To My Dear Mr. Huo

Chapter 544 - He Doesnt Deserve It

Chapter 544: He Doesn’t Deserve It

“He doesn’t deserve it. He doesn’t deserve it,” Liu Tongjia murmured, in a low, dry, and painful voice.

What she was feeling wasn’t just hatred. There was a deep sorrow on her face that shocked Su Qingsang and eased some of her anger.

Liu Tongjia was sitting near the balcony. Earlier, she had stood up and walked to the wall on the side of the balcony.

At that moment, she turned her face away from Su Qingsang and pressed a hand on her chest. She seemed to be feeling very uncomfortable.

“Mrs. Huo?” Liu Tongjia didn’t look good. Su Qingsang made two steps forward and reached out to hold her.

“Go away.” Liu Tongjia didn’t accept her kindness. She looked at Su Qingsang with anger, and said, “I don’t need you to play nice to me. You’re the same as Huo Jinyao. You both are the same kind of people.”

Su Qingsang didn’t move. She still didn’t understand what was happening. Thinking about Huo Jinyao, who was still lying on the bed unconscious, she once again looked at Liu Tongjia.

“Mrs. Huo, please mind your language. Huo Jinyao is your son after all.”

“What? Do you find my words unpleasant? I didn’t say anything wrong.” Liu Tongjia snorted with laughter and looked at her with sarcasm.

The hatred in her eyes was real and shocking.

“My son? I really wish that I had not given birth to a son like that.”

She patted her own chest, and couldn’t conceal the painful look on her face.

“You want to know why I dislike him so much, don’t you?” Liu Tongjia said, in a cold voice. She stood up straight and looked at Su Qingsang straight in the eyes.

“Do you find this ridiculous, that I hate him?”

“You don’t understand why I wish I never had him, do you?”

“Do you find me unreasonable? Do you also think that I’m not a good mother?”

Su Qingsang didn’t have the answer to Liu Tongjia’s questions, but she was curious indeed. She was very curious.

Despite how badly she wanted an answer, she wouldn’t ask Liu Tongjia nor Huo Jinyao about what had happened between them.

Something terrible must have happened in the past. Without that incident, Huo Jinyao could have avoided all the misfortune that he had been suffering lately.

She once told herself that she would never ask Huo Jinyao about those nightmares that he had been having, unless he decided to talk about it himself. She told herself that she would ask him questions when he wanted to talk to her about it.

Nevertheless, it wouldn’t matter if that day never came. Who didn’t have a past?

Who didn’t have a wound that they hated to talk about? She had that too. Fortunately, she got over it, because, meeting Huo Jinyao had changed her life. She was finally able to exit the dark side of her life.

That hadn’t happened to Huo Jinyao yet. The nightmare, the sleep-talking, and the illness all clearly indicated that he was still going through a lot of pain.

Su Qingsang looked at Liu Tongjia. She now really wanted an answer, because she did not want to see Huo Jinyao experiencing the same pain he had recently been suffering, not ever again.

He was no longer as proud and cheerful as usual. Seeing him suffering the pain that was caused by his family made her feel sad.

“Why?” Su Qingsang asked with a very gentle voice, as if worried that using a louder voice might destroy Liu Tongija’s desire for talking.

Liu Tongjia stood straight, walked step by step away from the wall, to the sofa, and then sat back down.

She had an obvious hatred in her eyes along with emptiness and confusion which she failed to notice herself.

“Because I hate him.”

“You have no idea how much I hate him.”

Liu Tongjia’s eyes turned red as she said those words. Strong emotions surged in those tearful eyes.

“He killed my son and my daughter. He has been evil ever since he was a child. I really wish that I never had him.”

Su Qingsang’s eyes popped upon hearing that. For a moment, she doubted what she had heard.

“What did you say?”

“Haha.” Liu Tongjia looked at her with contempt. “Su Qingsang, haven’t you thought about it? The Huo Family is such a large family. Except for Huo Jinyao’s father and me, who doesn’t have more than one child?”

Su Qingsang blinked her eyes. Liu Tongjia was right.

Huo Mingliang had two sons and a daughter, Huo Mingmei had a son and a daughter. She had heard from Huo Jinyao that his granduncle, Huo Yangyuan, had two sons, and his older son had a daughter and a son. His younger son had two sons.

Huo Jinyao’s grandaunt Huo Yangxiu had three sons, and they each had two children.

Huo Mingguang and Liu Tongjia seemed to be the only couple in the family who had one child.

That didn’t seem normal indeed. Usually, large families would want as many children as possible. They believed that more children equaled more luck.

Suddenly, her heart started thumping fast. She looked at Liu Tongjia, her head filled with more questions.

However, she also had a very bad feeling in her chest. She wasn’t ready to listen to what Liu Tongjia was about to say.

It wasn’t because she didn’t trust Huo Jinyao, but because she was sure that it must have had been an extremely painful past.

Noticing the fear on Su Qingsang’s face, Liu Tongjia snorted. The hatred in her eyes remained strong.

Thinking about the dark past added a gloomy tone to her face.

She closed her eyes for a second. Her eyes were a little red still. Being too emotional wasn’t a good thing for her.

She pressed a hand on her heart and breathed slowly to calm herself down.

Su Qingsang didn’t rush to ask her any more questions. She didn’t rush her but waited for Liu Tongjia to cool down.

Liu Tongjia couldn’t possibly cool down. She had been trying to do that for over ten years but never succeeded.

Her eyes looked into a distance and she began her narration of that painful memory.

“I had three children.”

“Huo Jinyao had an older brother, named Huo Jinkai, and a little sister named Huo Wushuang.”

Tears streamed down from the corner of Liu Tongjia’s eyes when she said Huo Wushuang’s name. That was her daughter. After wishing for a daughter for years, she finally had one.

The pain of losing her son and daughter had still been torturing her to this day.

The more pain she felt, the more she hated Huo Jinyao, and the harder she found it to forgive him.

“They have both died, because of Huo Jinyao.”

“That’s not possible,” Su Qingsang said. She was almost whispering.

She had been married to Huo Jinyao for nearly a year. She was pretty clear about what kind of a man Huo Jinyao was.

She believed that he would never hurt his brother and sister.

“Not possible?”

Liu Tongjia sneered. The hatred in her eyes grew more and more obvious. She wished that Huo Jinyao hadn’t done something so horrible. She wished that Huo Jinyao never said those words and did those things.

But the reality wasn’t what she wished.

Liu Tongjia had lived a very happy life. She was a lucky girl, luckier than many of the others.

The Liu Family was a respectable family in Rong City, although It wasn’t as wealthy as the Huo Family, or Li Family and the other large families.

However, as the only daughter of her family, Liu Tongjia was loved ardently by the entire family ever since she was a baby. Her parents and brothers all loved her very much. They gave her everything she wanted.

She grew up and met Huo Mingguang by chance. Huo Mingguang was the oldest son of the Huo Family. He took over the family business at an early age. He was already a very successful man when she met him.

Liu Tongjia fell in love with him at first glance. Luckily, he was fond of her too. That was the best news for Liu Tongjia, at that time.

They got together and soon decided to marry each other. Old Master Huo never regarded family background as important. Of course, Liu Tongjia’s family background wasn’t that bad after all.

They were suitable for each other, and they liked each other. However, the Huo Family had strict family rules. Old Master Huo loved his wife whole-heartedly and demanded his children to do the same.

Liu Tongjia was still a college student at that time. She felt so happy.

She had married Huo Mingguang even before she graduated. Soon after she graduated, she had Huo Jinkai and officially became a member of Huo Family.

Two years later, she had Huo Jinyao.

She and Huo Mingguang were very devoted to each other back then. Their marriage was filled with happiness and they were a wholesome couple. However, after having two sons, she still wanted a daughter.

She loved little girls, and so did Huo Mingguang. They tried to have a daughter, but after years of trying, she still couldn’t get pregnant.

The year Huo Jinyao was eight, she finally got pregnant again.

She had done whatever she could. She prayed to many different gods, including Buddha, and wished for a daughter. She had two sons already, and she really, really wanted a daughter.

She considered herself very lucky. She always got what she wanted. She wanted a daughter, and eventually, she had a daughter too, as per her wish.

That year, she became the mother of three children. Huo Jinkai was eleven, Huo Jinyao was eight, and she had the new baby girl.

She had two sons and a daughter, a husband who loved her so deeply, and friendly parents-in-law who never gave her a hard time.

She considered herself the happiest person in the world.

Huo Wushuang was a sweetheart. She wasn’t as naughty as Huo Jinkai and Huo Jinyao, who ran about in the house every single day and never listened to their parents.

Huo Wushuang got all the good genes from her parents. She was very cute and good looking also.

She liked to call her mother and brothers with her baby voice. She was adorable and thoughtful. After having her, Liu Tongjia had considered her life to be perfect.

However, a lot of accidents happened very suddenly. She sometimes wondered if she had to experience a series of bitter incidents because her life had been too happy and wonderful.

That bitterness had been lethal for her.

The year Huo Jinyao turned twelve, Old Master Huo’s wife passed away suddenly.

It happened so fast that no one was prepared for it. After all, she had been such a healthy person.

Similar to Old Master Huo, she was kind and warm. Her passing broke the hearts of the entire family.

The Huo Family was famous in the city. Many came to mourn her passing.

Some of those people were business partners of the family, and some were relatives and friends. Some had even received favors from Huo Family.

Huo Jinkai and Huo Jinyao were both over ten years old at that time. They knew what happened and they were allowed to stay in the mourning hall like they were asked to.

Unlike them, Huo Wushuang was barely four years old. How could she stay in the mourning hall for such a long time?

Many people came to the mourning hall every day, crying, and weeping. The baby girl was frightened and was in tears every day.

In the end, the girl’s voice became dry. Liu Tongjia was worried about her, and so was Old Master Huo.

Huo Manzi had already been born during that time, but Old Master Huo loved Huo Wushuang more. After all, Huo Wushuang was more adorable, gentle, and she had been living together with Old Master Huo ever since she was born.

Old Master Huo didn’t want her to cry all day. He finally said that the girl didn’t need to stay in the mourning hall. Every time people came to mourn his wife’s passing, he asked the babysitter to bring Wushuang out.

However, both Huo Jinkai and Huo Jinyao had to stay in the mourning hall. Through the seven days, they both even lost some weight.

During the funeral, Huo Wushuang wasn’t allowed to leave the house for many days and felt very bored.

She was too young to understand death. She believed that it was exactly like what her mother had told her, that her grandmother had gone to another world called heaven, which was beautiful, and peaceful.

After the funeral, Huo Wushuang had asked her brothers to take her out to play.

The two boys both loved their baby sister very much. They felt sorry for her, as she had been trapped in the house for days.

The two boys didn’t hesitate much before agreeing. They often took her out to play, so the adults weren’t worried.

Huo Jinkai was fourteen years old already. He was nearly six-foot-tall, not looking like a child anymore.

Huo Jinyao was twelve but was over five-foot-tall. They had both looked like big boys at that time. The two of them brought Huo Wushuang out of the house for a while.

Huo Wushuang was about four years old. What she liked the most was playing in the carousel in the amusement park. Faced with their little sister’s request, the two boys couldn’t say no.

They went to the amusement park together and played the carousel three times.

Before leaving their house, Huo Wushuang had seen pictures of the haunted house in the amusement park. She was young but was very brave.

Huo Jinyao tried to talk her out of it, but she insisted on going into the haunted house and taking a look. Huo Jinyao and Huo Jinkai were both big boys. They were surely not afraid of the haunted house.

So they each held the little girl’s and walked into the haunted house together. They weren’t expecting any accidents to happen at that time.

A chauffeur drove them to the amusement park. Huo Wushuang liked comfortable rides, so they always took the RV when they came out.

There was a fridge in the RV, with all kinds of snacks and drinks in it. The kids lay in the vehicle and rested if they got tired.

It was no news that the Huo Family was famous in Rong City and maintained a high social status. Moreover, Huo Yangyaun and Huo Yangxiu were both serving in the army. Therefore, people never had the guts to do anything to displease the family.

But that day, Huo Jinkai, his brother and sister were unlucky.

A murderer had come into Rong City. He had raided and murdered someone in the neighboring city. He was called Da, and was in the most wanted list.

He was being searched for nationwide. What he was planning to do at that time was to escape as soon as possible. However, he also intended to accomplish big and make a large sum of money before leaving.

He teamed up with three other men who were all as crazy and evil as he was. They were all criminals, with no fear of death.

The four of them decided to do something big together and then run into hiding.

They had been in Rong City for a couple of days, hiding from place to place. About their big plan, they hadn’t decided what to do and how they were going to do it yet.

That’s when they unexpectedly spotted Huo Jinyao, his brother and sister.

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