Touch of Flame

Chapter 298 Starlit Sky

Nazneen had fallen into a deep slumber after the long night they shared. She had insisted on staying awake, and a moment later, her stable breathing had alerted him that she was sleeping. He watched her relaxed form lay out on his bed, the pearls still draped around her, causing her discomfort when she shifted a little. 

Gently, he slipped his hand to the back of her head, lifting it up to under the bodice of pearls. He then covered her chest with the blanket. Ares couldn't help but gently caress her with the back of his hand, thinking of the moment they had just shared. The look in her eyes, her teary gaze had moved something in him and he knew that whatever had moved would not go back to its place. It had found a new one. He placed a soft kiss in her hair and fell asleep with her. 

Meanwhile, Malachi was almost half-asleep in the guest room, momentarily having strange dreams he couldn't understand. The soft whisper of his name also seemed to come from his dream, until he realized it wasn't. 

"Malachi," A soft whisper, and a gentle nudge made his eyes flutter open, sleep giving way to consciousness. The sight of Ravina looming over him, startled him. "What are you doing here?" he questioned, his voice heavy with sleep.

Ravina's eyes seemed to gleam in the darkness, and she pressed her finger against her lips in a silent plea for discretion. "Come with me," she urged, excitement rippling in her tone.

Barely able to wipe the fog of sleep from his mind, Malachi stumbled out of bed, following her through the mansion's eerie silence. "Where are we going, Ravina?" he whispered curiously, their footsteps barely a murmur in the stillness.

Ravina glanced back, still holding his hand. "To the edge of the island," she replied. "The night is too beautiful to be spent indoors. The sea is calling to us."

For a moment, he wondered if the wine was still in her system, but she had been much more bright lately. 

"What if your father finds out?" he asked, worry evident in his voice. I don't want him to think that I'm taking advantage of the night to..."

She interrupted his anxiety-fueled rambling with a soft chuckle, her hand gently squeezing his. "Don't worry. I have asked Darcy to keep him busy."


They had shared a moment at the dining table, with both of them being the ones who spoke less. They had looked at each other with a knowing smile, aware of their situation. 

Malachi and Ravina stealthily navigated their way out of the mansion, emerging into the cool, open night. The air was crisp, teasing their skin with its gentle coolness. The world seemed to hold its breath, preserving the quiet tranquility for their secret adventure. Their fingers intertwined, providing silent reassurances as they strolled towards the sea, the rhythmic hum of the waves growing increasingly pronounced.

Upon reaching the shore, they paused, mesmerized by the serene sight of the sea under the glittering blanket of stars. 

Ravina's eyes danced with a daring spark, "Let's swim," she suggested.

Malachi looked at her with a hint of surprise. "Are you intoxicated?" He just had to ask. It was a bit reckless to swim when they were not home, and he really didn't want to get on her father's bad side. 

"Just a little," she admitted. "Darcy and I had a bit more wine when father fell asleep." 

Of course. 

"But I am not that affected," she said, holding her hands out as if to say, 'look at me'. She had been walking steadily, he had to admit. Maybe it was a mix of happiness and a little whine. 

"We could be seen," he said. 

"You have great hearing. You can tell if someone is getting close. Darcy will keep Father and Ephraim busy, and I think Ares and Nazneen are busy enough." She assured him. 

"I am sure Ares keeps men watching from those towers, as he said, looking out for any threat." 

Her lips curved into a knowing smile. "I know how towers work. That is why I brought you here. This is what we call a blind spot." 

"Ah, I see." 

"So, do you want to swim? It was fun with Darcy," she said, as if trying to persuade him. 

Malachi looked around, although he couldn't hear or sense anything, and then he gazed back at Ravina and nodded. "You go in first," he said. 

She looked at him sceptically and asked, "Why?" 

"I just want to watch you undress," he said. 

Ravina blinked at him, surprise etching onto her face before a playful smirk replaced it. "And why should I give you that pleasure?" She countered, crossing her arms over her chest. 

"I could always undress you myself," Malachi proposed nonchalantly, his eyes filled with mischief and challenge.

He could hear the skipping of her heart, then she paused for a moment as if contemplating, then she turned away from him and to the sea. With her back to him, she allowed the fabric to slip off her shoulders and pool around her feet. 

There was a grace about her, a natural elegance that radiated even in her most mundane actions. Malachi found himself drawn to it, a soft smile playing on his lips as he watched her. A moment of silence followed, filled with the hushed murmur of the ocean and the soft rustle of clothes being shed. 

Once she was bare, with her long hair covering most of her back and bottom, Ravina wrapped her arms around her and cast a teasing glance over her shoulder. "Happy now?" she asked, raising a challenging eyebrow.

The sight of her, her skin glowing under the moonlight, stirred a warmth in him. "For now," he replied, his voice a low hum. His eyes, however, were anything but casual, drinking in her form with a smoky intensity.

As Ravina walked to wade into the water, Malachi shrugged off his own clothes, his gaze never leaving her. The wind blew her hair gently, revealing the curve of her body as he joined her in the cool water. The tension of the day seeped away in the gentle waves of the sea as he walked deeper in to where Ravina had stopped, the water covering up to her waist. 

She aimed with her back to him, and he couldn't help himself from wrapping his arms around her from behind. She was a little warmer than usual, but he was always surprised by the softness of her skin. The scars on her back, however, he wished to heal. 

He could give her his blood, but without mating, she would need to intake a good amount. 

"What are your thoughts about mating now?" he asked her. 

She turned around in his arms, her chest brushing against his abdomen. Despite the cool water, he felt his blood sing with heat. 

"I am curious," she admitted, then her gaze dropped to his mouth. "Will you somehow… shift. The teeth…" 

"Yes. The ceremony is to trigger the dragon, so it comes in momentarily in human form. Some can do it easily, like Nazneen, but most of us need something to trigger it." He explained. "Is that the part that scares you?" 

She seemed to think for a while. "It looked… it didn't look frightening at the ceremony we attended. It seemed…" 


"Oddly yes," she blushed. 

"It won't be painful…" he began, but then remembered she didn't mind pain. "Nevermind." 

"it is not the pain, it is just everyone watching… it is …isn't it supposed to be intimate? It feels like it should be." 

Malachi smiled. "I guess for humans… yes." 

His hands gently roamed her bare back. "If you wish to mate, we can do it however you like," he told her.

she smiled. "I am sure your people would want their kind to follow their tradition." 

Well, he couldn't deny that, as king, it would be important to have his ceremony made official. 

"I don't mind. I am getting used to your tradition." She assured. 

He looked down at her, gently caressing the contour of her face. "I want you to want it and not feel obliged." 

"It is not just about me or you anymore. It is us. I will try my best to meet you halfway in everything." 

Her eyes met his, a determined glint in them that he'd grown to admire. "It wouldn't be an obligation because it would be for you. For us. It's not just about what you want or what I want anymore. It's about us. What we are building together. We compromise, we meet halfway. If following your tradition means something to you and our future, I would gladly embrace it, like you embrace me with all my flaws."

Her fingers gently traced the curve of his jaw, her touch like a soothing balm against his skin. "Besides, as a ruler, it's expected to take into consideration what's best for the people, for the kingdom. Like I said before…" a coy smile curved her lips, "I will at least be a good queen to you." 

"Maybe you can be less stubborn and harsh toward yourself too." 

"I am not. I am just realistic."

"How about trusting what I say then?" 

"Alright," she gave in. "I will be a good wif… breedmate." 

"You would be a wife too," he corrected, since she seemed to think they would only mate; the ceremony was a marital bond as well. 

She looked up at him, her eyes wide with a playful innocence, "So, I suppose I'd have to be exceptionally good then?"

His laughter rang out, a rich, warm sound that echoed around them. "I'd expect nothing less than extraordinary," he teased, his fingers playfully tracing the curve of her cheek. "Though, I suspect you'll surpass even those expectations."

Ravina couldn't help but smile, her attention divided between his warm fingers caressing her face, the gentle strokes of his hand tracing patterns on her back, and the undeniable presence of his arousal pressing against her belly. Her focus wavered as she became captivated by the sight of his laughter, his lips parting to reveal a set of straight, white teeth against his bronzed complexion. The contrast of his bright smile against his sun-kissed skin held a mesmerizing allure, and it was further adorned by luscious lips. 

Noticing the way she looked at him, his gaze darkened with a glint of desire. In a swift, smooth movement, his hand found its way to the back of her head, tenderly pulling her closer. Their faces inched closer, their breaths mingling, and then, without another moment's hesitation, he bridged the gap, capturing her lips with his. 

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