Touch of Flame

Chapter 161 Well done, darling

Lord Dragenski. The mysterious businessman. Since Ares discovered the man’s craftmanship, he had only been buying ships and furniture from him. His ships could sail through the strongest of storms and survive the brutalities of seas and oceans. He truly admired his work.

“Is there anything we didn’t pay?” Ares asked.

“No. I bought three more ships like you told me. They are delivered but he wants payment in another form.”

Ares stopped looking through the containers for weapons. “Another kind of payment?”

“He wants weapons in return. Your latest invention,” Noah said, also looking skeptical.

“You mean weapons to fight dragons?”


Why would he want that?

As if knowing his thoughts Noah replied, “I saw something the day of the attack. One of his ships was on shore and it was even more solidly built.”

“You think it belongs to the slayers?”

“I thought so in the beginning. I was curious and often kept an eye and one night I saw dragons arriving at the ship. They left harmless and without causing harm.”

Now Ares was confused. So was it the dragons or slayers? He needed to know who he was buying things from and why they needed weapons.

“Are they on the ship?”


“How many?”


Ares reloaded his pistols and put them in their sheets under his jacket. “Make the ship sail!” He ordered.

Abducting to question would be the method now. He needed to be ready, in case dragons were involved, being on water would be safer.

They went upstairs again and Ares prepared his crew for his plan while the ship set to sail.

For a brief moment, he worried about Nazneen who was waiting for him but then focused on the task. She would probably leave when he didn’t return. Or would she? He pushed the thought from his head for now.

He went up to deck with his crew and Dragenski’s men rose from their seats when they notices the ship sailing.

“What are you doing?” One of them asked calmly.

Ares took a moment to study them. They had weapons hidden discretely in few places.

“You want weapons as payment?” Ares asked.


“For what?”

The man in the middle pulled

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