help him demonstrate the 1st type before they leave. They shoot a lot of bullets and Shanks dodges them easily with his eyes closed, surprising Leo greatly.

"This is the 1st type, Observation Haki."

Then Shanks shows Armament Haki by taking all the bullets with his body. Leo and Uta are shocked, but they get even more shocked when they see that none of the bullets hurt Shanks. They bounce off Shanks's skin which seems to be as hard as steel, even the sound of bullets hitting his body is that of bullets hitting a steel wall.

Lastly is Conqueror Haki that Shanks demonstrated by using it on Leo directly. Leo can feel the invisible pressure that oppresses his mind and soul directly. It's a very powerful pressure, but Leo is standing there unfazed, making Shanis smile.

"That pressure you just felt was Conqueror Haki, a type of Haki only owned by a number of people in the whole world. It's said that Conqueror Haki can't be acquired by training. Those who can use it are those who are born with it. The ones who have Conqueror Haki are those who have the potential to stand above others and have the quality to be Kings. Though your father really hates that belief."


"He believes that Conqueror Haki is obtained and anyone can awaken it as long as their will is powerful enough that it won't waver under any pressure. Those who awaken Conqueror Haki are those who will never give up and will always stand up for their ideals and dreams. That's what your father said because he thinks that's what happened to him."

"My dad has Conqueror Haki?"

"Yeah, and it's the strongest I've ever faced. I am very confident with my Conqueror Haki, but his Conqueror Haki always gives me a sense of oppression. His belief in Conqueror Haki came from his life experience. He was someone without great ambition and could be said to be a coward. But then he changed and reached his current level. That's why he believes that Conqueror Haki can be obtained by those who deserve it."

"Amazing! That means I need to awaken Conqueror Haki too and make it stronger than him."

"Haha, that is a must if you want to surpass him. But you also need to train the other 2 Haki types because they are very useful and more practical in battles, especially the Armament Haki that is said to be the most useful."

Shanks get closer to Leo and suddenly flicks Leo's forehead. It hurts Leo so much that he feels like his forehead is about to split.

"This is why Armament Haki is said to be the most useful haki. It allows us to touch devil fruit users' real bodies, even the seemingly untouchable logia users like you. In New World, you can't be careless just because you are a logia user, Leo. Haki is common in New World, so if you are careless and let your opponents hit you just because you believe in your logia devil fruit, then you might die if they coat their attacks with haki."

Leo doesn't seem surprised, but he seems happy instead, as if he has just gotten a revelation. Now he finally understands why his dad could always hit him when he was a kid even though no one else can.

'Wait! Mom could also hit me. Damn, she can use haki too.'

Nami and Nojiko also hit him sometimes when they nag him. But he could always let their hit pass through him. He only let them hit him because they cried when they couldn't hit him back then when they were kids. So he never used his logia power when they nag him, which means they don't use haki.

Leo starts his training right away while he is still very excited. After all, he knows that being able to use Haki will help him a lot. If he could use Haki in Alabasta, then defeating Crocodile would be much easier. No, all his fights would be easier.

The training plan that Shanks prepared for Leo starts with teaching him how to use Haki first obviously. Then he will try to use them in battles against the Red Hair Pirates for a year until they leave. After they leave, Leo will need to fight the beasts on this island.

They have confirmed that the beasts here are very powerful and dangerous. Some are very strong, some are very fast, some are poisonous, some are sneaky, some are very intelligent, etc. Even New World Pirates might die here, showing how dangerous this island is.

But it's also the best place to force Leo to grow up and get stronger. Buggy believes that Leo will survive on this island and become much stronger. He won't send his son here otherwise and Shanks knows that, so Shanks will help Leo grow as best as he can.

As for when Leo needs to return to Sabaody after 2 years, he will need to cross Calm Belt himself. Buggy has prepared an Eternal Pose to the closest island in Grandline. Then he will need to find his way back to Sabaody alone.

While Leo undergoes training, Buggy is preparing another big thing that will shock the world once more. In his opinion, the next 2 years are the best time to do something unimaginable. After all, if things progressing similarly to the canon, then the World Government won't do anything drastic.

With Teach and Big Mom dead, New World will still be under control. Sakazuki's death on his hands years ago will also prevent major changes in the Marine organization. The current 3 Admirals don't have clashing ideals, so whoever is chosen as the Fleet Admiral, no one will leave the Marine like Kuzan in the canon.

Even if something like that happens, it won't affect Buggy's plan too much. After all, the world will be in turmoil when the Straw Hats enter New World. The Main Characters of this world will be the cause of many world-changing things, so Buggy plans to do his plan before they return.

It's always strange no matter how hard he thinks about it, after all. He has changed many things, yet the Straw Hats still went through similar events. So he thinks that some things might be unchangeable, or the changes he made weren't big enough and didn't have too significant impact on the future.

But he's sure this change he's about to make will affect everything that'll happen in the future or at least most of it. The world will change already by the time the Straw Hat Pirates return from their training. Buggy is really excited to know what will change and how things will change after this.

He is now on Sabaody, a year after the Marineford war. The Marine has changed its Fleet Admiral with Aokiji taking the new position. Kizaru was nominated, but he refused because being a Fleet Admiral will restrict him too much.

This guy still wants to fight in the frontline, especially against the Emperors. Kizaru always wants to defeat Buggy since his defeat years ago. The massive scar on his torso stings every time he thinks of Buggy, that's why he doesn't want to just give commands as a Fleet Admiral, but fight in the frontline.

While the Marine's structure changed, the World Government didn't change much. The ones that changed were the Celestial Dragons. Well, they were forced to change by the World Government. None of them took any new slaves in the last year to prevent another attack while the Marine and World Government were not in their best condition.

So many Cipher Pol agents died in Marineford War and Marie Geoise was attacked. So even the World Government needed time to recover itself. 1 year isn't enough time to recover completely from such massive blows, especially about the Cipher Pol.

That's why Buggy plans to do his plan 1 year after the war. He is now standing on top of Sabaody's mangrove tree closest to Red Line, looking at the top of the Red Line with a big grin. With his swords in his hands, Buggy takes a stance. "Time to remove the biggest obstacle."

Buggy gathers all his power while holding his swords on his sides. He takes a deep breath before releasing all his power through his swords as he slashes them in the Red Line's direction.


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