To ascend, I had no choice but to create games

Chapter 85 - Chapter 85: Chapter 85: The Story of the Researchers_i

Chapter 85: Chapter 85: The Story of the Researchers_i

Back then, before Fang Cheng prepared for his rebirth by dispersing his body, it goes without saying that he arranged the rebirth array himself, and he had also eradicated all unfavorable factors.

To be more specific, this unfavorable factor was the Demon Sect.

To be even more specific, it was the big shots of the Demon Sect, each of the Demon Lords.

A common Demon Sect leader didn’t qualify to be called a Demon Lord; only those who had grasped the profound understandings of earth, fire, water, wind space, time, past, and future could be called Demon Lords.

At that time, he was the key stand of the righteous sects, usually uninvolved in worldly affairs, focusing solely on cultivation, but his mere presence acted as a stabilizing force, rendering the Demon Lords of the Demon Sect incapable of any action.

Moreover, his cultivation level was extremely high. Had it not been for the excessive karma that killing a Demon Lord would bring about, the Demon Sect would have ceased to exist long ago.

Later on, calculating the opportunity for his own enlightenment, he took this chance to disregard karma and started a massacre in the Demon Sect.

The wicked Demon Lords were killed one by one, and the troublesome Demon Sect was wiped out in one fell swoop, cleansing the cultivation world’s atmosphere, marking it as the best era of cultivation in history.

The Disease Demon Lord was just casually killed by him during that time.

Having dealt with all the Demon Lords, he immediately underwent rebirth by body dispersion, thus settling his worldly karma, not expecting to wake up to find everyone gone.

Now, suspecting that the Disease Demon Lord might have reappeared, Fang Cheng became more interested in the records within this orb and began to watch them with even greater attention.

As the game progressed, players unearthed record after record.

A related wiki was created, and players began exporting and sharing the documents they saw in the game on the wiki, organizing and summarizing the content of the documents, and then ranking their favorite documents.

By Friday night, thousands of valuable documents had been uploaded, and among these many documents, a few were particularly popular.

Ranked in the top three was a document titled “Heroes”. Fang Cheng didn’t know why so many people liked it; he still found a few others more interesting. This document unfolds from the perspective of a researcher.

After the snowfall, the higher-ups of the new government quickly noticed the changes brought by the snow’s infection.

But the infectivity of the snow was too strong; before some people could react, they turned into octopus heads, and the whole world became enveloped in a white mycelium carpet.

In this situation, a group of individuals secretly organized; they began to isolate and research the mycelium, confirming its properties through repeated research, and stood at the forefront of the fight against the mycelium with immense determination.

The researcher’s document is presented in the form of a diary, showcasing the situation at the time.

“New Era Year 135, July 13.

I want to go out, I crave a drink.

I’ve been in isolation for seven years now, and last month the supply line was completely cut off, it seems the surface contact point has also fallen. That receptionist upstairs was quite friendly to me, too bad I only saw her twice before she turned into an octopus head.

Although it’s said that this disease doesn’t spread easily, and you’ll be fine as long as you don’t come into direct contact with the snow, we still chose to sever ties with the octopus heads, no one knows what other issues they might have. Today was another day without progress, the nature of the mycelium remains undetermined. Its structure is somewhat similar to our local life forms, but it has a distinctly different evolutionary tendency. I can only assume that it shares the same origin as us, but it evolved on another planet.

Damned alien lifeforms.

Today they started rationing food, it seems the lab’s supplies are running low Good thing I’ve hidden some; I’ll brew some rice wine later, hopefully, I’ll get to drink it soon.”

“135 Year, August 3.

Good news, after several failures, I finally have my rice wine, I can finally have a drink.

Bad news, the wine got discovered.

The lab director tore into me harshly, and then confiscated all the remaining food, the miserableso-and-so.

But the rice wine wasn’t taken, the director still has a soft spot for me, after all. Speaking of which, the director is quite attractive, even more so from the back Tomorrow morning I’ll ask if she’s interested in a romantic relationship.

It’s the end of the world anyway, no harm in asking.”

“135 Year, August 4.

I got told off, and cried.

But this feeling of being forcefully cornered against the wall, it’s actually pretty good.

Should I call her dear next time?”

“135 Year, August 5.

I called her ‘dear’, and then I got hit.

Subsequently, the whole lab found out about our relationship.

What surprised me, though, was that almost everyone seemed relieved, and they congratulated the director for finally getting her wish.

Does this mean the director has wanted to be with me for some time now?

This tricky guy!

But a bad guy can be pretty cute too, whatever.

Continue the talk tonight!”

“Year 135, September 6.

I’ve been really degenerate lately, not even stepping out of the door every day.

Lin, oh Lin, how can you be so degenerate, go research bacterial colonies tomorrow!”

“Year 135, September?.

Didn’t leave the house.”

“Year 135, September 8.

Didn’t leave the house.”

“Year 135, September 9.

Didn’t leave the house didn’t leave the house didn’t leave the house.”

“Year 135, September 10.

Still didn’t leave the house. This won’t do, I need to talk to the director about this issue, we can’t keep on like this.”

“Year 135, September 11.

Damn, those Meow Meow Pills really work wonders!”

“Year 135, December 17.

Today I finally left the house, I’ve really been in the pits these days.

Our research institute, true to its name as a biological research facility, found a way to obtain food through algae and artificial power sources, even though we’ve lost contact with the surface world.

Plus, we have geothermal generators. Even without support, we could last quite a long time.

Though there’s definitely no rescue coming, that’s for sure.

No one’s said it out loud yet, but we all understand, humanity is finished.

Our lab is a thousand meters underground; this position effectively isolates us from the snow above, but we basically also have no chance to go out anymore.

The signals from other labs are fading away. Some institutes, due to a lack of food, have declared their resignation. They left the research institutes and came to the surface, surrendering to the snow.

Some refused to leave, fighting until the very last moment, earning themselves a funeral fit for heroes.

I definitely won’t end up trapped here, at worst I’ll go up and become Octopus­head, no way I’m just waiting to die.”

“Year 136, March 21.

The director asked me if I wanted to get married, I did not reply.

Because I was crying and nodding incessantly, afraid that the other person would change their mind.

I always thought I was an old hand at playing the field, but unexpectedly, I actually fell for someone here, damn it.”

“Year 136, April 21.

I’m widowed.

The experiment was a massive failure. The bacterial colonies exploded suddenly, and the director vanished inside it.

Logically, the director should have turned into Octopus-head, but he didn’t. He just disappeared, along with several other researchers.

Fortunately, I’ve always been a bit scared of getting married; now I don’t have to.

A bunch of people have been consoling me, what a joke, I’m actually quite pleased.

Why the director?


“Year 136, May 7.

I’m no longer in a state of widowhood!

The director has come back!”

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