Chapter 751 - A Trap

Night time.

Some distance away from an abandoned factory, a car came to a stop and parked at the empty roadside in between old buildings.

A handsome man turned off the engine before turning around to ask his teammates.

"Why would they hide something important in an abandoned place such as this? The police will only be more suspicious if they see people coming in and out of here."

The person on the copilot seat beside him was a pretty female. She frowned as well. "We did not pass by any cars. We don't have a choice but to walk forward. We need to scout how many of them are there."

Two men on the back seat readied themselves.

"We will check it out."

The pretty woman on the copilot seat threw them a small device. "Contact us if there is anything."

The two men nodded and put on the device under their collars. Then they left the car and blended into the night.

These four people were Xiong Zhi's undercover subordinates disguising as talents in IHZHI Entertainment in order to get in touch with LJ Club's drug dealers and pushers. Their target was to get evidence of LJ Club's illegal activities.

If William saw them, he would recognize them as Xiong Zhi's fresh new talents whom she usually brought with her to 'promote' them in the entertainment industry.

As the two men approached the building, they noticed how eerily quiet the abandoned building was. There was no light lit up in the building.

For a moment, they thought that they got to the wrong place. However, since the address was given to them by their boss herself, they decided to investigate more.

They went to the building.

There was no sight of any people or any activities here. As they moved forward and upstairs cautiously, their hearts started to doubt.

"Falcon, report on-site status. Did you find any worms?" The pretty woman's voice sounded faintly.

Falcon was their code for scouts.

One of the men answered in a low whisper. "Nothing. There is no one here. We are already on the third floor. No sightings. Did we get the address right?"

"Is there any basement? Check that first--"

The sound seemed choppy before it was suddenly cut off.

"Hawks? Hey, hawks! Shit their line is gone." One of the men said.

"Your line is gone. We can't hear from you." The other man pressed on his collar and tried to contact the woman again. He repeated it many times but there's no answer. Not even a static could be heard from the apparatus.

"What could possibly happen?" The other man turned to his companion.

"The line is suddenly cut off. There's no way it's a coincidence," the man said with a grave face. "I think we should get out of here. This place is suspicious."

"But let's check the basement first--"

Right at this time, a strong blinding light suddenly shone on them.

The two immediately retreated to a direction away from the light. However, since they were currently blindsighted, they did not see the several men surrounding all their escape routes.

The two felt a chill on their necks. Their faces were grave as they both took hold of their hidden weapons.

They did not feel the men's presence at all! These people were all experts!

One of the two men tapped a few times on the device under his collar.

It was the Morse code for the words 'trap' and 'leave now'.

He just hoped it works this time.


On the other side, the pretty woman kept typing on her ??ptop. She cursed when she saw that she still could not reconnect.

"This damn thing was working earlier. Why is it not working now?"

Her eyes were solemn.

The man in the driver seat looked ahead of the car. He seemed to see a shadow passing by.

"This is not a defect. This must be the other party's interruption. We should get out of here."

The woman nodded. "They must have a device that interrupts the signal. We don't have a choice. The other side seems prepared. We can only leave them now and request for back-up."

The man turned on the car engine. When the car moved a bit, he noticed something was wrong.

"The tire is broken."


The two looked at each other. Their hands reached for the guns.


Several gun muzzles were pointed at them through the car window. "Come out."

Lu Jin went to an entertainment establishment aside from the LJ Club under their group's control. It was another luxury club but was not very well-known to the public. Fortunately, this club was not yet found out by the police.

This place was where the high-ranking subordinates of his father were staying at right now.

When he came in, the people inside the hall turned quiet. Lu Jin did not pay them any mind and went directly to his own office.

"Ahem, Young Master Lu Jin."

A voice made Lu Jin's hand stop from pushing the office door open. He turned around and saw Liu Fung's worried appearance.

(A/n: Liu Fung was one of Lu Jin's people. He was one of the investors of ArtWorld. See ArtWorld Arc.)

"Why are you here?"

"Well, I am also a member of LJ Club and people are investigating me, so I came here to hide--"

"That is not what I am talking about." Lu Jin curtly cut him off. "Why did you approach me? Do you have something to report?"

"Well… Young Master. Is your position alright? You are the boss's son so you will not be cast aside, correct?" Liu Fung asked in a cautious tone.

Lu Jin's eyebrow moved. "What do you mean?"

"That...." Liu Fung looked left and right, before stepping closer to whisper. "Ahem… Can we talk somewhere safe? There are many experts here."

Lu Jin observed Liu Fung's face. Since this cowardly man dared to do something he did not usually do, then it must be worth his time.

"Alright." Lu Jin pushed the door open and let him come in.

The room was locked from inside.

Liu Fung went to the matter directly. "Young Master, your position is not being threatened, right? Mr. Bing will absolutely not ever get your position?"

Mr. Bing?

Mr. Bing was Ming Zhi Yi's loyal subordinate.

"Young Master is so capable. I surely jumped on the right boat!"

"Hold on. Why are you asking me this?"

Liu Fung shed his fear of Lu Jin.

The important matter right now was that the person whom he decided to support should not be cast away, or else he too would be cast away along with him.

So thinking about it, Liu Fung told him what was happening before Lu Jin arrived.

"Young Master, that man, Mr. Bing took some of the experts from here without your knowledge. When I stopped him, that bastard just grinned at me. He dared to say that the Young Master I am currently serving will not be a master anymore. That traitor said that you... you will soon be dead! As if!" Liu Fung gritted his teeth angrily.

Lu Jin halted.

Mr. Bing was one of his father's men who wanted to be his father's successor.

Lu Jin already knew that the man was coveting his successor position, but the latter never acted this boldly.

Because Mr. Bing knew that if showed his ambitious attitude in the presence of his father or Lu Jin, he would die.

But for Mr. Bing to act boldly like this against Lu Jin, Mr. Bing must have the confidence to do it.

The man must have received his father's ?ssurance.

Lu Jin lowered his eyes while thinking.

Did his father find out what he did in the underworld?

But if his father really did know, then Lu Jin must not be walking freely right now.

Something must have happened.

A thought occurred to him.

Lu Jin: "How many men did he take?"

Liu Fung: "Around twenty? They are all experts."

Lu Jin's heart thumped.

He realized what was happening.

He took out his phone and dialed a number. He asked Liu Fung while waiting for the other line to answer. "Do you know which direction he was going?"

Liu Fung blinked. "They were being discreet.. I don't know where they went."

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