To Love You Again

Chapter 767 - I Have to Go Back

Chapter 767 - 'I Have to Go Back'

Xuyue ran fast while carrying Lu Jin. Before she became Lu Jin's red hacker, she was once a professional thief both outside and inside of the field. So carrying a man might be a hassle but still bearable. She ran as fast as she could.

The other three saw her and ran after her.

"Gosh. Don't run after me. Just fight with Kang'ge, ah!" Xuyu shouted desperately.

The three were experts and fast. They managed to lessen the distance very quickly.

Xuyu ran like the world was going to end..

Mr. Kang saw that Xuyu was at a disadvantage. Without looking at the one he was fighting right now, he ran after them. He took his gun and began firing.

The three avoided it but it slowed them down.

The man behind Mr. Kang took out his gun as well and fired at the latter.

Mr. Kang avoided it as much as he could while still firing at the front. Because of his perfect mark, the three men at the front were having a hard time avoiding the bullets.


He took one down. But because of it, it attracted more people to come here. He ignored the pain and kept firing at the front.

Xuyu then chirped loudly. A signal that they need to use an escape route right now.

Xuyue threw a smoke bomb and disappeared. Mr. Kang threw smoke bombs everywhere as well and disappeared through the smoke.

When the smoke subsided, none of the two people was left.

The three men looked around. Their hearts were tense. If the master found out they lost the young master, they would surely die. They should find the Young Master quickly.

A few moments later, the backup arrived. After recounting the situation, they separated to look for the young master.


When Lu Jin woke up he still felt the burning sensation of pain from his wounds, But it was less than before.

"Young Master?" Mr. Kang noticed that Lu Jin opened his eyes.

"Where am I?" Lu Jin's voice was groggy. He looked at his banged arms and legs, "You treated me? How…"

"Young Master, don't move much. Here, drink water first."

Lu Jin tried to sit up while shoving away the glass of water that Mr. Kang handed to him. "Where am I?"

"Young Master, you are in another city where Xuyu lives."

"Xuyu?" Lu Jin suddenly remembered what happened before he fainted. "You...did the two of you get me out?" He asked stunned.

Mr. Kang nodded. "Yes. Xuyu is not here. She left to erase our traces. I am sure Master's people are everywhere looking for you."

"No. I have to go back.." Lu Jin started to panick. He tried to stand up. His bandages started to soak with blood.

"Young Master! Please stay seated."

"I can't stay here. If father arrived and learned I escaped, he would be totally furious. I have to go back." Lu Jin's face sweated. Just using a little movement was hard on him. But he still needs to leave.

Mr. Kang teared up. Why his master have to be so loyal to the man who tortured him? Was it because the master was his father?

"Young Master, please don't do this…" Mr. Kang restrained Lu Jin's arm. Mr. Kang did not even bother about his own injury. The bandage on his shoulder started to turn red as well.

Lu Jin looked at Mr. Kang straight in the eyes, "Butler Kang, I am thankful to you and Xuyu for risking your life just to save me. But I have to return."

"Why? Why do you have to die under the Master's hands? You still have a chance to live. Please don't waste it, Young Master!"

Lu Jin shook his head. There are a lot of complicated emotions in his eyes. "You don't understand. If my father learns I am not there, he will get crazier. More furious than ever."

Lu Jin had lived his entire life beside his father. He knew him well. His father was a terrifying man. He was even terrifying when he could not restrain his maddening heart.

His father was not sane.

"My betrayal already broke father's mind. His perfect plan is destroyed because of me. I am afraid if he learned that I escaped, his restraint might snap. He might do something more...more horrifying than he ever did." Lu Jin's heart jumped violently when he thought of that.

His father was being cornered by Xiong Zhi. According to Xiong Zhi's movement, she was on the way for an all out attack. No, she must have start doing it at this moment. If his father who was under great pressure, found out that his only control was lost, his last restraint that kept him from going berserk would break.

Lu Jin knew he had to be there to stop his father from losing his mind. His father only needs to vent his anger to him. In that way, he could at least keep the people he wanted to protect safe.

"So I have to return." Lu Jin said determinedly.

Mr. Kang could not believe what he was hearing. "Young Master, you are right. I don't understand this twisted relationship you have with Master but please, you will just die on the way if you keep going like this. You have to heal! Please!"

Lu Jin looked at his injured body. He might die with blood loss if he travels again. He bit his lips. But it's better to die in the hands of his father if it means that it could quench his father's anger for a moment.

Lu Jin closed his eyes. The moment he betrayed his father, he had already accepted his fate. And that fate was to die on his father's hand.

He shook off Mr. Kang's hand hard, "I am sorry. But I can't stay here. I need to be there." Lu Jin stood up despite the pain in every movement. He began to walk towards the door.

Mr. Kang gritted his teeth. "I am sorry too, Young Master." He then hit the back of Lu Jin's neck.

However, Lu Jin was on guard this time. A layer of qigong protected his nape. But he was still weak, Mr. Kang had an apologetic expression before he took a handkerchief with sedative and pressed it in Lu Jin's nose.

He and Xuyue prepared it when they cleaned their young master's wounds. Because of the possibility that their stubborn young master would forcefully return to that place, they prepared it beforehand. Mr. Kang did not even think that they would use it so soon.


He lost consciousness before he could speak.

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