To Love You Again

Chapter 754 - A Dangerous Situation

Chapter 754 - A Dangerous Situation

Linfeng finished him with another shot on the head while quickly approaching the burnt woman. He could hear the footsteps of those running towards them. It was probably the people from the basement.

The woman's face was already half-burnt. It was from the acid that the men used to torture her earlier as well as burns from the car explosion. The rest of her body from the ?h?st down was severely burnt by the explosion like the dead man beside her.

"K-kill me. I won't... l-live."

Linfeng knew that the woman was only hanging on by a thin thread.

"A-acid... My face..." The woman looked at the bottle of acid.

Even if the men had not recognized her due to her efforts to contort her face and the burnt marks, later, if they investigated, they would know who she was.

Even if she was killed, people could still identify her through her face. Since they were publically introduced by IHZHI, this incident might be connected to Xiong Zhi.

Linfeng nodded. He knew that there was no hope for this woman, especially with the severely tortured body she was in.

He raised his gun and killed her swiftly to end the pain. After making sure that she was dead, he poured the rest of the acid onto her face.

There was no need for him to do this on the burnt man since all of his body was burnt. His face was even more unrecognizable.

Linfeng heard footsteps. He smirked.

They only sent two people?

And none of them were from the three of the strongest experts. Perhaps they were testing his abilities.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Linfeng used the dead bodies as cover while moving. The two men were hiding behind the door while shooting.

In around two minutes, one of them fell. Once he killed one of them, he killed the other easily.

Linfeng glanced at the two bodies at the door. There was no sign of movements from the basement. They must have been waiting for him.

Basement. The two spies were there.

The whole infiltration and open fire happened in only ten minutes. Xiong Zhi's subordinates would be coming at any time.

Linfeng carefully moved downstairs. He picked up the guns and spare bullets on his way. He also quietly dragged down the dead bodies with him downstairs in case he needed a shield.

As he walked, he could feel the deadly aura coming from the basement. The three men were showing off their prowess like peacocks.

Linfeng loaded his gun first. He dragged and rolled down the dead bodies before opening the basement door.

As expected, he was met by a rain of bullets. He used the dead body as a meat shield while checking the surroundings.

Linfeng quickly ?ssessed the situation.

Five men were firing at him, and the three strongest ones of them were guarding the two captured spies.

Linfeng decided to kill the easy targets first.

However, the remaining five men were excellent at aiming as well. Soon, Linfeng's meat shield was tattered. Frowning, he retreated and dragged out another meat shield. He had many meat shields here that he piled up on the door.

He planned to consume their ammunition.

One of the men cursed. "Fuck this bastard!"

Another man spoke. "Contact the other team. The baited fish is struggling."


Linfeng's eyes narrowed. The next moment, the transmitters on the men's waists exploded altogether.

After two guns and two more meat shields, Linfeng successfully killed one. However, he was not totally left unscathed.

There were several shallow wounds where the bullets scratched his body.

"Tsk! What a tough one! Hey, I'll be using my grizzly, boss!" One of the shooting men asked the man at the center.

The latter nodded. "Go ahead."

The man rolled behind his comrades and took out a modified grenade launcher. He mounted it on his rifle.

Linfeng's gaze darkened.

M320 grenade launcher. Single shot, short range to mid range.

Linfeng was no Juggernaut. If he got hit by that, he would be dead and his body would be in shambles in an instant.

However, if the man launched it, it would also be the best opportunity to quickly kill him. The other men's position's could be bypassed.

Linfeng was confident in this gamble. He pretended to escape outside but grabbed three bodies to use them as a meatshield. This would not totally block the impact, but it was better than? nothing.

He gambled on the fact that they were still in the basement. The enemies would not foolishly kill themselves with large explosions.

'In short, the grenade ammunition must have been modified to have less explosive impact.'

While the rest of the men kept firing, Linfeng's dark eyes focused on aiming at the man who was holding the mounted launcher.

As the man aimed the grenade launcher carefully, Linfeng readied himself. His eyes narrowed as he reloaded behind the wall of dead bodies.


The recoil unsteadied the man holding the launcher, and Linfeng immediately pulled the trigger then jumped away from the wall of dead bodies.

At the same time, he threw out a smoke bomb.


The room was instantly filled with stinging smoke that scratched at the throat. The whole basement seemed to shake.

The man holding the launcher died immediately with a hole on his forehead and fell.

The red-hot impact in the air still scorched and pushed Linfeng away. To buffer the impact, he rolled on the floor while holding his breath.

He uncontrollably let out a grunt.

His clothes were in tatters, and even the bulletproof vest under his shirt was damaged. His sides were burning and he could feel that he had a few internal injuries.

The grenade just b?r?ly brushed him!

"Cough, cough. This bastard, he is actually still alive?"


Despite the smoke, three guns swooped to aim at the location of the cough and fired.

Utilizing his qigong, he immediately forced himself to jump away. He avoided most of the bullets, but one penetrated his upper arm and another grazed his leg.

Without a change in expression, he took out the two spare guns he picked up earlier, flitted constantly around the basement while trying to approach the group.

His body felt numb when he used qigong to heighten his senses and block the pain.

"Damn! He is a qigong expert!"

"Leader, this guy is no joke."

One man fumbled in the smog and picked up the grenade launcher, however, Linfeng accurately pointed his gun at him and shot.



The man was killed, and there were only two experts left.

But the leader used this chance to accurately hit Linfeng. He was also a qigong expert and thus, he was able to sense Linfeng's location when Linfeng killed his persons.


"Ugh." Linfeng grunted. He was hit on the stomach, but the vest mostly blocked the damage.

However, another bullet came rushing next and penetrated the region between his lower right abdomen and h?ps.

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