To ascend, I had no choice but to create games

Chapter 72 - Chapter 72: Chapter 72 Propaganda Begins!

Chapter 72: Chapter 72 Propaganda Begins!

The next day, after reviewing the operational plan provided by Wang Xiaoying, Fang Cheng didn’t have any objections and simply told her to go ahead and take charge.

Operational funds were approved by Xu Qingling; in any case, he didn’t care about money, so it didn’t matter if it was all spent.

Good operations could greatly help Fang Cheng in comprehending enlightenment; the better the operations, the more players playing his game, and the better he could understand the characteristic of “fun” through the players’ reactions.

What if problems arose?

Although it might be frustrating, what kind of Immortal would he be if he didn’t even have the will to resist setbacks?

After all, he had weathered many difficulties in the past for his cultivation.

Once Fang Cheng gave his approval, Wang Xiaoying started making moves quickly.

To complement “The Nameless” ‘s promotion, she specifically came up with a catchphrase for the game: “Tang Dynasty, I’m back.”

This catchphrase had multiple purposes: on the one hand, it corresponded to the protagonist’s final mission, and on the other hand, it related to the entire game’s historical setting, giving deeper meaning to the phrase.

After registering accounts on Weibo, Bilibili, and Behu for the company and getting them verified, Wang Xiaoying was ready to preheat “The Nameless.” Having confirmed the release date of “The Nameless” with Huang Ping, she decided to start with the promotional video.

The promotional video for “The Nameless” was particularly easy to make. Screenshots would do the job.

With the game’s richly detailed graphics and seamlessly smooth performance complemented by advanced artificial intelligence, the result was a cinematic ’ experience.

Knowing that the release was only seven days away, Wang Xiaoying edited and processed the material she received from Monkey, then she shared the finalized video in the group for everyone to enjoy.

The video received unanimous praise from everyone; Xu Qingling even stated that the studio should definitely employ Wang Xiaoying’s editing skills for future promotional short films.

At the same time, she mentioned that since Fang Cheng was the company boss, he definitely needed more screen time when the time came.

Wang Xiaoying said there was no problem with the suggestion, but it felt a bit odd to her.

Once everything was confirmed to be fine, Wang Xiaoying uploaded the video to Bilibili.

As the first video of “Fang Cheng Studio,” Wang Xiaoying named it: “Seven

Days Away from the Tang Dynasty.”

A new account with a new video theoretically shouldn’t attract much traffic.

Furthermore, Wang Xiaoying didn’t purchase any traffic or do any collaborations; she simply allowed it to grow organically.

Most people would leave upon seeing it was a new account, because very few newcomers can create something impressive.

However, there are always exceptions.

Tang Mo was one of them.

He had a great interest in history, especially the Tang Dynasty.

Every time he discussed the An Lushan Rebellion and the downfall of the Tang Dynasty in its later period, he felt a profound ache in his heart.

Today, his regular content creator had failed to upload, so with no video to watch with his meal, he started looking for recently posted videos about the Tang Dynasty and stumbled upon this new one.

The double-digit view count made the video seem somewhat pitiable, but the armor on the thumbnail immediately drew Tang Mo’s attention.

After carefully examining it for a while, Tang Mo couldn’t help but nod and comment, “Exquisite.”

At a glance, he recognized it as the standard Mingguang armor from the end of the Tang Dynasty, with a few discrepancies from the currently reconstructed versions, but presumably modified for some special purpose.

Upon closer examination, traces of sword and blade marks could be seen on the armor, with several areas stained with dark red blood, the corners faintly conveying a chilling solemnity.

Just one image was enough to make Tang Mo feel extremely satisfied.

Many armors made now are too clean.

After all, armor is a weapon, and even more deadly than swords. In ancient times, privately owning swords could be regarded as a hobby, but owning full armor was a sign of treason.

Armor that had seen battle and been damaged was the real deal; brought back from the battlefield, such armor carried with it a forbidding aura, as if it contained endless murderous intent, causing one to be awestruck.

Just one image captured his attention for several minutes, then he clicked to play the video.

Afterward, a mocking voice resounded.

When recording this video, Monkey made a point to play through it once again. With his previous experience, he was even more skilled this time and, to save time and avoid danger, he even memorized the entire Western Region map. His companions were the usual crew: the dumpling, Squad Leader, Mr. Fang, and the skinny guy.

He had already developed deep feelings for the NPCs and, in this round of the game, he expended a great deal of energy and managed to bring them all to the Tang Dynasty without losing a single one.

Although the final score was only 91 points, Monkey felt it was worth it seeing everyone safe and sound.

At the beginning of the video, the one speaking is the skinny guy.

The skinny guy’s voice had a peculiar magic, sounding serious but would inevitably make people want to laugh as he went on.

It was like a comedian acting in a drama-though he was being serious, it was still funny.

Of course, he wasn’t all that serious after all.

Lying in the wagon’s compartment, wrapped up like a zongzi, with only his mouth firm, which was also the only thing that could be firm.

“I’ve heard there are two types of men in the Tang Dynasty, one who’s good for nothing, and the other who’s also good for nothing.”

“What do you mean by that?” Dumpling asked curiously next to him.

Never mind, I’m just bored to death, just saying something to keep spirits up.

Monkey, how much longer until we reach the Tang Dynasty?”

The camera shook, and then the protagonist raised a finger, gesturing a seven.

“Seven days, huh… I wonder if the girls in Chang’an like the number seven, I’m quite fond of it. Hey, Monkey, what are you planning on doing when you get to Chang’an…”

The skinny guy was chatting intermittently while the protagonist turned his gaze away, looking into the distance.

The scenery was one of withered vines, old trees, crows, small bridges over flowing streams, and homes.

They were now in a stolen carriage, with Squad Leader sound asleep, Mr. Fang sharpening a knife, and Dumpling chatting with the injured skinny guy-all very harmonious.

If one ignored certain details.

There were still bloodstains on the knife, Dumpling’s arm was bleeding, everyone was so fatigued they were almost asleep, but they were all resolutely keeping themselves awake, not allowing sleep to take over.

No one complained of tiredness, but everyone had reached their limits of exhaustion, with the whole scene filled with stories-even the old horse pulling the carriage looked dramatic.

Tang Mo quickly paused the video and began scrutinizing every item on the screen, finding it more and more pleasing as he looked.

This video, it’s got style.

Clearly, the creator of the video must have done substantial research on that period, their level of knowledge could be considered on par with that of a university professor.

Even with his best effort, Tang Mo could only recognize a few of the items and was confident they were accurate-every one of them was meticulously researched to ensure they were period-appropriate.

Was this an animated film, a movie, or a game?

With this question in mind, Tang Mo clicked to continue and kept watching.

The scenes that followed were straightforward.

The carriage moved along slowly, the skinny guy rambled on, the surrounding scenery gradually receded, peace pervaded everything.

Suddenly, Dumpling stopped.

He listened intently, then pointed in a certain direction and said, “They’re coming.”

A few breaths later, the sound of horses neighing broke through, piercing the sky with such a sharp tone that it made Tang Mo, who had just been immersed in the video, break out in goosebumps on his arms.

In the video, the protagonist also stood up decisively, looking toward the distance.

There, five cavalrymen were charging over on horseback, the decorations on them indicating they were Tubo soldiers.

They laughed wildly as they spun their flails in their hands, not caring who the travelers were, seeking only to smash the heads of the convoy.

Facing the rapidly approaching soldiers, the skinny guy calmly cracked a smile.

“Monkey, go!”

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