Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 121: Warning The God

Chapter 121: Warning The God

Deon & Ruff leave the idiot couple who can't say anything. They want to explain it, but nothing comes out of their mouths. Both of them can only feel ashamed and have their faces redden.

"Let's not use those nicknames in public," says Mantis while closing her face embarrassedly.

"Yeah, let's do that," says Cricket with a twitching mouth.

After calming down, Cricket calls the crew and informs them what he found. He orders them to return to the ship before dawn when the Half-Wings will return to the island. They will wait and won't search on the White Sea because it is too wide.

The Clowns agree and now they can do what they want while waiting for the agreed time. So they walk around the town and have fun. There's no need to be worried about those Sky Pirates. Those guys are the ones who need to worry.

Meanwhile, in the God Palace, Buggy & Enel are in God's office again. The people here are very wary of them, especially because Buggy comes with Enel. He is known as a troublemaker after all, even though it's because of people's acts toward him.

"What brings you here again? I believe your friend has found his parents, right?" asks Surian.

"Yeah, they are his parents. And that's also why I come here now," says Buggy.

"Hmm? Did something happen?" asks Surian.

Buggy puts his hands on his knees and interlocks his fingers before leaning forward a little. "Surely there is something that happens or I won't bother to come here again. Let's get to the point then. We will destroy the Half-Wings."

The Birkans are surprised, including Enel who hasn't known anything.

"Why'd you want to do it? We've made an agreement before," says Soconut rather angrily.

"Yeah, we won't attack them first and will only act when they attack us first. But they've made that move against us," says Buggy with a serious expression.

"What have they done?" asks Sapple.

"Something that anger Palu," says Buggy.

Buggy then explains what happened to them shortly. He doesn't need to explain it fully as long as they know the gist of it. It's not like they can stop his crew from doing what they want. They are pirates and they do what they want.

"C-Can we talk about it with them?" asks Sapple.

"No, we don't wanna talk, we want to destroy them. We do what we want and no one can stop us to do it. I just came here to inform you, not asking for help. If you try to stop us, then we won't think twice to destroy you too. This is what we do in the World of Pirates. Only strength matters in our world," says Buggy while grinning.

Everyone there knows that Buggy is serious and will really destroy the Half-Wings.

"So you'll kill them all?" asks Enel.

"It depends on Palu's mood. For now, he just wants to make them suffer and take his parents' money back. But if they anger him more than this, then they won't return alive," says Buggy.

"Tsk, you just need to kill them," says Enel.

"Not everything can be solved by killing. What we truly want is the money. Do you think those guys still have it?" asks Buggy.

"They must've spent it," says Enel.

"Exactly. So if we kill them, we won't get any money from them. We need to make sure that they give the money back however it is. That's why we need them alive. At least until we get all the money," says Buggy.

"Ooh, that makes sense. You're surprisingly smart," says Enel.

"You're just too stupid," says Buggy.

"Huh?" says Enel angrily.

Enel wants to attack Buggy with his lightning, but then he remembers that it won't work on Buggy, so he stops. His act surprises the God's side. It's the first time they see Enel stop attacking someone.

Buggy then leaves the Palace and Enel follows him. No one dares to stop them because they know it will be futile. But they still need to stop the war between these 2 Pirates Crews or they will lose a big asset.

"Sapple, tells the Half-Wings to stay on the White Sea for a few days. We can't lose them, they are very important for our island's safety," orders Surian.

"Understood," says Sapple before leaving the office.

"What will we do if they won't listen?" asks Soconut.

"We can't do anything. What we can do is prepare a plan to protect this island from Blue Sea Pirates without them. I will leave it to you, General," says Surian.

"Alright. But you really think that they won't listen, huh?" asks Soconut.

"Just like what he said before, they are pirates, and they do what they want. We just need to prepare for the worst," says Surian.

Outside the Palace, Buggy calls Cricket and asks about the progress. Cricket tells him what they found and their plan to attack the Half-Wings. It's the best plan that they can do currently.

Buggy approves it and orders Cricket to lead the crew even though he has finished his business. He wants to make Cricket's leadership grow through this plan. As the First Mate, Cricket doesn't only need strength, but also leadership because he will be the Vice-Captain when their crew gets bigger.

"Hey, can I join them to fight those pirates?" asks Enel.

"Why'd you want to join?" asks Buggy back.

"Because it will be fun. And I want to know your crew's strength," says Enel.

"This is my crew's problem. So unless you join my crew, then you can't join the war too," says Buggy while smirking.

"Tch, stingy," grumbles Enel.

Buggy just smirks as he resumes his walk. He will return to Palu's parents' house and will stay there until the war finished. Who knows what will happen while they are gone, so he needs to protect Bani & Diane.

Enel keeps following Buggy and asks to join the war. But Buggy keeps refusing him so now he starts to ask about how Buggy can touch his body. Now Buggy knows that Enel has been annoying since young. He keeps pestering Buggy until they arrived at Bani's house.

"I will tell you what you want to know and teach you how I can touch your logia body if you join my crew. That's the one and only requirement," says Buggy before entering Bani's house.

"Tsk, can he give me a clue at the very least? Just wait! I will strengthen my lightning and zap you until you're burnt," says Enel while stomping the ground pissingly.

"I can hear you, lightning man. You are always welcome to try," says Buggy from behind the door.

Enel snorts before leaving while grumbling. Buggy smirks seeing this because Enel hasn't become a bastard like the one in the series. He is still just a naive guy who still doesn't have a massive ego & obsession.

"Who's he, Captain?" asks Palu.

"A potential new member. He will strengthen our crew significantly if he joins," says Buggy.

"Heh, you rarely raised someone about their strength. Is he that special?" asks Palu.

"Well, he has the potential. But whether he can maximize it or not will depend on him. If you don't work hard, then he might take your position as the 3rd strongest in the crew," says Buggy while smirking.

"He can try," says Palu while smirking too.

They talk like Enel will surely join their crew even though he hasn't given any answer yet. But Buggy knows he will surely join them after this. There's no one here that can give Enel what he wants except Buggy.

Buggy knows Enel is someone who seeks strength now. But when he gets too strong for Birka & Skypiea, he changes. He will start to have his God Complex because no one can fight him anymore. But he has met Buggy, so that won't happen now.

Soon, the dawn will come, so the Clowns minus Buggy are getting ready on their ship. This will be the first time they fight without their Captain. And they've vowed to not disappoint him.

Cricket leads the crew and says, "Let's go."


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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 140 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 151 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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