Araminta cried alone in her room. She was not one to sit and cry so she began to fold clothes while she let the tears fall. Her children were suffering because of her. If she only had the courage to stand up against Khaos earlier before he damaged her children and other people beyond repair. If she had only fought harder to stop her children and help them open their eyes to what they had been indoctrinated into.

She knew Khaos had a great influence over them. It was not easy to stand up against him so she had been so happy and proud when Malachi did. But she should have been more concerned about the consequences. Now she lost a child to death and another one to the sorrow of losing a mate and a child. She did not want to lose a third child.

Knowing that this was happening again to one of her children broke her heart. She had watched Malachi struggle both under his father’s reign and after. She had seen how guilt had broken him down and sometimes she would watch him stand on the edge of the cliff for a long time. She was scared of what thoughts might be running through his head then.

Wiping her tears away, she went to look outside the window. She watched the human female sweep the ground outside. The daughter of King Richard of Derfir, killed by the Khaos. Araminta could understand why the woman was here for revenge. What a cruel fate that she happened to be her son’s breedmate. How was this ever going to work?

A knock on the door interrupted her. “Come in,” she said without tearing her gaze away from the window.

“Mah!” Aaron spoke as he stepped inside.

She turned around to face him. He looked a bit concerned. “Did your brothers fight again?”

He closed the door behind him and stepped further in. “It doesn’t look good.” He said calmly as he went to sit on her bed.

“All of them have taken sides. I hope you stay where you are.” She said going back to the table to fold the clothes.

“Don’t worry.” He smiled at her and then watched her curiously. “You were crying.”

She said nothing and continued to fold the clothes.

“It is sad.” He sighed heavily. “I don’t know what I would do if I were him.”

Every dragon looked forward to meeting his or her breedmate. The one who would complete them and change their lives for the better. The one who would be their partner in everything and share their happiness and sorrow. It was something sacred and so powerful.

No one would want to be in Malachi’s situation right now. No matter what he did, he suffered. She knew he was still in too much guilt and whatever he felt toward his mate, only added to it. But trying to deny his instinct would also kill him slowly.

“Just be there for your brother.” She said. “I will take care of the rest.”

It was time for her to do something. To make the impossible, possible because there was no other way.

Aaron looked at her curiously. “What will you do?”

“You will see when I do.” She told him. “Will you just be kind to his breedmate.”

He shrugged. “I could. What about Saul?”

Araminta sighed. She didn’t want to hurt her son and drive him away. She understood the pain he was in but it was time to move on. She knew things wouldn’t be easy.

“Just don’t be too obvious for now.”

He nodded.

“Where is Malachi?”

“I told him to see a physician. He isn’t healing properly. I wonder what they did to him?”

Araminta frowned, remembering what he told her about being shot by his breedmate. She knew it wasn’t the physical pain that hurt him the most. He was hurt because she proved his suspicion by being the one to shoot him.

Folding one last garment, she decided to talk to the woman. See what kind of person she was.

“Aaron. Ask Kayla and Brenna to bring the woman to me.”

Aaron stood up and left without any questions. Araminta put the clothes in the drawers and then went to the kitchen. “Mia, serve breakfast for two.” She told her maid.

The maid nodded.

Araminta then went to the parlor and waited. Kayla and Brenna soon arrived with the princess. Her icy blue eyes met hers where she stood between the two dragon females. There was no hostility in them. They were just empty and cold. Her expression was passive but her aura was one of dominance.

What an Interesting mixture, Aramina thought as she stepped closer. She gave Kayla and Brenna a nod to leave before turning to the princess. “Welcome to our home, princess Ravina. My name is Araminta. I am Malachi’s mother.” Araminta introduced herself politely.

Ravina curtsied. “It is nice to meet you, My Lady.”

“Please sit.” Araminta motioned toward one of the sofas.

“Thank you,” Ravina said, her eyes sweeping over the place as she went to sit down.

Araminta sat across from her. “You must be hungry. I arranged for you to join me for breakfast.”

Her face remained passive. “That is very kind of you,” she said her voice void of emotion.

Araminta had seen many humans, but this one was particularly unique, she had to admit. Humans were pale but this one was very pale. Her skin was like porcelain, her hair a very light gold, her lips a muted pink, and her eyes, those eyes were the lightest blue she had ever seen. So clear and so cold.

Araminta then took notice of her scarred hands and dirty clothes. She also took notice of the mark on her neck. She knew what it was. Having mixed emotions about all of this, “Let’s take care of your hands and give you something clean to wear.” She told her.

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