To Love You Again

Chapter 372 - Sleep Soundly, My Love

Chapter 372 - Sleep Soundly, My Love

Linfeng took a long time in the bathroom. Fortunately, there was a small bathroom cabinet containing clean towels and cotton home clothes inside, so he had clean clothes to wear. When he went out, Xiong Zhi was already preparing their dinner in the kitchen.

Seeing his Young Miss's back busily preparing food, his tensed face immediately softened. He walked towards her and was about to hug her from behind when he suddenly remembered what he had done earlier.

Oh, god. Those embarrassing moments. Especially the finale, where his—ahem—was seen by her. Ugh, shame on himself!

His face reddened slightly and he sighed.

Xiong Zhi felt his presence and turned back. Her eyes roved over him from top to bottom.

The tall and handsome man had wet hair. Few drops of water fell onto the collar of his long sleeve cotton pajamas, which she had prepared in advance. He looked casual, homely, and rather lazily s.e.xy.

But Xiong Zhi's eyes did not stop at that and traveled downwards. The e.r.o.t.i.c scene happened just a few moments ago and Xiong Zhi's memory overlapped the images in front of her.

She felt slightly disappointed. Too bad it was not standing up right now.

"..." Linfeng almost jumped when her eyes fell there.

Where are you looking at, Young Miss?

Fortunately, Xiong Zhi turned around and took out a bowl from the microwave. The savory fragrance of food spread inside the kitchen and reached Linfeng's nostrils, distracting him. His eyes lit up. His Young Miss was cooking for him again!

"Oh, what's for dinner?"

He happily glanced at the dishes with enthusiasm. He paused a bit after seeing that most of the steaming food that was prepared on the counter were all refrigerated from earlier and was just being re-heated.

Xiong Zhi glanced at Linfeng and became a bit embarrassed. "I just reheated the food. I don't really have much time, it will be too late for dinner if I started cooking at this time again."

Linfeng's heart turned mushy. His Young Miss was doing her best to feed him. How could he complain?

"Why, as long as it passed through Zhi'er's hand, it will surely taste great."

"Flattery won't make it more delicious, you know. I am almost done. Just wait a bit."

Linfeng chuckled, grateful that the awkward air was lessened a bit and that she was still so caring after what he had done to her.

Even if she just ordered takeout for them, he would still be very happy.

He could not help it anymore so he bent down and kissed his Young Miss's head. "Thank you for preparing the food."

The beautiful young woman smiled up at him warmly.

He helped to prepare the table and took out the plates, chopsticks, and glasses from the cupboard. Then he took a pitcher of water from the refrigerator and placed it on the table as well.

These actions were smooth, as if they were a young married couple who have been living together in the same house for some time.

The couple ate in awkward silence at first, a bit shy from the earlier events, but after opening up a few topics, the atmosphere between them became more and more comfortable with each passing time.

"...I bought some souvenirs with me from a few countries abroad. I remember you said you like this spice from New Zealand? Last time I went there to check a project, I bought it..."

"That's great, I really like the scent. I wanted to know if the natively cultivated ones smell better..."

No one had mention of what happened on the couch earlier.


The stars had already filled up the sky and the moon softly glowed in luminescence.

Linfeng paced back and forth inside the master's bedroom as the sound of shower inside the bathroom continued to run faintly.

His mind was warning him of danger signs.

This was it.

This rest house was renovated to have one master's bedroom. He checked on the guest rooms but those rooms were empty. There was even no mattress on the wooden beds at all.

He planned to sleep on the couch downstairs. But his Young Miss told him that they should just sleep together since the bed was big.

He glanced at the bed. Yes, it was indeed really big. It could practically fill ten people.

But the problem was on himself. He was afraid that he would not be able to control himself when his Young Miss's soft body, who happened to be his girlfriend, was just beside him and end up doing something outrageous.

What should he do if he suddenly wanted to exercise his boyfriend rights?

In this room, just the two of them alone...

Should he pretend sleeping?

After a long time, he finally sighed. It was useless thinking about this. Just go to bed, recite the communist ideals of the country, and hope that sleep would befall him.

He decided to take the farthest corner of the bed from the bathroom. He did not forget to prepare Xiong Zhi's nightgown first and put it on the bed. Afterwards, he immediately walked to the other side of the bed, laid down, and dove into the blankets.

He needed to sleep. He tried to hypnotize himself.

Please, little brother, you must fall asleep.

Some time later, the door opened from the bathroom. The steamy warmth from inside leaked into the bedroom, carrying a feminine fragrance in the air.

Xiong Zhi took a deep breath, looked down at her body, and opened the robe a bit wider on her upper chest to show her generous cleavage. Then she tied the robes loosely and adjusted the fabric so that the slit opening of her robes would expose her smooth white legs.

Her cheeks showed an embarrassed blush but she determinedly checked a few more times to ensure that she looked seductive and tempting.

Alright, here we go.

"Linfeng?" She purposely softened her voice.



She stared at the bed. Her nightgown was there. On the far side was a lump on the bed. Was it Linfeng?

Was he sleeping already? Or was he hiding under the blankets?

Her long lashes drooped down and her slightly expressionless face deepened its blush.

Well, what happened earlier was embarrassing for the both of them.

It was Linfeng's first time to be seen by others so intimately. Of course, he would be shy. She smiled. Her Linfeng was so gentle and adorable, so exposing him to the a.d.u.l.t real world between men and women might have put a great pressure on. As the more knowledgeable one, she had the responsibility to take care of him and educate him of these matters.

She coughed and sat on the bed.

Since she was spiritually older with the added experience in the past life, she had to be the one to take the initiative for this.

Xiong Zhi racked her brain to spout out encouraging and comforting words for her man's ego. She continued to speak very softly, almost in a whisper.

"Linfeng, there's no need to be shy. We are a couple. Sooner or later, we will do these things."

"These things are very common between couples like us you know."

"So you shouldn't worry, because doing these with me is part of your rights as my boyfriend."


It seemed that the man was still deeply affected by it. He usually appeared so tall and reliable, but it seemed he also have these times.

"I told you, I will wait for you for two years, right? I... I said to you before that I will prepare myself. I was just shocked earlier. But now I am prepared mentally and...uhmm...physically..." Her voice became smaller until she could barely hear it herself.


Xiong Zhi: "..."

Was it really that embarrassing?

"Linfeng?" Xiong Zhi finally noticed that Linfeng was not even responding under the blanket. That was so unlike him.

She frowned, stood up, and walked to his side of the bed. Slowly and carefully, she lifted up the blanket.

A calm and relaxed sleeping face of a handsome man met hers. Linfeng was sleeping soundly while lying on his side.

Xiong Zhi: (-_-)

He was really asleep?

Xiong Zhi sighed helplessly and stared at the peaceful face. She finally noticed the dark circles under his eyes. Now that he was sleeping unguardedly, she could faintly see the tiredness on his face.

She suddenly realized that Linfeng had hastened his schedule to return to her sooner. After coming here in the country, he attended the banquet without a rest. Then instead of resting, he woke up early to serve her. And then she dragged him to a few hours long drive, with him driving all the way.

Xiong Zhi's heart softened. She felt guilty and silly. Here she was, thinking of embarrassing things to do with Linfeng, but failed to think about her partner's health at all.

In the end, she made such a huge mistake. She gently noted it down in her heart, to ensure that she will never commit it again. Human relationsh.i.p.s were not always smooth-sailing after all. She still have a lot to work on to become a decent girlfriend. She might take a few wrong steps in the future, but she would steadfastly learn.

Xiong Zhi crouched down and stared at his face. Linfeng must have felt pressured in the past two years because he needed to take care of a lot of business. Now, sleeping at her side, he finally let his guard down and relaxed.

The handsome face looked more mature than his teenage years, but still vigorous, youthful, and manly. How old was he now?

Right, he was about to turn twenty-two years old.

'So Linfeng looked like this when he was twenty-two before.' Xiong Zhi reached and brushed the messy fringe that fell over his long lashes.

In the past life, she was not at his side during those jarring times. How regretful. She did not see clearly how Linfeng grew up to be an amazing man.

She gently leaned and softly kissed his lips.

Now, they had the chance to spend the rest of their life together.

Taking advantage of a sleeping beauty made Xiong Zhi giggle. The man was still sleeping soundly. His usual guard was not raised at all. Maybe because it was her?

In fact, earlier, Linfeng had decisively used hypnosis on himself. Coupled with his exhaustion, he easily fell asleep. Of course, the greatest contribution was simply because he had no guard against his beloved woman.

The unsuspecting Xiong Zhi smiled.

She gave him a peck once more before murmuring, "Sleep soundly, my love."

Good night, sweet dreams.


A/n: Linfeng really fell asleep. Regarding Linfeng's real age, he was twenty-one turning twenty two.

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