Chapter 449: Enel's Might

Thousands of Cipher Pol agents are coming to assist the Marines. The 5 elders don't have any choice but to send these agents who were stationed close to Marineford. That includes the ones who were on Mary Geoise.

They can't let the Marines lose and get destroyed in this war. The Marine is World Government's face and people will lose faith in them if the Marine fall. Worse, everything they've built will crumble along with the Marine's fall.

That's why they don't have any choice but to send these agents. Buggy knew they would do this and hoped they really do this because of his grand plan. That's why he isn't surprised because he has been preparing for this.

The Marines who have gotten demoralized look rather spirited now. They have reinforcements, after all. But their happiness doesn't last that long. The World Government's ships that approach Marineford suddenly get pierced by multiple sharp water pillars.

Clown Pirates' Fishmen are using their Fishman Karate to create those sharp water pillars. They are hiding underwater to avoid detection and attack the ships from below. This is the reason why the Clowns members were staying on their ship even when they help the Red Hairs. It's so that they can move freely when new enemies come.

As the ships sink, the Fishmen move together to create a big whirlpool. The whirlpool sucks the ships, making them sink quicker. Many agents are drowning along with their ships and only a handful of them escape by using Geppo.

Not all of them can use Geppo, after all. There are still a lot who can, but it's not a problem because their number has reduced a lot. Besides, their main targets were the ships. World Government ships are as powerful as Marine ships, so they can't let them attack using the ships.


Buggy calls Enel who smirks and nods before transforming into a lightning bolt to fly. Fujitora tries to stop him, but Maverick shoots the blind Admiral using a pistol rapidly while also pointing his sniper rifle at Chaton a.k.a Tokikake with another hand.

Other than Maverick, Buggy also attacks Fujitora using a flying slash attack. Their attacks force Fujitora to defend which makes him unable to chase Enel. So Enel can get away easily and now he has arrived in front of the Cipher Pol agents.

The agents are using Geppo to stay midair above the sea. But Enel just floats there because he is lightning. His appearance there makes the agents very nervous because he is surely better than them in an aerial battle. "Yahahaha, finally, it's time to show you the full extent of my ability. I couldn't do it there because it would hit our allies, but now I can let loose. Let me show you the power of awakening!"

Enel is very excited right now because he can freely rampage here. There's no one but enemies around him right now, so he can do anything he wants. He can finally show the whole world his devil fruit ability that has been awakened.

The sky suddenly darkens as the clouds that have disappeared suddenly form in the sky. They aren't normal clouds though but pitch-black thunderclouds. Not just dark clouds, but literally black clouds as if they are infused with haki.

This is an ability that Enel got after awakening his devil fruit. He can form these pitch-black thunderclouds even when there's no cloud at all. After all, these clouds aren't made of water vapor, they are made of thunder.

"Do you know what it means by 'clouds made of thunder'? That means they are just thunder or lightning that waits to get released. Now, why don't you try them for yourself? Bask yourself in the rain of lightning!"

Enel spreads his arms and numerous high-voltage lightning strikes are generated by the clouds. They are raining on the agents who try to escape using their Geppo. But lightning bolts are fast and with Enel's control, they can chase the agents who can predict the lightning's trajectories.

As one of the best Observation Haki users in the world and without a doubt the one with the widest range in the whole world, it's easy for Enel to mark every agent here. His attacks won't miss even if they can predict his lightning bolts, so in the end, he hits everyone with his lightning rain that lasts for 5 minutes.

All the agents fall into the sea and most of them have been defeated because each lightning bolt was very powerful. The lightning rain was also too long for them who already have a hard time evading those fast lightning bolts. However, there are still some agents who survive the attacks. They fell into the sea, but they don't die or lose consciousness at all.

These agents are from CP0, so they surely are very strong. They are also smart as they try to hide by diving and swimming underwater toward Marineford. Too bad though, their opponent is one of the best Observation Haki users who can hear everything around him.

"Oho? I thought the devil fruit users are done for, but the non-devil fruit users are helping them. Though it's not out of camaraderie, but because they can't lose these devil fruit users who are their strongest forces. That means if these non-devil fruit users are gone, then it's game over."

Enel grins as he creates a lot of lightning spears around him. The spears are pointing at the sea below before they shoot down. They move to different spots at a very high speed before piercing the sea. The lightning spears then hit the CP0 agents who hide underwater.

He only targets those who don't have devil fruit abilities. The devil fruit users can't swim, after all, so he just needs to defeat those who support the devil fruit users. This strategy is very effective because even if the lightning spears can't defeat the agents, the high voltage is enough to make their body tense and the shocks are enough to make them release the air in their lungs.

"Heh, I usually used this to get fish when we were short on food. I never thought I would do this on Cipher Pol agents. So amusing, YAHAHAHA!"

The Marines are shocked to see the agents who came to help them get trashed very easily. Enel didn't even give the agents a chance to fight back and just keep attacking them with powerful attacks.

"Well, using the right power and strategy in the right situation is the best key to victory. Now you should realize that everything is going as we have planned, right, Marines?"

Buggy grins while looking at Kizaru and Aokiji who have a lot of cut wounds already. They tried to attack Buggy from 2 sides, but it didn't go as well as they thought. Buggy who was fully concentrated didn't give them any chance to land a fatal attack on him.

On another hand, Buggy's counterattacks have inflicted a lot of damage on their bodies. They aren't losing yet, but something really bothers them in the fight against Buggy. The monster they face is getting stronger and stronger in this battle.

"I really hope it was my imagination. Damn, what a ridiculous situation. How can we win against this monster?"

"Stop complaining, Borsalino. He doesn't get stronger physically, it's his battle skills that keep getting better, especially his Haki. That means he will run out of energy sooner or later. We need to defeat him today because if he leaves this place alive, then even his body will get stronger after getting some rest and nutrients."

"Ooh, you're so smart, Kuzan."

"Breaking one's limit to get stronger is common knowledge."

"Oi, oi, oi, shouldn't you worry if you'll be able to leave this place alive rather than me getting stronger?"

Buggy suddenly butts in the Admirals' conversation while walking closer to them. They don't have time to chat anymore, so they get ready to fight again. Both of them need to win or at least dominate the battle against Buggy to raise their men's morale.

Luckily for them, someone is able to help them because it will be difficult to overpower Buggy with just the 2 of them. With Enel leaving to defeat the agents, Fujitora is now free. The blind Admiral then chooses to help his fellow Admirals fighting the most troublesome opponent here.

Buggy suddenly feels his body getting heavier, so he looks back. Fujitora is walking towards him with his sword unsheathed. Kizaru and Aokiji don't miss this chance and attack Buggy by shooting their light and ice.

A massive explosion happens and cold fog is covering the area around Buggy. Enel who has finished his task clicks his tongue and returns to the battlefield. But he suddenly hears Buggy's voice.

"Enel, help the Red Hairs! I will take care of these 3 myself."

"What? But the good opponents have been taken by them."

"If you fight well, then we'll take over Big Mom Pirates. That way you can get Smoothie or any of her sisters for yourself."

Enel's eyes brighten up hearing that because he likes Smoothie. But they are enemies and the girl doesn't like him at all. It will be different if Big Mom Pirates are destroyed and Clown Pirates take over the crew though. At the very least, he will have more chances to get closer to her.

"That's a promise, alright?"

Buggy's order makes Enel very happy because he always wanted to do it, but Buggy never agreed. They couldn't just attack and destroy Big Mom Pirates even if they were strong enough to do it anytime. It's because Buggy still needed Big Mom Pirates for his Grand Plan, but now he doesn't need them anymore.

Enel knows that, so he will make sure that Big Mom Pirates are destroyed. His best option is to kill Big Mom herself along with some of her children. Buggy has listed the names of Big Mom's children that need to be killed and all the executives know it.

Now, they will destroy Big Mom Pirates with the Red Hairs' help. Buggy can leave them to Enel and his crew members who are still on the ship. He just needs to take care of the 3 Admirals who are determined to end his life here.


You can read more chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 443. The End (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 486. War Effects (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_ /CaptMermain

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