Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 446: Group of Emperors

Chapter 446: Group of Emperors

Buggy attacks again, but now he becomes more serious than before. He swings his sword calmly to send a vertical slash attack at Kizaru. The Admiral can't dodge it because it will hit the marines behind him, so he blocks it.

But Buggy's attack is serious, so the power behind that calm swing is much more powerful than Mihawk's attack which got stopped by Jozu. Swordsmen at Buggy's and Mihawk's levels don't need any flashy movements to create powerful attacks. They just need to swing calmly and they can already create an attack that can cut an island in half.

Buggy's attack doesn't push Kizaru, but the Admiral is exerting all his power to send that attack to the sky like Jozu. When the slash attack reaches the sky, it explodes and the impact sends all the clouds far away. Even the clouds on Sabaody are getting pushed too, that's just how much power is hidden in Buggy's attack.

While Kizaru was stopping his attack, Buggy was attacking Aokiji. The iceman used his ice saber to fight against Buggy. His ice saber was completely black because he used his armament haki at full power. This also means that he used his advanced armament haki on his ice saber.

Aokiji knows that he can't win against Buggy without his advanced armament haki. His reason to learn this level of haki was also because of Buggy. When Buggy defeated Whitebeard, the Marines realized that their power at that time won't be enough anymore.

So everyone including Aokiji needed to be stronger and they trained harder since then. Both he and Kizaru who were very lazy about training started training harder. They actually have started training harder since Sakazuki's death because he is their equal, and if he could die in Buggy's hands, that means they too can meet the same fate, so they need to train harder to avoid it.

Right now, both Kizaru and Aokiji are very strong that each one of them could win against Garp in his prime. Garp himself said this, but even he isn't sure that would be enough to defeat Buggy. He himself has faced Buggy and lost years ago and Buggy is still far from his prime age, so Buggy could still grow stronger.

That being said, Kizaru and Aokiji who have surpassed Garp's power are the only ones among Marines who have the chance to win against Buggy now. However, it doesn't mean the battle is easy because even now they are struggling while fighting him together.

Aokiji tries to freeze Buggy, but it doesn't work, and Kizaru isn't fast enough to land any attack on Buggy. Buggy's observation haki is one of the strongest now. His advanced observation haki that lets him see a few seconds into the future is helping him see what Kizaru will do, so he can handle Kizaru's speed easily.

Their battle is intense because none of them can slack off in their attacks and defense. Buggy can't let his guard down even a little bit even though he seems to take it easy. If he stops using his advanced observation haki, then the Admirals' attacks will hit him and without advanced armament, he can't injure them nicely.

To make things harder for him, Aokiji and Kizaru have very good teamwork. Their attacks are calculated and they don't hinder each other even though they rarely work together. It's like they specially train to fight together to defeat Buggy or something.

The 3 of them start to land more hits on each other as the battle goes on. By each other, it means that Aokiji and Kizaru also hit each other. Buggy redirects their attacks many times, making their attacks hit their ally. Still, they don't stop attacking, so their battle is very fierce and intense.

Another fierce battle also happens near Buggy's battle. Cricket's battle against Garp is just as destructive as the 3's battle. It's because the 2 of them have the most raw physical power among everyone here. In other words, they are brutes who have too many muscles.

Well, they have good battle skills though, so they don't just have muscles. Cricket is a genius martial artist who can copy any technique he sees even once. There is nothing to say about Garp though because he could be the strongest Marine alive without eating devil fruit, which shows how great he is.

Both of them start their battle with a direct clash where they counter punches with punches too. They try to check each other's power because both of them are famous for their fists. Garp 'The Fist' and 'Red Fist' Cricket are nicknames they got because of their powerful fists, after all.

Their first collision is a normal punch against a normal punch. By normal punch, it means they don't use haki, just physical power. Even so, the clash has enough impact to create a shockwave that sends nearby people flying.

That first clash makes Garp realizes that he can't hold back against Cricket. They are quite equal in strength, so this will be a very difficult battle for them. Although Garp is really surprised by this because even if he is not in his prime anymore, he is still powerful enough to defeat an Admiral.

This means that Cricket has enough power to defeat an Admiral too, which also means he is at the level of an Emperor. Well, that's to be expected from the strongest Pirate Crew. But that's not all because Palu who fights Sengoku and Enel who fights Fujitora also show that they are at the Emperor level.

It really scares Garp because Palu and Enel also seem to have the chance of winning against Sengoku and Fujitora. Just a crew already has 4 people at an equal level to the Emperors of The Sea. Even Whitebeard Pirates don't have this level of power. Heck, even Roger Pirates weren't this powerful back then.

Besides, it's not just these 4 who have exceptional power. The other executives who are fighting the high-ranking officers are showing great power too. It makes Garp understand why the Clown Pirates' normal members stay on the ship. They don't need to join to win this war.

"Oi, old man, don't get distracted!"

Cricket lands a clean hit at Garp's chest and sends the old man flying until he crashes onto the fallen execution platform. Garp was distracted by the other battles, which is a very fatal mistake in a high-level battle where every millisecond can decide life & death.

But Garp isn't a legend for nothing. He gets up after a while without showing any sign of injuries. Garp protected his chest with armament haki the moment Cricket's punch was about to land. Luckily for him, Cricket didn't use his advanced haki, so normal armament could block it.

"That was really careless of me. I can't fight too long against youngsters like you, so I will make it fast."

"No, no, no, you shouldn't approach your defeat too fast. I will feel bad if the Marine Hero gets defeated too quickly by a pirate, you know. So try your best to hold on, old man."

Cricket smirks before they continue their battle with more serious attacks now. Both of them start using their powerful haki and battle skills that they've kept hidden for a while. It's a completely different battle than before because they are going all out now.

Each of their clashes shakes the ground around them. They aren't holding back any power in each of their attacks. Even Buggy and the 2 Admirals are still holding themselves, but these 2 are really going all out without any care about their surroundings.

Palu and Sengoku who fights nearby even need to move aside because of that. Their battle isn't less destructive though because Sengoku's shockwaves are affecting large areas. Palu can use Hasshoken to block the shockwaves, but it can only protect him, not the area around him.

He has tried taking Sengoku's shockwave head-on in this battle and it's not something he can take without using haki. Even with haki protection, he still receives damage. The shockwaves' power can pass through haki and damage his internal organs, after all.

Getting closer to Sengoku is difficult because of those annoying shockwaves. Furthermore, when he succeeds to get closer, Sengoku's golden Buddha skin proves to be very tough even without haki. It's like the skin is made out of metal, a very hard and thick metal.

"As one would thought of the Fleet Admiral who rivals the Hero's power. It's a very bad match-up for me, isn't it?"

Sengoku doesn't care about Palu's rambling and attacks him again. For Sengoku, Palu is a very tough opponent who can destroy all his attacks. He also needs to win quickly so he can start commanding the Marines again.

But after a while, Sengoku can't help but stop his attack and so is everyone else. They are looking at Whitebeard who is holding the unconscious Teach's bloody head. Teach's crewmates have been beaten up by Whitebeard's Commanders before him, so the commanders helped Whitebeard destroy Teach.

Buggy is grinning widely when he sees that. He has always been annoyed by Teach's presence in the past, but he couldn't do anything because Teach was still Whitebeard's beloved son. So even though Buggy's hands were itching to kill the guy, he held back.

"I didn't even touch him in Impel Down, so be grateful for it, Whitebeard."


You can read more chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested. Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 443. The End (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 483. Not A Negotiation (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_ /CaptMermain

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