To Love You Again

Chapter 241 - Late Night Calls (III)

Chapter 241 - Late Night Calls (III)

Linfeng was a bit embarrassed when Song Xuantin asked him again.

If it was before, when he had set his mind to work professionally under the Xiong's without feelings attached, he would have never wanted to know his master's personal number. It was like asking to become close to her, stepping outside his bounds.

He had thought that he would only stay as her butler until the treaty was broken, and then drift apart from her, thus, he did not ask for any personal contacts outside the management of the Xiong and the Zhou family.

However, now that he had decided to become part of her future, he truly and badly needed these. Not to mention now that he was forbidden from seeing her. He really regretted that he did not ask Xiong Zhi before, and had to resort to lowering his head to ask other people.

How embarrassing.

"Can you call Xiong Zhi for me? I could not contact her through the number I gave her. I'm sorry to bother you," Linfeng explained.

Song Xuantin had a very good imagination, so she soon 'realized' something.

Xiong Zhi said that she and Linfeng had already accepted their feelings. Now, hearing Linfeng say that he could not contact her, the small theatre in her mind continued its dog blood drama.

Xiong Zhi took a deep breath and was about to jump when the door opened behind her. His Majesty, the King Xiong entered her room.

"Guards! Stop her!"

The royal guards quickly grabbed Xiong Zhi.

At the same time, the head of the guards, Butler Zhou Min—pei,pei—Head Guard Zhou Min caught Linfeng in an ambush. Linfeng kneeled on the ground helplessly, his arms bound behind him. All the swords of the royal guards were pointed directly to his neck, ready to execute him anytime with one word from above.

His Majesty, the King Xiong looked at him coldly from above and ordered his royal guards.

"Lock him up."

"No!" Xiong Zhi heartbrokenly cried with all her might. The sorrowful sound echoed in the dark night, carried away by the wind.

The lights dimmed, and the curtains fell.


Song Xuantin felt bad for Xiong Zhi. Her friend finally caught her man's interest, and yet! Their different status in life blocked them from being together, the way how the Weaver Girl and the Cow Herder separated by the Milky Way.

Song Xuantin's tiny face turned firm as she made up her mind.

"Don't worry. You two have me. I will not let them pass! Over my dead body!."



Linfeng and Jang Shin found her answer a bit weird, but they stayed quiet.

"Thank you," Linfneg simply thanked her.

The two young men waited on hold while Song Xuantin called Xiong Zhi.


In the Xiong Mansion, Xiong Zhi had already taken her night bath. She was caressing her necklace gingerly while reading the notebook that Song Xuantin gave to her. On the background, the soothing music from Lu Yin Ze's gift gently played.

The room was illuminated with ocean blue lights coming from the music lamp.

Xiong Zhi was reading the details under Operation Two. One month from now, the juniors and seniors would have a joined school trip. This was the last trip for the seniors so a lot of senior students would be coming.

It was just that... Xiong Zhi was not sure if Linfeng would come.

Xiong Zhi missed him.

'How is he? Is he thinking about me, too, like how I think of him every day?'


The sound of phone ringing caught Xiong Zhi's attention. She quickly went to fish her phone out. She realized that it was not her emergency phone that was ringing, it was her second phone.

Xiong Zhi was a bit disappointed. She had been expecting Linfeng's call on her first one.

If it was a phone call this late night on the latter phone, then it must be Song Xuantin.

She answered the call and casually put it in loudspeaker before placing it on top of the bed. She continued reading while waiting for Song Xuantin's chatting.

"Zhi!" Song Xuantin's excited voice echoed in her room. Xiong Zhi knew that tone. It was the tone Song Xuantin used when she was about to gossip about some nonsense.

Since she was studying the Operation Two that Song Xuantin gave her, she decided to be merciful and did not hang up.

Xiong Zhi did not speak and let Song Xuantin continue on.

Song Xuantin, on the other hand, put the two waiting men on the line as well.


"Hello?" Only the soft music answered Song Xuantin.

After not hearing Xiong Zhi's answer, Song Xuantin asked again.

"Zhi? Zhi? Zhi...?" Song Xuantin kept on calling Xiong Zhi. The latter finally furrowed her brows impatiently.

"I'm here," Xiong Zhi's cold voice echoed in the other three's lines.

Linfeng's heart skipped a beat the moment he heard Xiong Zhi's voice. He could already imagine her face as she said this. Her eyebrows would be scrunched up a little, very subtle and imperceptible to others. With the soft music as the background, that impatient voice was like a refreshing spring after a long travel in a dessert. Linfeng yearned to hear more of her voice.

"Zhi, you should study basic manners to survive well in the society, ah,"' Song Xuantin helplessly complained. Then suddenly, she had an idea.

"Wait. I forgot what to say. I'll be right back," Then she muted Xiong Zhi and asked Linfeng.

"Hey, Senior Linfeng. I'm want to ask you a question. Do you like Xiong Zhi?"

This straightforward question made the two men speechless.

Jang Shin recovered first and spoke.

"Huh? No way. Linfeng is just very loyal to—"

"Why did you ask?" Linfeng cut off Jang Shin.

On the other side of the phone, Jang Shin's eyes went wide.


Why did he not deny it outright?

His friend was a butler, and he grew up in a butler family like he did. The Zhou family was even stricter than the Jang family toward their moral codes and butler's conduct.

Jang Shin thought that Linfeng, following the teachings of the Zhou family, would instantly deny anything that could cause rumors regarding having an illicit relationship with his master. Linfeng, the number one aspiring butler in his generation, should know about that.

So why?

Was it because his friend wanted to know why Miss Song had asked that? In order for Linfeng to root out and eliminate the rumor?

However, even Jan Shin felt it sounded way too forced.

He remembered these past few months how Linfeng acted a bit strange.

Before, Linfeng had rarely talked nonsense, or jokes. Even enjoying a day was too much for him. He would only smile politely and gently. They were all superficial smiles, not reaching his eyes.

But recently, Linfeng sometimes showed some rare expressions. He caught him smiling once. When he smiled, his eyes smiled as well, like spring breeze and flowing clouds. There was a time when he found him listening to his ringtone twice before he answered the intel's calls. He found that habit so weird back then. Then there was also the time in the classroom where Linfeng said nonsense like his heart hurt. He was acting like a fool in love.


No way... could it be?

"Oh, just because I wanted to make sure before I play Cupid." Song Xuantin's voice sounded a bit uninterested, yet her eyes actually were wide open, waiting if Linfeng would readily say yes.

[A/N: says the girl who's already playing cupid]

"What do you mean by that?" Linfeng sat back straight. Did Miss Song know about him and Young Miss?

"Senior, I am Xiong Zhi's best friend. Of course, I know how she felt and I know what's going on. So, before I let you talk to her, I want to make sure you have good intentions."

Song Xuantin played like a guardian. In reality, it was true that she wanted to see for herself if Linfeng really did have feelings for Xiong Zhi. The status of the two were not something that they could easily gloss over. If they really wanted to be together, the path would be full of thorns as their love went deeper.

Xiong Zhi had already set her mind on her butler. Now, Song Xuantin wanted to know, too, if Linfeng could do the same thing for her friend.

Linfeng knew that Miss Song was one of the people close to Xiong Zhi's heart. He understood her concerns.

But... was it really okay to tell her his feelings right now? He would not just be admitting it to one person.

Yet Jang Shin was his close childhood friend. He knew that his friend was gnawing on his nails right now, nervously waiting for his answer.

Linfeng smiled, his eyes curving gently. It was a good feeling, knowing someone was caring about how he felt. Likewise for his Young Miss.

"What If I say I don't have good intentions? What if I say I wanted to talk to her so she won't forget me, and think about me all night?" Linfeng said what was really on his mind. His voice was low and deep.

The two who was fed dog food: "...."

Jang Shin dropped his jaw. He could not find his voice. He was too shocked.

Goosebumps covered his entire body.

Was that really Linfeng?! Did he really just say he wanted to talk to his master... so that he will not be forgotten? In that silky voice? Goodness! The sun must have risen from the west!

On the other hand, Song Xuantin was squealing inside.

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