To ascend, I had no choice but to create games

Chapter 43 - Chapter 43: Chapter 43 This studio is too diligent_l

Chapter 43: Chapter 43 This studio is too diligent_l

Translator: 549690339

Unlike Fang Cheng, who was completely baffled, Xiao Douzi and Huang Ping were already deeply engrossed in the game.

For Huang Ping, this was the easiest beta test he had ever participated in.

In past tests, programmers, artists, and planners all had to keep a watchful eye on the process. A massive flood of bugs would swarm in, putting everyone on high alert.

But with “Quiet Cultivation”…

What’s a bug?

They even set up a player group specifically for bug reports, but so far, not a single piece of feedback had come through.

As unbelievable as it was, Huang Ping had to admit that this game seemed to be bug-free.

Not only was it quickly made, but every feature was perfectly implemented, the gameplay was smooth without any lag, it had been running without a bug since launch, and the framerate consistently stayed above 120.

Such formidable capability, in any other company, would have the CEO kneeling for a couple of knocks, with planners camping out by someone’s door just for the privilege of hitching a ride to work.

Huang Ping didn’t understand why things were this way, but when he thought about it being Fang Cheng’s handiwork, it somehow seemed to make sense.

People who are both handsome and talented just have a way of making even the most preposterous things seem normal.

During a break in the game, Huang Ping stopped to have a sip of tea, then looked at Fang Cheng, who was nearby, frowning in deep thought.

His brow was filled with wisdom, his gaze sparked with the light of stars, and though he didn’t know what the boss was pondering, it surely was something beyond his own comprehension.

After a while, he saw Fang Cheng lookup and ask, “Huang Ping, do you think

it’s fun for players to fight each other?”

Huang Ping didn11 know why Fang Cheng was asking, but he honestly replied,

“It’s quite fun, yeah.”

“Then do you think, if we stopped players from fighting each other, could it still be fun? If we had them unite, could that be fun too?”

Hearing this, Huang Ping’s brow furrowed.

What did the boss mean by that?

To earn his wage, and to do justice to this extraordinary game, Huang Ping started racking his brain, thinking hard.

When he was forcibly sent home from the office in the afternoon, he had an epiphany!

The boss wanted to introduce unfair competition!

The current “Quiet Cultivation” could totally support the conditions for unfair competition, designating one player as the ultimate boss with full mastery over the Cultivation Techniques, thus achieving an unfair state.

The other players would have to join forces to defeat the player acting as the Heavenly Demon, cooperating to overcome the enemy.

This wasn’t difficult to implement, but it could greatly enhance the game’s playability, offering players a variety of choices.

And as long as it was properly adjusted, it could allow for a nearly 50% chance of victory, making half of the players happy each game, and all players content after two rounds.

True to form of the boss, always prioritizing the players’ enjoyment above all!

The next day, Huang Ping arrived at the office and immediately drafted a proposal. Xiao Douzi balanced the numbers, and on the third day, it was implemented. By the afternoon, everyone had experienced the new gameplay, “The Descent of the Heavenly Demon.”

Four characters corresponded to four types of Heavenly Demons, each possessing unimaginably powerful abilities. The ninety-nine other players needed to work together to defeat the Heavenly Demon.

The incredibly fast update speed astonished the players.

We haven’t even figured out the last mode, and you’ve already updated?

Such a diligent game company, truly lovable.

But we do have a modest request, could you add female characters? No ulterior motives, just seeking balance between yin and yang, it’s the right path to cultivation after all.

Meanwhile, Fang Cheng believed Huang Ping had understood his intentions, hence the addition of these features. But after everything was implemented, he found players fighting even more fiercely.

After playing the Heavenly Demon Sword Immortal a few times, Fang Cheng, mowing down the players like chives with wave after relentless wave, fell into contemplation.

in his original plan, whether it was the effects of the Cultivation Technique or changes in the environment, they were all meant to be mere embellishments to meditation.

Players, no matter how they played, would eventually return to meditation, beginning to comprehend the true wonders of it.

But now, it seems that players have been led astray by external things, losing their true purpose, which in the past could be considered falling into the path of demons.

After much thought, Fang Cheng found Huang Ping and said, “Don’t you think that players’ destructive power after meditating is too strong, causing them to overlook many things? Should we not restrict the gains from meditation to make players less powerful?”

Hearing these words, Huang Ping frowned.

What does the boss mean by this?

He started to think again, to meditate on this; he sipped his tea as he gazed into the distance, having abandoned cigarettes, which would interfere with his game development; now his mind was filled only with his boss’s hints. After being forced out of the studio when the clock struck the hour, he had an epiphany as he watched the distant sunset.

I’ve got it!

On the fourth day of work, he rushed to the company non-stop, drafting plans in the morning, configuring values at noon, and implementing them in the afternoon, rolling out the game one second before closing time.

That very night, all the players in the test server played the new version, Miniature Mode.

All players became very small, and their cultivation techniques caused minimal damage to the environment.

In this mode, the influence of the environment became incredibly intense; players had to actively dodge Gang Wind, but at the same time, they could use the realistic environment system to perform even more interesting combinations of moves.

The burning effects became more impressive, some carnivorous plants turned into terrifying monsters, and insects with strong vitality in the bushes became another formidable force. In a fairy-tale-like world where death and challenge coexisted, the game took on new changes.

In Miniature Mode, meditation was not as important, and players were more about using the environment to trap each other, making group fights even more fun.

Two new modes in four days-such a diligent company is truly lovable.

However, we still have a humble request; when will the female characters arrive? White hair with red eyes is fine, black long-haired beauty is fine too, we can’t wait to be slain by the Heavenly Demon ‘Big Sister’!

Seeing the players enjoying themselves even more, Fang Cheng was speechless. He pondered all night and then found Huang Ping on the fifth day of testing. “What if we extend the meditation time and enhance its effects, do you think that would be fun? ”

This time, without needing to reflect on it deeply, Huang Ping understood Fang Cheng’s idea and gave him a resolute look.

Don’t worry, boss, I get you.

He started drafting documents, had Xiao Douzi work on the values, produced documents by morning, tested in the afternoon, and updated the new system on the sixth day.

Team mode is out!

Groups of four players formed teams, with no restrictions on the members races.

In this mode, meditation time was lengthened, and meditating players could not engage in any activity and became very vulnerable; the other three players had to use various methods to protect their teammate during this time, waiting for them to emerge and wreak havoc.

At the same time, the battlefield expanded to accommodate hundreds of teams fighting simultaneously. The battlefield would shrink rapidly with times’ passing, making meditation a high-risk, high-reward team activity.

Seeing such diligent update speeds, players were astonished.

Three modes updated in six days, is this company run by immortals or what? While you’re diligent, we still hope for the addition of female characters. If white hair with red eyes is a problem, how about animal-eared lolitas?

We’re really not just a bunch of old lechers… okay, we are!

Give us female characters now, immediately, right now! Don’t force us to kneel and beg you!

Seeing this response, Fang Cheng was speechless.


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