To ascend, I had no choice but to create games

Chapter 80 - Chapter 80: Chapter 80 This Is Possible i

Chapter 80: Chapter 80 This Is Possible i

The appearance of the sphere of light and the transformation of the shuttle naturally did not escape the eyes of the surrounding players.

Watching the shuttle expressionlessly, the players’ hearts were engulfed by a tidal wave of shock.

It can’t be, can it?

There really isn’t a game planner who wants to play around with boss transformations and then kill off everyone!

It’s fun to go on a rampage, but the little soldiers who get knocked around in the process don’t think so!

The Forest’s Second Son” has played this way, but it’s not a trend that should be followed.

While a group of players were considering whether to attack, only Liuzi was getting excited.

Just thinking about the challenge of a stronger boss made this masochistic player overly happy.

However, the sphere merged with the shuttle didn’t attack the surrounding players, but instead flew straight up into the sky and vanished in the blink of an eye, leaving behind a group of players relieved to have survived and a disheartened Liuzi.

This shuttle traveled rapidly through space, racing towards the satellite factory, and eventually stopped inside the factory.

No sooner had it come to a halt than the parasite-like sphere of light released a massive amount of light.

This light began to try to infiltrate the interior of the factory, but no matter how much light was emitted, it was all rebuffed by the base.

But with each rejection, the sphere of light would release more light, its indomitable spirit akin to that of players waiting for a game server to open. The refresh button is almost worn out!

Observing the behavior of the sphere, Fang Cheng casually added something to it, and saw the light rapidly expand, invading every system with an unstoppable force, taking over every part, and merging with the satellite base as one.

When the merging was complete, a large amount of text appeared in the air, which Fang Cheng translated into his own comprehensible language using Immortal Spell.

“Thankyou, late-coming civilization.”

“We apologize for having exploited your kindness to bring the recorder to its intended location.”

“As we mentioned before, the end times have arrived, and we must move to a new world. However, we cannot be certain the external calamities have ended, and we cannot even ascertain what these calamities are.”

“Therefore, we left the recorder outside to record everything that happens out there.”

This recorder contains the records of our civilization’s culture, mythology, architecture, as well as various stories; it also records everything that happens outside. If we still exist, please deliver the recorder to us, and we will analyze what is happening outside. If we no longer exist, then please inherit our culture, thank you.”

“Again, thank you, our posterity. Out of gratitude for your help, we hand over this base fully to you for your use. If we meet again, we are willing to give more thanks.”

Seeing the sphere’s performance, and thinking back to the declarations it had previously made, Fang Cheng realized that the civilization represented by the sphere had set a trap.

They used a so-called treasure to lure others into delivering the sphere here, then deciphered the files within the sphere to gain information about the outside world.

The gesture of giving the factory in the end was decent, and the promise of more gifts seemed sincere.

The satellite factory here must also be a product of the sphere’s civilization; otherwise, it would not have integrated with it.

The destruction of the shuttle acted as a catalyst, allowing the sphere to infiltrate and, consequently, activate the sphere.

Having thought it through, Fang Cheng became interested in the so-called recorder.

He had long known that the sphere was constantly recording the events around it, but since it hadn’t released any information, there was no harm.

Further, he had been too busy working on a game to take much interest in it and had ignored it after acquiring it.

However, Fang Cheng didn’t expect that this device was actually used to record the apocalypse, which intrigued him.

After all, the history of the outside world from a thousand years ago had been completely erased, and it was unknown whether this recorder contained records from that time.

Upon arriving at the base, Fang Cheng stretched out his hand to grasp the orb, feeling the information within, and then frowned.

The recorder was also malfunctioning.

The orb was like a high-performance computer, internally storing a vast amount of files, including but not limited to stories, history, and myths of the corresponding civilization.

For some reason, it seemed to have been infected by a virus, causing every file’s content to be corrupted, as countless files’ contents mixed together and converged into an indistinguishable mess of chaos soup.

If he wanted to sort out the contents, he needed to pause the recording and then start from the most recent record to trace back the content in reverse.

Fang Cheng first stopped the recorder’s recording function, and then made a withdrawal gesture over the files.

A document was pulled out from the light brain, looking normal and logical at a glance but actually filled with nonsensical content due to the pollution.

Some nouns had been replaced, while the meanings of some words had turned into their opposites, making the text look unproblematic at first glance, but riddled with holes upon closer inspection.

Fang Cheng made another gesture, and the text within the document began to change.

It became visualized, the words transforming into real scenes that appeared before his eyes, making it easier to spot the flaws.

However, due to the crossover of content in the articles, to repair this document, he needed to open a new document and then refer to other documents from there.

This made repairing the documents quite cumbersome; a single flaw could be linked to tens of thousands of documents, and even someone like him, a Living Immortal, would need half a month of uninterrupted work to repair it.

Furthermore, since he couldn’t confirm whether the last piece of information in the recorder was useful, Fang Cheng felt it wasn’t worth spending time on this task.

Just as Fang Cheng was debating whether to waste a precious half-month on such a matter, one of his old friends was also feeling conflicted.

That was Wang Say Games.

As an adult UP host with Schrodinger’s luck, Wang Say Games was agonizing over what to update tonight.

The popularity of “Quiet Cultivation” remained skyrocketing, with him, the old salted fish, indulging in Heavenly Demon mode daily, resulting in the same content for more than twenty consecutive days, which led to complaints galore in his live-streaming room.

Wang, we don’t ask you to transform into a technical host, but at least go suffer

a bit in “The Nameless” to entertain us!

Wang had his justifications ready.

It s impossible to suffer, this life, I’m never going to suffer. I can’t make it doing risque things, just by playing Heavenly Demon, can I maintain a living like this.”

Given Wang’s lax attitude, the viewers in his live-streaming room decisively voted with their feet, leaving rapidly.

When the viewership of his live-streaming room declined to an undeniable level, Wang finally realized he needed to engage in some gimmicks.

After much deliberation, he finally opened his friends list, finding an old friend who hadn’t been in touch for a while, but every contact brought a surprise.

[World Immortal, are you there?]

It took a long while for the other party to reply: [Yes.]

[Have you been making any new games lately? Can you let me stir up some trouble?]

Fang Cheng thought for a moment then looked at the orb in his hand.

This… could work!

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