Touch of Flame

Chapter 67 - Fire And Rain

Ravina stared ahead at the dark mountains blending with the dark night sky. Stars were sprinkled all over the black canvas and the crescent moon shone with its silver light. The leaves on the trees gently swayed to the soft night breeze and the sound of the river flowing beneath hummed in the quietness.

She couldn’t explain it, but she felt something different inside. She felt more awake, more focused, and less tired. It was hard to understand and explain but she felt lighter as if someone had lifted heavy weights off her mind and she could see and feel better.

It was that sleep. It had to be. She couldn’t recall the last time she had a restful sleep. She almost cursed when she woke up.

Carefully this time she stood up from her seat. Her muscles were sore as she took herself to stand against the rim and then watched the river.

Wanting to sit near the river, she just turned around and took the stairs to the balcony to get down. Then her feet led her across the small distance to get to the water.

Taking off her shoes, she held her skirt up and stepped into the water to sit on a large rock. She then enjoyed the feeling of rushing water against her bare feet.

Malachi had followed her but he stood outside the river, probably wondering what she was doing. She wasn’t sure either.

After watching her for a while, he took off his shoes, folded his pants, and with a sigh, he stepped inside to sit on another rock.

“What did you talk about with the priest?” He asked.

Ravina remembered the stories about the dragon tamers. “Nothing specific.” She replied knowing that he wouldn’t be thrilled about her possibly being a dragon tamer. As if she wasn’t seen as a threat already.

Ravina wondered if he knew anything about dragon tamers. They sat quietly in silence until she got tired and decided to go lay down on the grass and watched the stars.

Suddenly she felt a drop of water fall on her face, soon followed by another one. It started to rain.

“Let’s go inside,” Malachi said as he went to put on his shoes.



She was liking the feeling of having raindrops fall on her.

“What are you doing?” He asked.


“You will get sick.”

“It will be worth it.” She replied. She closed her eyes as the rain picked up but it wasn’t harsh. It fell softly on her skin. “Try it! It feels good.” She called with eyes closed.

“This is ridiculous,” Malachi muttered yet he came to lay beside her.

This was the strangest thing she had done. If someone saw them, they would think they had lost their minds. They lay in the rain and she turned to see him. He had his eyes closed. She watched his wet hair and face then her gaze continued down his body, watching the water drip on his bare chest.

Disturbed she turned away and closed her eyes, trying to get the image out of her head. It reminded her of the time she had gone to the cave after he bathed. Thankfully, the cold raindrops prevented her from blushing.

When the rain slowly stopped, Ravina shivered. “It is cold now,” she said getting up.

“Yes, let’s go inside.” He said standing up at well.

He wiped the water from his face and pushed back his hair as his gaze fell on her. He looked away immediately, his jaw clenching. Ravina’s face flushed when she became aware of how she was dressed and now she was wet.

Malachi walked away and she followed him inside his home. He disappeared into a room and came back with a white garment. “I don’t have female clothes. Just wrap yourself in this.” He said, tossing it on the bed then he left her alone in the room, closing the door behind him.

Ravina picked up the garment unsure of how to wear it. It was a long fabric. Would she just wrap it around her body?

She glanced at the closed door, not feeling comfortable undressing. She did it quickly, baring herself as little as possible, and then she wrapped the garment around her body, tucking it above her chest.

When Malachi didn’t return she left the room, taking her wet clothes with her as she wasn’t sure what to do with them. She found Malachi in the parlor, putting fire in the hearth

He turned to her when he sensed her presence. She shrunk where she stood feeling naked although the garment reached to her ankles. “I don’t know what to do with the wet clothes.” She said.

He stood up and walked across the distance. He had changed to dry pants and a robe. “I can take them.” He said and she handed them to him. “If you are cold you can sit near the fire,” he told her.

She nodded and he left taking her clothes.

Ravina stepped inside and went to sit on the couch near the fireplace. She watched the wood burning. How strange, she thought. Before coming here she had associated Malachi with baked bread, fireplaces, and coffee and she had all those three already.

Would he smell like that?

She shook her head. Why did she even think about it? As she tried to get the thought out of her head, he came back with a blanket.

“If you are cold,” he said throwing it to her as he sat down across from her. Not needing it she just placed it beside her.

“Why are you being nice?”

He rested one leg over the other as he leaned back. “I am seducing you.” He said.

Her heart skipped and he smirked. Was he playing with her?

“You think you can just be nice and a woman would want to share a bed with you?”

He chuckled. “Usually I don’t have to be nice for them to be willing.”

“I thought you hated humans.”

“I do. But I told you, with you, it could go either way. I am sure you already know or you wouldn’t be here.”

She suddenly felt a large lump in her throat that she tried to swallow.

“Don’t worry. I don’t force myself on women.” He assured her.

“How noble…” she said.

“You know, your sharp tongue tempts me the most.”

She frowned. “Don’t talk to me like that.”

“Well, if you keep talking like that, I can’t help but talk like this.”

They stared at each other, but the way he looked at her she did not like at all. “I want to sleep.” She said.


A big thank you to my supergifters Onix_Rain25 and Marianne33 3.

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