To ascend, I had no choice but to create games

Chapter 89 - Chapter 89: Chapter 88: Game Expo (First Update)_2

Chapter 89: Chapter 88: Game Expo (First Update)_2

“You dare to recommend such a dud, you really took me for a fool.”

It all started with Mr. Shen, so he had been pondering over how to express his apology and finally found a way recently.

“Fang Cheng, have you heard of the Mo City Game Expo?”

“I have, what about it?”

I got you a spot to exhibit there. Are you interested in participating?” Holding his phone, Fang Cheng started to ponder.

The Mo City Game Expo is actually an International Animation and Gaming Exposition which includes a variety of cultural products related to animation, idols, games, and sensory equipment, and has been one of the larger expos in recent years.

The qualifications for the expo need to be booked in advance. However, because the expo is a significant platform for games and company publicity, it has always been in high demand.

The autumn expo will open in October, last for four days, and studios can send their games as exhibits to the expo where various awards will be given at the end.

After understanding the significance of this expo, Fang Cheng became somewhat interested.

The major framework for his new game “The Physician” had already been completed; sending it there would be perfect for some early publicity and to test the players’ reactions, which could help make targeted adjustments.

The testing phase was indispensable, otherwise, they would have to go back to farming again.

Having made up his mind, Fang Cheng decisively said, “Thank you, Mr. Shen. I’m willing to participate.”

“Great, that’s great.”

Upon hearing Fang Cheng’s response, Mr. Shen felt a weight lifted off his shoulders.

Fang Cheng was the most outstanding among the students he had trained While others were still struggling with planning, testing, and intern programmer positions, he had already created three successful games proving his worth.

The domestic gaming industry had been quiet for too long, and the void in domestic games was filled by reskinned mobile games and pay-to-win games, which are more like capital’s games than real games.

Now that a newcomer has emerged and proven his ability to shoulder the responsibility, Mr. Shen, as a veteran in the gaming industry, felt it was his duty to provide Fang Cheng with the best resources and help him go further. So from now on, anything related to Fang Cheng, I won’t recognize any favors, everyone stay away from me!

After arranging the details of the trip to Mo City with Fang Cheng and giving him the contact information, Mr. Shen was about to hang up the phone when he heard Fang Cheng say, “Mr. Shen, I recently got some nice tea leaves; I’ll send some over to you later.”

Patting his resolute hair, Mr. Shen said solemnly, “Okay.”

When Fang Cheng told everyone in the studio about his upcoming trip to Mo City, his colleagues were devastated.

“Boss, are you really leaving us?” Xiao Douzi said sadly.

“Don’t worry, the boss can command us remotely!” Huang Ping put on a brave front.

“Boss, who’s going to beat me up in ‘Quiet Cultivation’ if you’re gone?” Looking at the three peculiar individuals, Fang Cheng said in confusion, “What are you thinking? Of course, everyone will go together.”


The expo is four days. We need to adjust our game based on player feedback; we can’t just make it and run like before. This time, I definitely want the players to follow my pace.”

“…Does this count as overtime?”

“…No, it counts as regular work hours.”

“No compensatory time off?”

“No compensatory time off.”

“Long live the boss!”

Looking at his celebrating colleagues, Fang Cheng felt each of them was a bit strange.

Not only could he not understand the thoughts of the players, but now it seemed he couldn’t understand the thoughts of his employees either.

Human hearts are truly unfathomable.

Knowing that everyone was going, Xu Qingling immediately set about booking plane tickets, reserving hotel rooms, and planning the itinerary to ensure that all six people could enjoy the trip.

The next day, after gathering at the company, everyone took a taxi to the airport and flew to Mo City.

The hotel in Mo City was personally booked by Xu Qingling, not far from the exhibition venue. Standing by the window, you could see the Huangpu River outside, one of the best scenic areas in Mo City.

The dinner was also chosen by Xu Qingling, the delicately flavored Chinese food was very much to Fang Cheng’s liking.

After resting for one night, the group arrived early at the exhibition hall and started setting up their booth.

Even though they already had three successful games, Fang Cheng Studio still had some gaps compared to those old factories with over twenty years of heritage.

This was evident from the size of their booth.

The booths of well-established game giants were large and had countless gaming-related peripherals.

Action figures, posters, mascot pillows, cosplay, game prop models, badges… These items that could showcase game culture were dazzling and overwhelming.

The exhibition hall, having hosted eighteen exhibitions already, was adept at this kind of event, with various preparations proceeding in an orderly fashion.

Upon learning that Fang Cheng and his colleagues were exhibitors, the attendees confirmed their information and quickly led them to their spot. This position was tucked in the innermost side of the exhibition hall, where the flow of people was sparse, and the booth was temporarily constructed, almost certain to attract no one.

The attendees, feeling apologetic, said to Fang Cheng, “I’m sorry, Mr. Fang, but we allocate spaces according to certain rules. This spot just opened up because the studio that had it dissolved.”

“It’s fine, this place is good.”

“Glad you understand. By the way, could I get your autograph? I’m a big fan of

‘The Nameless’. And if you have a poster, could I buy one?”

Xu Qingling had already pre-ordered a batch of peripherals, which had now been delivered and set aside.

Taking out a poster, Fang Cheng signed it and handed it to the staff member, then saw the grateful staff member off.

After arranging their display cabinet together with his staff, Fang Cheng saw that there was still some time before the official opening.

This time was somewhat of a benefit for all exhibiting companies, providing them an opportunity to meet producers they wanted to know, to experience some games that were still in the testing phase, or to network with industry leaders and possibly gain new insights.

As soon as they entered the place, the planning trio became a little restless.

Wang Xiaoymg also saw a few big names in marketing chatting away, and she too felt the urge to go over and have a look.

Xu Qingling noticed a resurgence in romance games and was hence slightly tempted. J

Alright, you guys go ahead, we have some time before it officially starts, we can wander around.”                  ’

Letting his excited colleagues go off to explore, Fang Cheng roamed the exhibition hall by himself.

This exhibition was gamer-oriented, featuring many cool yet commercially unworthy items.

Seeing too much here could invoke a feeling of having arrived in a future world ahead of time.

The most appealing were still the gaming machines here.

Some gaming machines had virtually no commercial value; they were made simply to convey a concept or to promote their own philosophy.

After trying out the latest motion-sensing gaming machine and playing a while on a light-sensing gaming machine, Fang Cheng felt that these gaming devices were closer to reality in terms of control compared to traditional games, but the games within were indescribably lackluster.

He couldn’t quite grasp what was fun, but he had a rough idea of what was not.

The gaming machine that most caught his attention was the newly produced Kirin series VR integrated machine.

The integrated machine looked like a sealed small room with soundproofing so that players could shout without problems inside.

It featured a movable platform that could tilt horizontally to stimulate effects like slopes. Players could walk and run on the platform, and when tired, switch to another control method.

The bioelectric gloves could mimic real hand movements, and the VR headset on top allowed players to wear VR equipment without any pressure.

Besides, it was equipped with thoughtful features like a microphone, offering an innovative experience that significantly enhanced gameplay.

But the games inside were really subpar.

Noticing Fang Cheng frowning after trying the games, a staff member from the booth hurried to explain, “Our machine performs very well and can run some big games, but there’s a problem – its adaptability is poor. Developing games for this kind of integrated VR machine requires readjustment, almost like rewriting half the game, so many manufacturers are reluctant to do it. We can only repackage some small games and then put them in.”

“I see.”

Looking at the uniquely designed integrated VR gaming machine, Fang Cheng asked, “So, are you interested in selling me a couple of them?”

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