Chapter 41: Teaching A Kid

Buggy, Mantis, & Jude are now attending Tarmad's funeral. Many villagers also come to help with the funeral. Rika & Tanjo are at the very front, and Tanjo is holding his father's worn-out captain's hat.

"Dad, I will fulfill our promise to sail on the sea. You always wore this hat, so now I will wear it for you."-Tanjo

The villagers then place Tarmad's coffin in the grave. After that, they close it with soil and finally place a wood log as marking.

After the funeral finished, the villagers return to the village. Buggy & co wait for Rika & Tanjo for a moment before they all go to the coast. Rika & Tanjo want to meet Salaki that stayed beside Tarmad on his last breath after all.

"Salaki, Tarmad's family want to see you."-Buggy

Salaki comes out from the water and raises her head high to the sky.

"S-so big."-Tanjo widen his eyes when he sees Salaki's size

"I-is it safe?"-Rika is worried

"Don't worry, she won't hurt you."-Buggy

Tanjo run closer to Salaki fearlessly and look at her giant size. Salaki move her head closer to Tanjo. Rika gets startled and wants to warn Tanjo, but Buggy stops her.

"It's fine."-Buggy

Salaki gets very close to Tanjo, and Tanjo touches her snout softly.

"Amazing! I don't know that there is such an amazing creature out there."-Tanjo have glittering eyes

"Hehe, there are bigger creatures than her out there, kid. The world is full of mystery, and no one really knows everything that the world has. We've even met with Giant Octopuses many times hee size."-Cricket said from the ship

".... What a strange head & hair."-Tanjo comment at Cricket

Cricket gets pissed and he jumps down to knock Tanjo's head.

"OUCH!"-Tanjo get a big bump

"Watch your mouth, kid! The sea is cruel."-Cricket smirk


"OLD MAN? I AM STIL 21 Y.O YOU DAMN BRAT!"-Cricket get pissed & knock Tanjo's head again

"OUCH! 21? DON'T LIE TO ME! HEY IS HE REALLY 21?"-Tanjo look at Buggy & co

Buggy & co nod at the same time, make Tanjo dumbfounded.

"Oh, sorry, I thought you are 42."-Tanjo

"I TOLD YOU TO WATCH YOUR MOUTH!"-Cricket get pissed again and chase Tanjo who run away

""HAHAHAHAHA""-The others laugh, even Rika because Tanjo seems to cheer up already.

"The kid really have guts."-Mantis

"He needs to have it if he wants to sail on the sea."-Buggy

"I'm happy that he can accept his father's death. But I'm worried about his plan to sail on the sea. Just thinking of what happened to my husband makes me afraid of letting Tanjo sail too."-Rika

"I know you're worried about him, but you shouldn't stop him from pursuing his dream. That will just make a big backlash in the future."-Buggy

"I know that, but still...."-Rika

"If you're worried about him, then you need to make sure that he will be strong enough to handle everything in his path. If you try to stop him, it will just make him do something rash. But if you support him and maybe give him some condition, he will be more motivated and think ahead carefully."-Buggy


"You can set conditions like age, strength, or ability. You can set it like he needs to sail after he became 19, he needs to be as strong as his dad, or he needs to be able to navigate. Or maybe you can let him sail, but not as pirate, whatever you want to make sure he's safe."-Buggy

".... I understand, I'll think of it carefully. It's just that I don't know how to convince him."-Rika

"Don't worry, I'll help you with that."-Buggy grin

A moment later, Cricket comes back while carrying Tanjo who has some bumps on his head on his shoulder.

"How is he?"-Buggy

"Who knows? If he can't take something like this, then he won't survive on the sea."-Cricket grin

Cricket put Tanjo on the ground, and the kid keep rubbing his head bumps.

"How are you, kid?"-Cricket

"Tch, I'm fine, I will be a strong sailor after all."-Tanjo

"That's right kid, if you want to sail, then you need to train hard and be strong! You don't want to make your mom worried aren't you?"-Buggy

"Of course, I don't want to see my mom sad again."-Tanjo

"Good, then let's set a requirement for you."-Buggy

Buggy walks to a nearby tree and stands in front of it. The tree has normal size, the tree's diameter is around 35-40 cm, and seems sturdy. Everyone looks at Buggy, wondering what he'll do.

"Unless you can do something like this, don't think that you can survive on this cruel sea."-Buggy

Buggy sends a punch with his right hand to the tree with a lot of power.


Buggy's punch hits the tree and creates a booming sound. His punch breaks the tree trunk and makes the tree fall.

Tanjo & his mom widen their eyes in shock because of it. While the pirates only have knowing expression and understand Buggy's intention.

"This isn't even my full power, but unless you can do this, then you shouldn't sail on the sea. You want to make a crew right? If you don't have sufficient strength, then you can't protect your crew."-Buggy

Buggy looks at Tanjo to see his reaction, and Buggy isn't disappointed. Tanjo look more serious now, he didn't get discouraged. Rika sees this too, and she knows that she can't stop Tanjo, so she decides to support him.

"I'll be as strong as you before I sail, I promise that."-Tanjo


Buggy & co then go to their ship, ready to leave the island and resume their journey. Buggy goes to his room and then returns with a case. He give it to Rika, and when she open it, she see 3 million beri inside.

"T-this is?"-Rika

"This is yours. Tarmad has some treasures with him, and I buy them all. I've deducted the transport fee, and there's still 3 million left, so it's yours."-Buggy


"Just take it! Captain won't take it back. If you don't want it, you can throw it to the sea."-Cricket

"..... Thank you very much."-Rika bow to them with teary eyes, she knows they just lie to help her & Tanjo

Buggy just waves his hand and jumps to his ship. The Clown pirates prepare their ship to leave. They pull the anchor and unfurl the sail.

"WAIT! Salaki, why don't you live with us in here?"-Tanjo

"Tanjo is right, that's the only thing that we can do to repay you."-Rika

Salaki looks at Rika & Tanjo who seem serious with their offer. She is happy, but she shakes her head and refuses them.

"Hiiisss hisss hisss."-Salaki

"She said she's happy with your offer, but she has something she needs to do, so she can't stay in here."-Buggy

"Is that so? Then, we won't force it, but please come visit us every once in a while. Of course, you guys also need to visit us sometime."-Rika

"Yeah, we'll do it if we have time."-Buggy

Then, they sail away with Salaki swimming beside their ship.


"That kid is really pissing me off. It seems I haven't discipline him enough."-Cricket has a big tickmark

"Hahaha, he just really like you."-Mantis

The Clown pirates bid farewell to the mother & son too, while sailing away to the vast sea.


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