Chapter 89 - Name

Xiong Wuyue watched her father's face changed from happiness to frowning then to contemplation.

Minutes has passed yet Xiong De was not speaking.

"Dad. I did good right? What are you thinking?" Xiong Wuyue was a little disturbed.

The talk was short, smooth yet she felt it was very deep. She don't understand all of it. Now seeing her father was silent for a moment, Xiong Wiyue knew that the matter was not simple as it seems.

Xiong De looked back at Xiong Wuyue. Still thinking of the matter he asked,

"Why do you think that Guan guy ask for Xiong Zhi?" Xiong De decided to impart some knowledge to Xiong Wuyue today.

"Because she is a s.l.u.t. A whore who seduce men." Xiong Wuyue said it with conviction. Her face showing disgust.

Xiong De sighed. This part of Xiong Wuyue was not changeable .

'Let it be. She is still young.'

"You're wrong. What Xiong Zhi has?"

" She has a disgusting face."

Xiong De sighed again. He loved his daughter.

"Xiong Zhi is the young miss of Xiong from the first branch. What she will inherit?"

Xiong Wuyue finally got the clue. Her face was showing bitterness and envy.? With bitterness she said,

"Half of the Xiong. She's the heiress. But she doesn't deserve it. I deserve it more." She would never forget to add that last sentence.

"You're right.? How about her son?"

"Her son will have the entirety of Xiong."

"And her husband?"

"Her husband will be-" Xiong Wuyue abruptly stopped.

"Guan Gao Huan wants the entire Xiong!"

She changed her point at mid sentence.

She realized it now.

With wide eyes she grabbed her father.

"Guan Gao Huan wants the entire Xiong! How about us?! We want the Xiong empire as well! I want to be the young miss!"

Xiong De was calm and patted Xiong Wuyue on her back.

"Don't think too much about it. Guan Gao Huan knows our plan as well. We have the same goals. But remember this, Guan Gao Huan was a Guan. They are like Xiong. They have inner battles as well. Having the Guan and Xiong in your hands would not be easy. "

Xiong Wuyue calmed a litte.

"The Guan Gao Huan right now needs our help to create his own card. He needs Xiong Zhi to secure his position in the Guans. Right now, we are in truce. We both need each other. Don't think about the future battle. We must first focus on how we can create an opportunity for both of them."

Xiong Wuyue was silent. She don't have any idea.

Xiong De also fell in deep contemplation.

How they would make Guan Gao Huan and Xiong Zhi be close to each other without letting the Old Xiong knows that they are the one pulling the strings?

Old Xiong...

This old man was really a big thorn in his throat, an enormous big rock that stop him from moving forward.

If he got rid of this thorn he could breathe smoothly, without this big rock in his road, he could go forward towards his destination, towards his dreams.

'Old Xiong.'

Without Old Xiong everything would be his.

'Old Xiong...


'I will to get rid of you.'



Xiong Zhi arrived home.

She was very tired.

Sitting on a chair and having a brain storming with high schoolers made her head ache.

She could not believe having to argue or just give suggestions about this short skit was harder than solving Xiao Mei's case.

Song Xuantin did not allow her to go home early without opening her mouth and make some suggestions. Since everyone gave their own opinions, she needed to also gave her own part.

She doesn't have any idea what would happen in a skit. Or what she should do in a skit. This activity was given in the past as well. But at that time, since no one came to her, she doesn't have a team. She was even exempted. She did not do any of this.

But now she belongs to a group. She had to do this tiring activity.

Having been bombarded by Song Xuantin's 'to be fair with everyone', 'act your part', 'there's no a Lu or a Xiong here', 'let's be fair', 'justice for everyone', Xiong Zhi finally give in.

She suggest she would take care of the expenses.

Song Xuantin was happy but Lu Yin Ze was not. Lu Yin Ze offered he would pay the expenses instead. Song Xuantin was more delighted and decided to let them Xiong and Lu to pay all the expenses. Since according to her (Song Xuantin) they will be the 'treasurers' of the group. To be precise, Lu Yin Ze was the treasurer, and Xiong Zhi was the auditor.

"If we are short in budget, we will come to you guys!" That's the exact words of Song Xuantin.

Song Xuantin assigned positions to all of them. The President was no doubt Song Xuantin and the Vice President / Graphics Props was Gu Zhen.

The President, Song Xuantin, would be responsible for the script.

Xiong Zhi already taken a bath and prepared to sleep when a knock on the door disturbed her.

The maid's voice sounded at the other side.

"Young Miss Zhi, Madam Song is on the phone. She wish to speak with you."

Xiong Zhi sighed heavily.

'I thought I was done with this.'

Kneeding her forehead she went to open the door and get the wireless telephone.

"Zhi!!! Don't sleep yet! I have something to discuss!"

Xiong Zhi doubt for the nth time if befriending Song Xuantin was really a good idea.

"What is it?" She calmly ask.

"Open your FaceApp! Lu Yin Ze and my lovely Gu Zhen are online. We will have our meeting right now!"

Xiong Zhi could not help but to ask.

"Can it wait tomorrow?"

'It is not that urgent right?'

"No! We have another thing to discuss tomorrow. This one is urgent! Emergency meeting!"

Xiong Zhi sighed heavily.

'This is really childish.'

She felt it was not that necessary. She was about to drop the call and ignore Song Xuantin when Song Xuantin who somehow knew Xiong Zhi would ignore her, shouted.

"It is related to our Operation 2!"

Xiong Zhi abruptly stopped her movement. She brought the telephone to her ear again.

"Please elaborate."

Song Xuantin who heard this, smile snickerly on the other line.

'I got 'cha!'

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