To Love You Again

Chapter 87 - Collaboration II

Chapter 87 - Collaboration II

Xiong Wuyue applied her red lipstick once again.

This day was supposed to be lovely. But Xiong Wuyue could not feel it a bit.

"Are you sure you talked with Guan Gao Huan's secretary?" Her irritated voice erupted for the nth time.

"Yes. Young Miss, they said they will meet us at 1pm." The PA answered anxiously.

"Are you sure you haven't misheard?! We have been waiting here for almost two hours! I'm turning into stone here! Call them again!"

The PA hurriedly run outside from the rented VIP room. She tried to call the number multiple times. But unfortunately, it was out of reach. The PA was having a hard time. She doesn't want to go back and face the infuriated lady.

As she was just thinking of going back or not, a group of people entered the lobby.

A handsome tall man was surrounded by the men in black suits. His golden eyes glanced at her.

The PA felt her heart skipped a beat.

'Such a handsome man.'

Guan Gao Huan walked to the PA and smiled.

"I believe you are Xiong Wuyue's assistant. Can you lead us to her?"

The PA face flushed red. It was the second young master of the legendary family Guan! And he talked to her!

The PA bowed shyly and lead the new group to the VIP room.

When Xiong Wuyue saw the PA she was about to shout at her but swallowed it down when she saw Guan Gao Huan at the back.

Her scowl instantly turned into a charming smile.

"I hope I don't become a bother. You must probably busy. Thank you for giving me time." Xiong Wuyue changed attitude made the PA inwardly rolled her eyes. Working under the young miss of the second branch made the PA learned how to hide her bitterness and unjust feelings.

"No worries. I apologize for being late. There's traffic." Guan Gao Huan apologetically smiled.

Xiong Wuyue smiled sweeter even though she was cursing Gao Huan for making her wait.

'He has done it on purpose. This guy is looking down on me.'

"You don't have to apologize. I'm happy you're here."

Xiong Wuyue stands up and served tea personally to Guan Gao Huan.

"Make yourself refresh first. Our matters can wait." Xiong Wuyue politely added. She instructed her PA to bring more refreshments for Guan Gao Huan and his men.

"Oh. Thank you. Such pleasure. " Guan Gao Huan returned the smile.

He reached out for the tea. He smelled it and gracefully sipped from it. His golden eyes reflected how satisfied he was from tasting the tea.

"I haven't tasted this tea before. Where did you get this?"

Xiong Wuyue showed her dimples.

"You are the first person who tasted it outside Xiong. This is the newest tea that the second branch will publicly advertise next month. It's called Anquan tea."

"Anquan tea..Hmm. Very much alike from its name. Giving me a taste of security and safety. Very relaxing." Guan Gao honestly praised the tea. True to its name, the tea taste good. Its smell and aftertaste made people feel at home. Relaxed and secured.

Unfortunately, this tea wasn't enough to make him feel secured.

He needed facts and proofs. And he would have it. All of it.





Name it. He would make it His.

Guan Gao Huan's golden eyes concealed every thought of his. He looked up at Xiong Wuyue. He would start from this girl, the princess of the second branch. Sending him to her means one thing.

They wanted her to rope him in.

Since an opportunity came, why waste it?

"By the way, I'm really interested why you an exalted lady want to meet with me?"

Xiong Wuyue titled her head to the side, acting cute.

"I just want to reunite with my preschool friend. And catch things up with you. Please pardon me because of my excitement I did not act on my place. I was too brazen." Xiong Wuyue said bowing her head a little. Like a guilty little rabbit.

Guan Gao Huan laughed.

"No worries. I want to catch things up with you as well. But it has been a decade already. Why talk about the past? Let's talk about the future, shall we?"

Xiong Wuyue's face lit up. This is what she wants. She doesn't have to talk about the past where she and Gao Huan did not even talk in preschool before. It save her from making up stories and bootlicking.

At least she could establish connections with the Guans.

So she laughed sweetly.

"Alright. If you say so. How do you find your stay in China?"

"Its good so far. A lot of things changed. How about you? I've heard you just come from Paris."

Xiong Wuyue unconsciously raised her brow. For what she did not know.

"Yeah. I mostly grew up in Paris. I went here because of the anniversary. How about you, how long would you stay? "

"Not clear yet. When are you coming back?"

"Same as you. No date as of now. I heard you will enroll in TIHS. "

"My old man want me to attend the school. Even though I don't need it. I heard you will be the model in IAmFashionista. Congratulations."

Xiong Wuyue smile faltered.

'How the heck did you know?'

She, as being the model in this year IAmFashionista was not yet publicized. Because she just received the invitation days ago. No one should know about it yet. So how did he know?

'Did he investigate about me before meeting me? What for?'

Xiong Wuyue sipped from the tea to hide her anxiousness.

'Father is right. Truly, a Guan is not really simple.'

After drinking a little, Xiong Wuyue smiled back.

"You know a lot about me. I might think you like me."

Guan Gao Huan laughed.

" I know as well your transaction in Bahrain. The deals you have with the other Xiong elders. And the new business in the black market. What else I did not know?" Guan Gao Huan said in a laughing yet polite voice.

Xiong Wuyue eyes could not concealed her shock.

The Bahrain transaction was a secret one. No one should know about this aside from both of the parties present.

Especially the matters of colliding and buying the shares from Xiong elders. It should be a very concealed one. All the mouths of involved was supposed to be shut tight. Since it concerned the Xiong family, specifically to Old Xiong.

And even the new business in black market. It just opened three days ago! She and her father only knows that they are the owners! No one should know about it! How the heck he knows!

Xiong Wuyue was panicking inside. All the things that Gao Huan mentioned were all big secrets from them. What else did he knew?

But the question was. Why he knows it? And why telling it to her?

'What does he want?'

Guan Gao Huan laughed softly.

"You might be wondering. 'What I want? Why I know this?' "

Xiong Wuyue looked up at him in horror.

Guan Gao Huan leaned at Xiong Wuyue. He still has that amiable smile on his face. He was clearly enjoying the look of horror in Xiong Wuyue's face.

"Of course. I am a Guan. I can know what I want to know. I can get whatever I want. But you,? the young miss of the SECOND BRANCH. Can you get what you want? "

Xiong Wuyue got awoken from the word SECOND BRANCH.

These were the words the she hates. And now Guan Gao Huan was clearly taunting her.

"You don't have to answer. Cause I know with just you and your father's power it is not enough to get your dreams. You cannot beat the Old Xiong. Unless you got a help from the Guans. You and your father clearly knows that."

Xiong Wuyue nerves tightened. It seems like this Guan Gao Huan knows everything about them. He knows what they have been doing, and what they want.

Such a scary man.

" I- I think you misunderstand me-" Xiong Wuyue tried to deny it.

"What if I told you I can help you? What if I told you, I'm willing to collaborate? Are you still going to deny it? Are you willing to waste it?"

Xiong Wuyue gulped. She was trying to deny everything Guan Gao Huan said because they were all true. And if those truths came out, Old Xiong would surely drive them out from China and from Xiong Empire. They would not even received a single cent from the empire.

But if she denies it now, it would be as the same as refusing Guan Gao Huan's help. She would waste this opportunity.

And what she came for today?

For collaboration.

So Xiong Wuyue regain her spirit. She laughed a little to conceal her discomfort.

"Surely you must be jesting. How can I refuse your helping hand?"

Even though it was the same as admiting it she could not afford to waste this opportunity.

Guan Gao Huan's golden eyes reflected his delight.

The fish got hooked.

Now it's time to put it in a basket and weigh it.

"Then what can you do for me in return?"

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