To Love You Again

Chapter 127 - Youre Hurt

Chapter 127 - You're Hurt

The two at the center were really eye-catching. The spotlight above them isolated everyone. Including him.

Linfeng grabbed a drink and sipped from it. His eyes never leaving the couple in front. Or to say, it never leaves the girl who was wearing a seductive blue ocean dress.

Earlier, she was just about to cry in front of him, gently touching him. Now she was smiling warmly and dancing with another man.

It brought a sour feeling to him.

He sipped more. Trying to drown down these absurd thoughts. He was acting like a man who was watching his beloved being taken away by another man. He drank the last drop from his wine.

'Foolish, Linfeng.'

He laughed at his thoughts. She was only showing him a little care and he holds it like it was the precious thing in the world.

He was a butler. He shouldn't have this kind of thought.

A staff saw his empty glass and help him pour some wine to it. When he sipped from it again, he noticed that he was using his left hand. It did not hurt anymore. Or to better say, his mind was so occupied that he did not notice the pain.

Linfeng, like he was mesmerized, looked at the couple at the front again. They are chatting and laughing. There was a harmonious air surrounding them. Linfeng could hear the whispers around him.

"They looked perfect."

"The second young master of Lu and the young miss of Xiong, they suited each other well."

"Well, who among us have a better status than second young master Lu? They are born to be together."

'Right. They live in the same world. Young Miss Zhi--'

Linfeng agreed. His eyes were still looking at the girl who said something to the man before him that they both laughed at it. She looked happy.

'--belongs to that world.' He knew it. And he understands it clearly.

So he...

He should stop feeling down and stop thinking of those absurd thoughts.

He chose to listen to those comments.

Even it brought a heaviness to his chest.

He wanted to look away from the couple, but he chose to look.

'Look. That's where she belongs. That's where she is supposed to be.'

'Look. She is the light. She meant to be above of everyone.'

'Look..look at the distance between you two.'

'I understand. I understand it clearly.'

Linfeng keeps talking to himself. He keeps brainwashing himself.

He doesn't even notice that his grip on the wine glass was becoming tighter. As his eyes were so lost and have a faint pain on them.

He knows. He knows he was born into the family where they served the other. They were in the dark. No matter how hard they work, they would be just a bunch of butlers.

So he..he was trying...

He was trying to escape that faith.

So what he could do right now was just watched them from afar.

Watched her from afar...

He then saw Xiong Zhi moved her arms to Lu Yin Ze's neck.

It was very intimate.


The wine glass he was holding broke. Some nearby butlers looked at his direction. Since they were in the dim part, the guest didn't hear this accident. In the light, no one noticed what happened in the dark.

Some butlers went to him to ask him if he's fine.

Without drawing back his unreadable stare, he answered in a cold voice.

"I'm fine."

These two cold words are not only for those butlers around him. It was also for him.

The butler knew that each butler here was physically capable. Besides, this young man was from the legendary family of butlers. So as he said, he would be fine.

This little commotion was overlooked. Maybe no one remembered that he even broke a glass. That was how non-existent he was.

Blood drip down from the ground. Linfeng's palm had been cut. However, his mind was not there. It was on the figure who's arm was still on the other man's neck.

Linfeng couldn't understand.

Why he was so annoyed? If not because of the slight pain he was feeling from his palm he must have acted on impulse, run to her side and take her away without care to anyone.

Why he felt so suffocated? He slammed his fist on his chest a few times. His breathing was getting quicker and he was having a difficult time controlling his emotions.

He couldn't help but be remorseful. Be resentful.

She said she will notice him.

'Even no one notices you, I will..' Her words that she said earlier was repeating to his head.

'Funny. I broke a glass. I was hurt. But you didn't notice.'

Linfeng thought with blame. He doesn't like this feeling. It was eating his control and made him thought things that he shouldn't.

He just keeps staring at them. He couldn't understand. And he couldn't control this strong feeling of blaming her.

His eyes were full of blame.


..hope to look at him. To notice him.

Like this inner wish has been heard, Xiong Zhi's eyes suddenly met his.

Shock eyes met a blaming one.

It only lasted for a few seconds, then Linfeng who finally calm down and took over the control of this emotion, look away.

Even though he looked away. He could feel her eyes on her.

Strange, but with just those looks it brought so much comfort to him.

His blood was not boiling anymore. He was still upset but he was calm. He even has a thought that he forgives her. To what, he didn't know.

The suffocating feeling was gone but it was replaced with anticipation and hope that she would come to him.

This sudden change of emotions scared Linfeng. What was happening to him?

Then he saw in his peripheral vision that Xiong Zhi excused herself and distanced her self from the guy.

She walked toward his direction.

Linfeng's resentful heart suddenly vanished. His blameful thoughts were gone, leaving without a trace. What he only focused right now was her hurried steps that were getting quicker and louder.

If he was feeling suffocated earlier now he was feeling uneasy and hopeful that she would come to him.

'For what Linfeng? Why do you need her to come to you? That's not how you supposed to feel. Cut that out..' He kept arguing with himself.

But the more she was coming nearer to him, the more he could breathe and be calmer. And even he doesn't want to admit it, he was happy.

He could now relaxed that she was not embracing that guy. He feels much calmer that her eyes were on him. He felt hopeful that she was coming to him. He was happy that she noticed him.

'This is bad. '

Linfeng felt hopeless against himself.

A shocked gasp came out from Xiong Zhi, she quickly holds his left hand.

Linfeng suddenly flinched.

The pain from his left arm and the wound from his palm was now hurting.

Xiong Zhi suddenly let go and don't know where to touch him.

She was anxious as she saw broken glass before him and blood on his palm.

He was hurt!

Xiong Zhi pulled his right hand and dragged him to one of the staff.

" Where is the emergency room on this floor? No, can you bring a first aid kit? Urgently. Please bring a doctor as well. Be as fast as possible." Xiong Zhi was anxious and worried.

Seeing her like this, Linfeng suddenly felt guilty of blaming her in his thoughts. Also, what a troublemaker he was. He broke a glass on his own accord and made her take care of it.

Besides, his wound was only a few centimeters small. It was nothing compared to his training before.

"Young miss, I'll just wash it. It's just a small wound."

However, Xiong Zhi was adamant. With worried eyes, she looked at him then to his wounds. Seeing the blood, even it was so small, it made her remembered the blood of Linfeng she had on her hands when he got shot. Flashing those scenes before her makes her eyes red.

"No. You're hurt. " She said while her voice shook and her hands were shaking.

She was trying to be calm. As she knows those are the things that happened in her past life and she would not let it happen again in the future.

She has some trauma of it after all.

Linfeng really wants to smack his head. Seeing Xiong Zhi's grip on her was shaking, he knows that he triggered some of her hidden emotions.

He witnessed Xiong Zhi's heartbroken appearance before, he doesn't want to witness it again.

So he smiles at her and gently coaxed her.

"I'm really fine. I have a wound that was ten times bigger than this. I bleed a lot but it doesn't hurt that much. This little wound--?" Linfeng raised his left arm, he pushed back the pain he felt when he raised his left arm.

"--was nothing compared to that. It's not even bleeding anymore." He laid out his palm. It's true it's stopped bleeding. The wound was not that deep.

Xiong Zhi calmed herself. She knew she was overreacting.

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