With her fair skin and hair, Ravina stood out from the rest and everyone looked her way as Aaron took her to the stables as he said. Had he taken her somewhere else would also be interesting. What would Malachi’s reaction be?

First, it was the mother showing kindness, and now the brother? Either they were welcoming her because they didn’t want a loved one to be hurt or they had some other plans for her.

She watched the horses in different colors, some sleeping and others being taken care of by the stable boy. While everyone back home had a horse belonging to them, after losing her horse, Ravina avoided creating an attachment to one.

He halted in front of a chestnut brown horse and went to stroke it. “This is my horse. I call her Honey.” He smiled.

Ravina stared at the mare. She didn’t know why all of this just made her angrier. So many animals died under the attacks of dragons and he said his whole family loved horses? Even the ones that terrorized?

She ignored her thoughts. Although she wasn’t afraid of sounding rude by pointing out faults, she tried to save her energy for now.

Aaron looked at her where she stood still at a distance. “Are you scared of horses?”

“No.” She remained standing still. He looked at her confused.

“Would you like to help me brush them?”

She nodded. He went to find her a brush and gave it to her. Ravina went to brush the horse’s coat. She brushed and brushed and brushed, moving on to the next horse she kept brushing, trying to keep herself occupied, trying to keep her anger and anxiety in control but she felt the panic rise slowly.

Suddenly a hand grabbed her wrist. Startled she looked up, eyes wide. Aaron looked at her with a frown. “You are hurting yourself.” He nodded toward her hand. She brushed her skin. Her scars.

Her chest felt heavy as if she was suffocating. She pulled her arm away from his grip, dropped the brush, and then she ran away. She didn’t know where she was running, but she just did. Passing through crowds, brushing against shoulders, and running up a green hill.

She stumbled and almost fell to her knees when she reached the top, realizing it was a cliff and she had to stop at the edge. She was panting and the pain in her chest was unbearable.

A metallic taste filled her mouth as she tried to catch her breath. It was a cloudy day and the wind was blowing forcefully. Ravina breathed in the air, feeling her lungs burn. Her eyes burned as well. She didn’t know what to do with herself.

She began to rub the blood off her hand. It itched and burned as her skin came off. She had to do something. Focus on something else but tears blurred her eyes as she stared ahead. She squeezed her eyes to force them out and then wiped them away with her arm.

Walking closer to the edge, she looked down. A river flowed beneath. If she could… she just wanted to be washed away by that water. Let it take her somewhere else, away from this world. As if heaven awaited a person like her.

She took a step forward to take a closer look, examining the distance when she heard the sound of a flute. It was soft in the forceful wind, reaching her ears ever so tenderly and calling her attention. She turned around to her left, following the sound, and further up the mountain sat an old man at the edge, dressed in a white garment that was draped around his chest and over one shoulder. His grey hair was blown by the wind as he played the flute with his eyes closed.

Ravina felt strangely drawn to the sound. It was peaceful and calming. She moved away from the edge and closer to where the old man sat, and then she just listened. When he was done, he opened his eyes and stared directly at her. He smiled.

Ravina realized she was all alone here, and this man was clearly a dragon. His smile looked harmless but she knew to be cautious as he jumped down from the edge and walked across the distance.

“I haven’t seen a human here for a while.” He smiled as he neared. “Are you someone’s breedmate?”


He turned to look at the edge of the cliff, then he looked at her bleeding hands before looking at her face again.

“Did you enjoy the sound?” He asked.

“Yes. It was… peaceful.”

He smiled. “I am a priest. You can find me at the temple up there.” He pointed further up on the mountain. There was a small brown and orange house and several stairs led up to it.

“I play the flute every morning and afternoon. Sometimes in the evening as well, if you ever feel like listening you can come here. Otherwise, you can come up to the temple.” He continued.

Ravina nodded. “If I find the way.” She said not knowing where she was.

The priest smiled. “You seem lost,” he told her and she felt like he wasn’t just talking about location. “Finding the right path or the way back is often difficult. Some guidance would help. Where is your breedmate?”

“I… I don’t know.”

“Who is he?”

She hesitated, but there was just something calming about this man. “King Malachi.”

He nodded slowly as if realizing something and his eyes sparkled. “I didn’t think it was true but you are here.” He said. “I have been waiting for you.”

She blinked confused. “Do you know me?”

“I know of you. You are the dragon tamer.”

“Aren’t all human breedmates dragon tamers?”

He shook his head. “No. Only those who can and will tame are dragon tamers.”

Ravina continued to be confused. “I don’t understand.”

He smiled. “Surely, you are here with a mission.”

How did he know? Was it a dragon tamer thing? She remained quiet.

“It is not an easy path and you will need your strength. It is good to unburden ourselves now and then. You are welcome to visit the home of love, mercy, and peace, anytime.” He bowed. “May healing spirits be with you.” He said and then walked away.

Ravina watched him take the stairs. Could he manage to walk up all those stairs? If he was a dragon why not shift and fly up? She watched him a bit concerned as he climbed up, taking his time. Then she turned away and decided to find her way back.

She had no idea where she was but as she tried to find her way back, she saw Malachi arriving on a horse. He slowed down and narrowed his eyes when he took notice of her.

“Princess, what are you doing here?” He said when he came nearby.


“Are you already trying to run away?”

He walked in a circle around her with his horse. “No.”

“Then do you know that you have many enemies to be walking around freely?”

“Yes. I am aware.”

He paused in front of her. His face had not healed yet and his complexion looked different. He looked at her hands.

“Are you doing that again?” He came beside her and to her surprise, he offered his hand. “If you don’t want to die here.”

She reached for him. Grabbing each other’s arms he helped her up to sit on the horse behind him.

“Hold on.” He said.

Without hesitance she put her arms around him, placing her palms on his bare torso. He stiffened and she smiled until she realized how hot he was. His skin was burning. It was not the way she remembered it.

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