To Hell With Being a Hero!

Chapter 478. Never Been Wrong (4)

Chapter 478. Never Been Wrong (4)

The Abyss King did not meet with the Sernitas, or to be exact, there hadn’t been a single point of contact between them since the great war. Feeling deeply conflicted about Chi-Woo’s existence, the Sernitas had stopped all external activities after observing an unknown interference. After that, they shut all doors to the outside tight. On the other hand, it was most important to note that the Abyss King had not become one with the Sernitas during the great war; there was one reason that had happened later even though the Abyss King had never come into contact with the Sernitas since then—when he used the Abyss Queen’s power to move his time forward, thinking it was for the last time, his body transformed.

The Abyss King was transformed into a Sernitas. Sensing his sudden connection with the immeasurable consciousness, the Abyss King was at first despondent since this meant that his future self had failed to find a solution and eventually asked the Sernitas for help. It felt like yesterday when he laughed at Bael for failing to resist the Sernitas’ temptation and driving the Demon Empire to destruction. However, he could no longer mock Bael for her folly. Originally, he would have rewinded and canceled his transformation as if it had never happened. However, the Abyss King didn’t do so—no, he couldn’t because he saw no alternative. He saw no way out other than this.

It was then that the Abyss King decided to bear the backlash of defying causality. From the time he decided to remain a Sernitas, he had already prepared himself for all the consequences, and in his final desperate attempt, the Abyss King decided to cross the line. In fact, the Abyss King had planned to die for real, but of course, he wasn’t going to die peacefully. Since he had already crossed the line, he was going to do everything he could do. When the consequences of defying causality came for him afterwards and when there was nothing more to struggle with, at that time, he really had decided to accept death. However, seeing the girl who was left alone after knocking down Balim by herself, he decided to absorb the entire world with her in his sense of urgency…

* * *

“…Flora,” Chi-Woo murmured. Come to think of it, Flora was the only one he hadn’t sensed. If the Abyss King had absorbed Flora, it was understandable that he would be showing that much confidence because Flora had the ability Chi-Woo was sharing with her, The Heaven’s Vessel.

–Was that girl’s name Flora?

The Abyss King chuckled.

–It’s really amazing…I didn’t think much of her. Who would’ve thought that there would be a creature in that world with potential that even I can’t digest in one shot?

“Really? I was a bit worried, but that’s a relief.”

–Hmm? What are you talking about?

“You said you haven’t digested her yet, right? Then that means if I just kill you before she’s digested, I can get Flora back.”

–I think you’ve misunderstood something. You’re half right but half wrong.

The Abyss King corrected Chi-Woo with a leisurely and relaxed voice.

–The girl named Flora is clearly still alive in me…but I’ve already become one with her. I’ve already shared everything with the girl, so even if you kill me, you can’t get her back…

“Ah.” Chi-Woo raised his hand and cut off the Abyss King as if he didn’t even need to listen any longer. Then he said, “I know what you mean, but don’t worry about it because I’ll deal with it on my own.”

‘Right? Our Asha can solve this later, can’t you?’ Chi-Woo tapped Asha while they perched on his shoulder and cracked his neck. “Anyways, it’s time to settle this. Shall we?” When he reached out, the white glove turned into light and formed a club. “So why did you have to touch other people’s things? Do you have a death wish?”

—Why don’t you calm down? I want to talk to you first.

“Yeah, a conversation is good, but there’s no need for us to just talk, right?”

Chi-Woo twirled the shining ghost-busting club in his hand. As he said, a conversation could be carried out not only through words, but also iron and blood.

—…I guess you haven’t grasped the situation yet.

The smiling Abyss King stretched out his arms slowly in front of him.

—Then let me show you some of it.

Soon, something came out of the Abyss King in all directions. The energy split into several branches, wriggling and rising at a frightening speed. Gotaya, Wraith, Gorgo, Taros…they were all Chasms that had been absorbed earlier. Chi-Woo had been slightly nervous, wondering what the Abyss King would do, but he snorted after seeing the Chasms quickly take shape. However, it wasn’t over yet. The Abyss King clenched his hand, and the next moment, all Seven Chasms were united into one. They gathered together in a lump and expanded, soon merging and morphing into a huge giant. Its entire body was filled with the endless darkness of the Abyss, and it felt as if Chi-Woo was seeing a black hole that absorbed everything.

—Do you understand now?

The Abyss King laughed. The resurrection of the Seven Chasms was not a big deal, but this was a completely different story. The Abyss King had just created a different being. This was something that only a god could do. Thus, this was proof that the Abyss King had surpassed being a mere Sernitas and become another kind of existence after absorbing Flora, who possessed the ‘Heaven’s Vessel’.

—If you still don’t get it, I’ll show you.

Thud—A black hole in the form of a giant took a step, which was all it took to narrow the distance between the giant and Chi-Woo. Then when Chi-Woo felt a terrifying pressure that seemed to stretch his whole body like a piece of taffy, a whirlwind suddenly lashed out. At the same time, a sharp moonlight streamed down diagonally into view, and the darkness giant lost an arm while faltering and tilting. The giant hurriedly stepped back in shock. Then the pressure that seemed to be turning the tide to the Abyss King’s favor noticeably subsided.

“Growllll…!” A ferocious growl rang out. Before he knew it, Wallie was confronting the darkness giant at an angle. When Chi-Woo glanced back, Wallie turned toward the darkness giant and revealed his moonlit teeth as if he was saying, ‘I’ll take care of this guy, so don’t worry about him and focus on the Abyss King.’

—Oh my. A fenrir…and a descendant of Hurodivituru at that.

The Abyss King was momentarily impressed by Wallie, but only in the sense that he found the turn of events entertaining.

—The mad moon fang that even tore a god to pieces and killed them…how terrifying. But—

Then the giant’s arm sprouted back as good as new. Considering that even the kings and queens of the Hala Forest had struggled to recover from the mad moon fangs, it was a surprising development.

—It seems like he hasn’t awakened his raw divinity yet?

Abyss King said mockingly.

—Even Hurodivituru at her prime wouldn’t be able to guarantee victory in this fight. With a cub like him…he’s simply another delicacy falling onto my plate.

Chi-Woo turned to the side for a moment and whispered something to Asha. Chi-Woo felt Asha’s affirmation, and after deciding to leave the unknown monster to Wallie, he took a step forward. The Abyss King had been talking so much for quite some time that it was getting suspicious. It was as if he was trying to buy time to finish his digestion. The darkness giant tried to stop Chi-Woo, but had to step back after being repeatedly blocked by Wallie’s interference. It even got one leg cut off and fell during this process. Of course, it recovered immediately and stood up again, but Chi-Woo was able to get right in front of the Abyss King thanks to Wallie.

“How long do you intend to hide? There’s no place to back off to anymore.”

The Abyss King smacked his lips when he saw the darkness giant fight Wallie.

—If you so desperately ask for greater pain…let me ask you one more question for the last time.

He let out a long sigh.

—Do you want to work under me?

Chi-Woo had originally intended to fight without answering, but he couldn’t help but stop his club mid-swing. That was how unexpected and surprising the Abyss King’s offer was. “…What?” Chi-Woo asked with a baffled expression. Goodness. Even the Sernitas had extended an offer of non-aggression, but the Abyss King’s proposal was for him to become his subordinate.

—No, you don’t have to serve under me. You meet more than enough of the qualifications . Yeah, I’ll give you equal treatment.

Chi-Woo was so dumbfounded that the Abyss King would speak as if he was being extremely generous to Chi-Woo. Silently, he blinked at the Abyss King. However, the Abyss King seemed to be mistaking that as Chi-Woo giving the offer some consideration, and he continued even more enthusiastically.

—Let’s join hands. If it’s you and me, the Sernitas won’t even be a problem. We can go beyond this cramped Liber and rule the entire universe. I acknowledge you, so join me.

Chi-Woo finally realized why his brother said that the Abyss King had gone crazy even before they met like this. The Abyss King had not just lost his mind, but seemed to have inhaled a whole jar of drugs. Thus, he asked, “Are you…crazy?”

—Why do you think I’m crazy?

The Abyss King asked in a serious tone.

—I’m the heavens. I became one with the heavens in this vast universe!

At that moment, a tremendous and terrifying force gushed out from the Abyss King’s entire body. At the same time, he burst into hysterical laughter as if he had really lost his marbles. However, he stopped laughing shortly after.

“…” Chi-Woo stared blankly at the Abyss King and suddenly burst into boisterous laughter. “…Ahah!” He laughed while clutching his belly as if he considered the Abyss King the biggest fool in the world. “Ahahahhahahahaha!” He even wiped his tears while laughing because of how funny the situation was to him. “Geez, it’s like a blind man describing an elephant—!”

—A blind man? How am I blind?

“I mean, it’s true. You don’t even get a full experience. You’ve only licked the bow, yet you’re acting like you tasted a rare delicacy.”

—I’ve only…licked the bowl…?

“You got it all wrong…you really are misunderstanding something. Heaven’s Vessel is not the heavens.”

Originally, Chi-Woo had had no intention of telling the Abyss King the truth, but the Abyss King was being so pitiful and sad that he couldn’t help but reveal part of it. “It’s merely a vessel that holds the heavens. In other words, it’s a form of qualification. Well, it’s true that your level increases with just that, but…the purpose of a vessel is to hold something in. Thus, the value changes depending on what you put in it.”

As the saying went, casting pearls before a swine, and likewise, drawing stripes on a pumpkin did not make it a watermelon. Although it was an undeniable fact that the Abyss King had risen to a higher level of existence after absorbing Flora, which slightly opened up a new possibility, that was the extent of the change. The fact that he was the Abyss King remained true. In other words, he was bound to be different from Chi-Woo, who was born with such a fate from the very beginning. The difference between them was greater than heaven and earth.

“In my view, you and Flora are not much different. And with similar things getting combined, the end result isn’t something to write home about. Well, I’m not sure you’ll understand even if I tell you all this…” Chi-Woo thought that the Abyss King would definitely reject the reality and deny it, or get angry because he couldn’t accept it. However, he was wrong.

–A vessel is just a vessel… In other words, it’s just a shell… Hmm, well, you have a point. Even if you wear the shell, what’s inside is still the same…

The Abyss King muttered in a slightly flustered tone. He seemed to be taking Chi-Woo’s words seriously.

–Then what…am I supposed to do?

He earnestly asked like a mad scientist who desperately craved wisdom and was burning with a passion to learn.

“What do you mean? This all arose from your stupid delusion.” Chi-Woo barked out a hollow laugh. “It might have been different if you ate me, but just because you absorbed Flora…”

–Ah, is that so?

At that moment, the Abyss King’s tone changed. His strained and struggling tone instantly brightened, as if he had finally found a way out of this desperate situation.

–I see. You’re right. That’s what I should do.

He muttered and nodded to himself several times before finally standing up.


He spoke in a flushed voice as he stared at Chi-Woo. There was a moment of silence before he suddenly shouted.

–I just need to eat you!

At the same moment, he rushed out like a bullet.

–He’s coming.

Philip quickly said. Chi-Woo, who had already been on guard, immediately clutched his ghost-busting club and hit the ground, facing the Abyss King head on. Like this, the battle between Chi-Woo and the Abyss King, with both of their existences on the line, began.

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