To Love You Again

Chapter 762 - Confirmed Truth

Chapter 762 - Confirmed Truth

The handwriting ended there.

Lu Yin Ze checked the back of the letter to see if there was more, but there was nothing.

Lu Yin Ze read the letter again.

His silver-blue eyes blurred with anger.

So this was it?

His brother did not ask for any forgiveness for what he had done to him or to their mother!? .

His brother was aware of the sins he committed, yet he did not express regret for any of those, nor asked forgiveness for them, even for show!

Lu Yin Ze threw the letter down angrily. "Condemn you? Hate you? You are just like father!"

No! He hated them enough! He cursed them a lot!

So what was the point of being angry on top of the hatred he already had for them?

He brushed his silver hair back and exhaled.

He stood still for a long time.

His eyes fell on the letter on the ground dully.

In the end, what Lu Yin Ze wanted to hear from his brother was the reason why he had done those cruel things.

He wanted to hear his brother's reasons and justification for his actions and choices.

He wanted his brother to say how he regretted all of his actions, how he was deeply sorry for him and their family.

He wanted him to ask for forgiveness! Grovel on his feet and cry! Beg him and their mother for the rest of his life!

Lu Yin Ze's eyes reddened with moisture. He bit his lips.

He knew that his brother had his reasons, no matter how unreasonable or pathetic they were. Lu Yin Ze at least wanted to know them.

He took the letter again and tore it apart.

"Why! Why! You never tell me why!"

Why do you have to do those cruel things?

Why don't you ask for forgiveness?

After venting his anger and distress on the piece of paper, Lu Yin Ze calmed down.


He panted and stood up for a long time.

He blankly wiped his eyes, knelt down mechanically, and gathered the torn pieces of paper again. He put them in the envelope.

Right. He still needed to check on this one.

Lu Yin Ze left the burial site with a gloomy shadow over him.


Like Lu Jin said, the memory card had evidence of Lu Jin and Ming Zhi Yi's crimes against the Lu family.

Lu Yin Ze stared at the data on his computer blankly. He was already numbed for any surprises.

The poison he took when he was young was developed by his father's organization and was later taken over by his brother.

In Lu Jin's entry, they were poisoning him mildly at constant micro-administrations to keep Lu Yin Ze from going back to the Lu family. With the excuse of being sick, Lu Yin Ze would be subjected to constant watch in the hospital, while their father looked for the evidence that their mother hid.

His father believed that before Lu Fan Rong died, she entrusted the evidence she had found to Lu Yin Ze. However, during the years of Lu Yin Ze's stay in the hospital, they never found it. They also tried to get the truth out of Lu Yin Ze, but he remained uncooperative and did not seem to know it.

Lu Yin Ze's hand was cold while he browsed through the contents of the memory card.

As Lu Yin Ze remembered, his mother was very healthy, until one day when she suddenly coughed up blood. That was when they found out that she had leukemia. It was at a stage where it could not be treated with the then-current medical treatment available. However, as long as her condition was maintained and did not worsen, she could live for a few more years.

At that time, the Lu family focused on developing their medical field to get a cure for their mother. However, in the end, she still collapsed and got bedridden.

Soon, she took her last breath.

That was how it appeared to the public.

But Lu Yin Ze knew that his father was secretly poisoning his mother. When he was younger, he could not comprehend why his mother changed and became apprehensive towards their father. Only after he was locked up in the hospital and understood what his mother's words meant did he realize the cruel truth.

This was the data that confirmed that his father had truly poisoned his mother.

Unlike Lu Yin Ze, his mother received a double dose of poison a few months before his mother died which caused her to become bedridden.

Lu Yin Ze felt his blood turn cold. He forced himself to calm down.

'Lu Yin Ze, there is no need to be surprised. You knew it long ago.'

After a long while of taking deep breaths, he continued reading the rest of the data.

Lu Yin Ze was soon overwhelmed.

He came to learn about the Qian family and the Lu family's dispute, what his grandfather had done that Ming Zhi Yi wanted to return in ten folds.

It was… a bloody history that came back to haunt the Lu family, as if in karmic retribution.

Lu Yin Ze shut down his ??ptop, leaned on his chair, and closed his eyes.

He was silent.


At this moment, his phone rang.

He ignored it for a while, but it kept ringing.

It was the number that Xiong Zhi used last time.

He pressed the answer bu??on. "Xiong Zhi?"

"Lu Yin Ze, listen well. Tomorrow, we will start going upfront. Everything is ready, there is no need to hold back anymore."

The phone call that Xiong Zhi made also reached Guan Gu Ri phone, Tan Xinyang, and Gu Zhen.

That night became a sleepless night for certain people in all four legendary families.

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