To Love You Again

Chapter 479 - Linfengs Resolution

Chapter 479 - Linfeng's Resolution

Linfeng carried Xiong Zhi to his old room below the rooftop.

The woman in his arms had already fallen asleep.

Because she was tired of yesterday night's activity, the emotional upheaval earlier, and the relief of finally telling the secret of her past life to her most beloved person, she had fallen asleep deeply.

Linfeng watched the soundly sleeping woman on his bed. Her eyes and nose were red and slightly swollen. He felt distressed.

Silently, he stood up, went down to get a cold compress, and returned to the room.

He covered it with a thick towel and put it on her eyes gently.

The sleeping woman squirmed uncomfortably, feeling the coolness.

Without taking off the compress, Linfeng patted Xiong Zhi gently to soothe her. If he left her eyes like this, his Zhi'er would have trouble waking up comfortably tomorrow. Her eyes would become puffy and she would be uncomfortable the whole day.

After fidgeting for a short moment, the woman succ.u.mbed to his soothing and finally calmed down into a restful sleep. After securing the compress over Xiong Zhi's closed eyes, he took a warm towel and began to wipe her face and exposed arms.

They had stayed in the rooftop for a while after all. Although the housekeepers cleaned the surroundings, other parts of the roof might not be cleaned well and dust likely flew around them.

His mind recalled the things Xiong Zhi confessed earlier.

Linfeng's hand slowed down.

He could see Xiong Zhi's bruised body. Her cheekbones at this moment looked thin and there were dark shades under her eyes. She was pale and looked like she was about to blown away by the wind.

She was sleeping quietly on his bed.

Linfeng stayed still while his eyes slowly became heavy.

The emotions which he had been suppressing since earlier was threatening to come out.

Linfeng gently finished changing the sleeping woman's clothes.

After covering her with a blanket and adjusting the room temperature, Linfeng did not go to sleep but walked out to the balcony.

He needed to cool his head. He put his hands on the and harshly exhaled amidst the darkness.

He stared at the starry sky, but now the light did not enter his sight.

Xiong Zhi had told him many things that truly shocked him.

And he could not just deny that those were not true, because just as what he had told her earlier, he believed in her.

More specifically, he believed in her character and in the undeniable series of coincidences.

Her trauma was also real.

And… those dreams of his from long ago.

Linfeng had never told anyone this, because he himself did not think it was important.

Earlier, he recalled that after meeting his Young Miss officially for the first time, he started having weird dreams intermittently, dreams that he could not remember after waking up the next day but always left him dumbfounded with tears.

It was out of his character.

It had confused him for a long time. He ended up attributing it to his repressed nature and ambitions. He remembered that those dreams soon stopped after he accepted his feelings towards his Young Miss.

He did not think much about it before and simply assumed that because he had admitted his feelings, his suppressed emotions finally found an outlet. He was just glad that the mysterious dreams finally stopped coming.

But now, after hearing about Xiong Zhi's 'prophetic dream', Linfeng had to recast his viewpoint. Such 'coincidences' were too impossible to be coincidences only. He did not believe in uncanny coincidences with a hundred percentage matches like this. Those two were most likely related.

Linfeng trusted his instincts. Now, he had a nagging feeling deep in his mind, that it was more than a prophetic dream…

As if, once, he had actually let his beloved woman down.

This intuition was growing stronger with each passing minute, to the point that it was no longer just an intuition, but a mysterious haze of emotions that shrouded him, as if it had been hiding in ambush for a long time in his mind and was now attacking in full force.

The intense feelings of self-blame, anger, sorrow, and many others intermingling.

He did not know from where this strange negative complex of emotions was coming from, but it was clearly telling him something. That his previous dreams were related to hers. That it was more than just dreams.

If that was the case, then...

Linfeng clenched his fists.

That Linfeng was surely a pathetic man.

'He' could not even protect the person he had sworn his life to protect with and allowed her to be kidnapped by those despicable people.

'He' had let her, his most beloved person, suffer under their cruel hands.

It even took 'him' three years to save her! And what for? Just to die?!

Linfeng was so angry he almost vomited blood.

This anger and self-blame was growing strongly inside him.

He was angry at the villains who made his most beloved person suffer.

But he was most angry at 'himself'.

How could 'he' be so unreliable? So lacking in many ways!

He could not forgive 'himself'.

Linfeng eyes were cold and dark.

He would not let himself become that 'Linfeng'.

He would not allow anyone to hurt his Zhi'er, nor let them touch a single hair of hers.

The 'dream' that she was talking about would never happen. Nothing from it would be allowed to happen.

Linfeng's dream of freeing his family had been achieved.

He also became lovers with his Young Miss whom he longed for. His ambitious drive had begun to stabilize, but now, it skyrocketed again. He must become more powerful, richer, and more influential than anyone else.

This time, he would never fail to protect her. This was the single, most overpowering thought in his mind at the moment.

Linfeng's hand was itching to investigate and craft a plan on how to deal with those people, especially the mysterious person whom Xiong Zhi had mentioned.

He would never relax and continue to gather more power for him and Zhi'er.

No one would ever touch them.


On the next day, Xiong Zhi woke up feeling refreshed.

Her body still felt a bit sore, but the throbbing ache had diminished a lot.

His mind was not bothered by the dull soreness but was invigorated and relieved.

She was finally able to let out her deepest secret to Linfeng!

Her heart was naturally clear and with no burden as if the shackles on her body was thrown off.

Thus, she woke up with a faint smile.

As soon as her eyes opened, she saw the man's sleeping face beside her.

The face under the warm glow looked smooth to touch, the jaw was angular, and the nose bridge was tall.

His cheeks were slightly flushed due to sleep, and his lips looked moist red.

The long dark lashes swept to his cheeks. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #'s-resolution_51696449641050721 for visiting.

He was adorably cute as his chest heaved up and down in slow waves.

Xiong Zhi was surprised.

Linfeng had always woken up earlier than her.

She always found him wearing his casual suit with a breakfast tray, waiting for her to wake up and eat.

But right now, Linfeng was sleeping soundly. He was not alerted that the woman beside him had already woken up.

Xiong Zhi took this chance and examined the man beside her.

She did not move and evened out her breathing so that Linfeng would not wake up.

Her eyes traced his long and thick lashes.

Xiong Zhi even wondered whose lashes were longer, his or Song Xuantin's?

The answer quickly entered her mind, of course it was her Linfeng's!

She smiled and continued to look, appreciating the sleeping male beauty.

Her eyes finally focused on the pair of moist, red lips.

Xiong Zhi dazedly swallowed.

She had not brushed her teeth yet, so she should not. Besides, she did not want to wake him up, just hoping to let him sleep more.

Alas, her hand betrayed her and was already tracing his sharp jaws.

The man felt the ticklish touch and slowly opened his eyes.

Xiong Zhi could see his shiny obsidian eyes that were slightly dazed right now.

"Zhi..." He muttered softly.

"Mhmm...Good morning, Linfeng," Xiong Zhi said with a smile.

Linfeng remained dazed for a moment.

Xiong Zhi chuckled.

It was refreshing to see Linfeng like this.

His hair was messed up and he had a dull look on his face.

He looked far different from the organized and well-dressed butler she was used to seeing.

But she also loved this look.

Linfeng recovered after a short while and hugged Xiong Zhi's waist.

"…Mhmm... Morning. Are you hungry?"

Even though he had asked that, he had no intention of getting out of the bed.

His most beloved person was in his arms. Her soft body was enclosed in his embrace. Because he could not sleep well with so many things in his mind last night, he only fell asleep when it was about to dawn.

Linfeng was used to waking up early no matter how many hours of sleep he had. Even if sleep for an hour, he could get himself to still get up early. But his Zhi'er's presence was very comfortable and warm. His defenses dropped down.

Linfeng snuggled with Xiong Zhi for a while, inhaling her scent.

Xiong Zhi chuckled at the rare Coquettish Linfeng card.

She could feel that the man was not interested in getting up just yet. Well, Xiong Zhi, too.

"Don't worry about breakfast. You can just ask someone to cook for us. It's our day off remember?" she said softly.

She wanted to pamper Linfeng as much as she could.

"En," Linfeng just softly answered.

His hands unconsciously fell on the soft curves of her body. But a little later, with his still-sluggish mind, those hands became naughty as they traveled instinctively. The morning caresses ignited tingling sensations in Xiong Zhi's body.

"Linfeng..." She shivered.

Linfeng suddenly sat up. His drowsiness was gone.

The man with messy hair looked at the woman on the bed.

Realizing that he had almost lost control of his desires again, his ears turned red and he stood up abruptly.

"I… should prepare our breakfast." He kissed Xiong Zhi's cheek, rushed to the bathroom to brush teeth, and left for the kitchen in a hurry.

Xiong Zhi: "...." She was left hanging again, ah.

The door closed.

Linfeng sighed while leaning against the door.

How could he forget that his Zhi'er was still sore 'there'?

He was really rough that night.

Linfeng sighed helplessly.

Surely, a man who had been thirsty and lost in the desert for many years and finally tasted spring once, he would always yearn for that spring again.

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