To Love You Again

Chapter 104 - Step 2 (II)

Chapter 104 - Step 2 (II)

Meanwhile, Linfeng took his first step towards the classroom when a boy suddenly grabbed him by the arm.

"Linfeng! You're so cruel! Why you have to make me suffer!" It was none other than Jang Shin.

Linfeng calmly takes off his arm from Jang Shin's grip. He straightened his suit that got crumpled by Jang Shin.

"You're lucky you can attend this year's IAmFashionista. Do you want to give it up?" Linfeng said while he walked toward his seat. He did not even wait for Jang Shin's answer. He knew that Jang Shin was only complaining to him and he would surely attend the event.

"I know. It must hard for you to get that invitation. But..why..why Tang Shin? Why me?" Jang Shin wants to cry. That madam was far away from him but he could somehow hear her evil laugh from somewhere.

"Well, you are the CEO of SC. That's your responsibility. Besides, why are you so afraid of Tang Shin? She's not that bad."

Linfeng was confident to talk about their company here in the room since he and Jang Shin only sat in the last row. No one could hear them.

Jang Shin's face twisted.

'If you just know the true face of the madam.'

But Jang Shin was more curious to ask this.

"How did you make her invite me? Did you inform her?"

'Did you offer me to the devil' is what he truly wants to ask.

Linfeng checked his emails while he answered.

"She called me to ask for a favor. I ask a favor in exchange."

"Oh. What's that favor?" Jang Shin was curious

'What does the madam needs so urgently that she has to call Linfeng?'

Jang Shin remembered something and he gasped.

'Did she- did she just kill someone accidentally and make Linfeng clean up after her?'

That madam he knew was so hot-blooded and beat up people no matter if its a boy or a girl. He also got beat up once. Now that the madam grew up, more likely, she was scarier and more hot-blooded than before. And maybe her beating got out of control and she accidentally killed someone.

And maybe she could not tell anyone about it and only relied on Linfeng, the calmest body that the madam and Jang Shin know of, to wrap up the body and throw it in the river.

As Jang Shin thought more about it, the more plausible he thought it was the case.

With panic eyes, he suddenly grabbed Linfeng's arms that made Linfeng dropped his phone.

"Linfeng. I know you did not do the deed. But you should not go against your morality just for the sake of the most wanted golden invitation. You should have rejected it."

Linfeng calmly took off Jang Shin's hand and straightened his suit once more.

"You're overthinking things."

He was about to pick up his phone but found it gone.

Instead, a pair of shoes was in front of him.

Linfeng looked up to see who was it.

A pair of golden eyes smiled at him.

Guan Gao Huan was holding Linfeng's phone.

"I saw your phone on the ground."

He handed the phone to Linfeng.

"You should take care of your belongings, don't let it drop so easily, or else it will end up broken."

Guan Gao Huan smiled meaningfully and went to the second row, where he seated.

Linfeng stared at Gao Huan's back.

Gao Huan probably found out that he was investigating him.

Now he came to him to give him a warning.

Jang Shin also got the meaning behind those lines.

The two turned silent.

"Do you want me to cut off the team?" Jang Shin seriously asked.

Linfeng stared hard at his phone.

It turned out his gut was right. It's a good thing he was prepared.

"Cut it off."

Jang Shin nodded.

Linfeng opened his email and send an email to someone.

[Group A has been ticked off. Change the route to Plan B]

A minute later, a reply came.


" This Guan Gao Huan is not really simple. We should really not fight them head-on. I'm sorry bro, what we can do is only be cautious against them." Jang Shin comforted Linfeng.

As far as Jang Shin's knowledge of, Linfeng assigned an investigation team for this Gao Huan. This team only reported to Linfeng. It was not part of SC so it would not be traced back to the company. But Jang Shin still supported Linfeng. Jang Shin persuaded Linfeng that once this team was ticked off, they would stop investigating Guan Gao Huan temporarily.

Jang Shin believed that Guan Gao Huan might have something in his sleeves. But the actions of Guan Gao Huan in the industry did not really affect SHM. They did not even collide in any projects. There's no need to make a tough enemy without any reason and benefits. So he could not really understand why Linfeng was so suspicious of this man.? When this man was not doing anything against them.

Linfeng silently looked at Jang Shin.

'I'm sorry Jang Shin. I can't fulfill that agreement. ' Linfeng silently apologized to Jang Shin in his mind.

"Oh. Btw, Jang Shin did you read the email I sent you yesterday evening?" Linfeng remembered the important thing he needs to discuss with Jang Shin.

"Yeah. As you told me, I already assigned the team to reach out to those investors. They're moving now." Jang Shin turned serious when it comes to their company.

"Alright. If there's any progress contact me immediately."

Jang Shin nodded.

The teacher came and everyone prepares for the class.

Before Linfeng took out his IPad for the module he stared at the particular student's back.

Guan Gao Huan felt it and turned around.

He met Linfeng's unreadable eyes.

Guan Gao Huan just smiled. But it never reaches his eyes.


Lu Yin Ze was silent throughout the morning class.

Today, he would bring out his invitations to his friends.

But somehow, he was nervous. It was his first time to invite someone.

How he should do it?

Should he give it personally and tell the receiver "Come to my birthday"?

Or " Please come to my birthday"?

Or just left in their desk since it has their names and his name.

He also finds it hard to find the timing to give it to them. Should he give them after the teacher lecture the class? Or at lunch? Or after school?

The morning class was over and lunch will come.

Lu Yin Ze persuades himself that he would give the invitations before, or during lunch, or after lunch.

' I should try within lunch, first. '

When the bell rang for lunch, he took out the invitations and quickly put it in his blazer's pocket.

"What's that?" Song Xuantin leaned on to Lu Yin Ze and was trying to see what he put on his pocket.

"N-nothing!" Lu Yin Ze quickly backed away. But he happened to bump on Xiong Zhi.

"Ouch." Xiong Zhi said while massaging her shoulder.

That was quite hard.

"S-sorry!" Lu Yin Ze was fl.u.s.tered.

Song Xuantin just raised her eyes.

Xiong Zhi just nod. An indication it was okay.


At lunch,

The three were sitting on their spot looking at the luxurious food they have on the table.

"Wow. It's so plenty! Look so delicious! What's with today? Is it your birthday?"

Song Xuantin asked amazingly.

Lu Yin Ze was startled.

'A chance!'

"I--" Lu Yin Ze started softly.

"Since we have so many foods, let's invite someone." Song Xuantin quickly ran off. She came back instantly with an additional person.

It was Gu Zhen who was still holding his laptop and has a piece of bread in his mouth. It looks like Song Xuantin grabbed him quickly without any niha or niho.

The three were startled.

"Since we are in a group, let's invite Gu Zhen." Then Song Xuantin shoved Gu Zhen on the empty chair beside her. It was to not let Gu Zhen reject the offer.

Xiong Zhi just nod. She doesn't mind.

However, Lu Yin Ze was troubled. Since there was an additional person in the table, how he could give the invitations to them?

Lu Yin Ze could not help but look at Gu Zhen.

Gu Zhen looked at him as well.

Lu Yin Ze was so troubled that he did not conceal his troubled and displeased expression on his face.

Gu Zhen adjusts his seat closer to Song Xuantin. He turned to her side to talk to her.

"How's the progress?"

Song Xuantin was eating. She was about to answer but then she remembered her image so she chewed her food first.

"It's done. The system has a tight defense.? The virus did not even reach gate 1..."

The two continued their discussion.

Lu Yin Ze who was waiting for Gu Zhen to finished the food and to go away, become more depressed.

Xiong Zhi who was just silently eating were watching the three people in the table.

Her eyes were showing how amused she was.

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