To ascend, I had no choice but to create games

Chapter 31 - Chapter 31: Chapter 31: Defying Fate i

Chapter 31: Chapter 31: Defying Fate i

Translator: 549690339

“Games that are too scary should be banned. Games are meant to relax people, and if they scare people, they can’t be considered games.”

“So what’s your take on ‘God of Farming’s Son’? According to your claim, paintings should also relax people. A painting as frightening as this shouldn’t exist either.”

“Can games even be compared to works of art?”

“Ha, the chicken’s true colors are showing! Just admit it, you’re looking down on games, supporting the ban just to satisfy your disdain for our gaming community. You high and mighty types can easily jump face output, yet you insist on cloaking yourself in a pretense of caring for us. Honestly, it’s making mewant to cry.”

Wang Say Games ‘s explosive material began to ferment at an incredibly fast pace.

Furthermore, this day coincided with the weekend, and although Wang’s video was being handled coldly, it couldn’t stop the spread by people. A routine act of banning had eventually evolved into a major debate over whether games should be banned and how to do so, with the situation developing faster than anyone had expected.

Giant Blog also became another battlefield, with countless accounts being banned for overly aggressive comments, while a great number continued to pour in one after another.

As for the elder brothers in the forums… Without uncivilized language, they didn’t say anything.

While everything was spiraling out of control, a commercial officer from the platform approached Wang again.

“Mr. Wang, this video, can we delete it?”

Without needing the other party to specify which video, Wang knew exactly which one they were referring to.

The developments had reached a point where some things were beyond both parties’ control.

But eliminating the source of impact could at least make some amends.

Looking at the message from the commercial officer, Wang wanted to say something but found himself speechless, only feeling that pushing even a little bit was too difficult.

Before long, the commercial officer sent a new message: “Mr. Wang, we will compensate your next three videos. The platform will use big data to boost your traffic, and the effects will definitely satisfy you. Plus, under the same conditions, we’ll give you priority in recommendations. What do you think?”

“… No need.”

Mr. Wang, what do you mean? Don’t do anything foolish! Mr. Wang, answer me! I’m your fan, I can’t be without you!”

Wang closed the chat interface and picked up his phone to start recording a video.

The matter was somewhat related to him, but not particularly so.

And since he had triggered the explosive discussion, he had done his part; stepping away now would not incite criticism from anyone.

But he was just not happy!

Why should gamers be treated as inferior?

Why should we players be casually manipulated by others?

Why should games be labeled as calamities, with even unrelated criminals being pinned with the blame, as if it’s all “the fault of games”?

With the fire already burning to this extent, he might as well become the Salary King and let the fire burn even brighter.

Anyway, he had enough money. In the future, he could just open a small internet cafe and sit back as the money rolled in.

Opening the recording tool, he looked at the screen and said, “Hello everyone, I m Wang Say Games, and today, I have a very heavy announcement to make…”

A video less than five minutes long took him two full hours to record.

From 1 PM to 3 PM, he repeatedly revised his wording, adjusted his syntax, and several times became choked up with emotion, but finally managed to complete the recording.

Taking a deep breath, he trembled at the thought of uploading the video, and then saw that ‘Living Immortal’s’ private message had lit up.

“Sorry, I have been reflecting on my own mistakes recently and didn’t manage to reply in time.”

Seeing the reply, Wang immediately responded: “It’s not your fault, it’s the world’s fault, a good game is not wrong!”

“… Well… okay. What’s the situation now?”

“It’s like this.”

Fang Cheng painstakingly explained the current situation once over, and Wang typed with a wry smile, “Sorry for getting your game banned. Alright, I’m getting ready to delete my account and make a run for it. See you again if it’s meant to be.”

“Hmm, wait a second, if there’s no news by tonight, then get ready to run.”

“Immortal, do you have a way?”

“Yeah, after all, I’m an Immortal, right?”

Wang chuckled to himself, thinking no way, no way, could it be that someone’s online name is Immortal and they actually believe they’re one.

I m the guy next door, Wang, but I haven’t done anything treacherous.

However, the Living Immortal’s tone was calm yet filled with power, convincing Wang Say Games to trust the other party this time, waiting until evening was also fine.

At his home, Fang Cheng quickly learned the causes and consequences and reviewed the various opinions.

Although he still couldn’t understand why games were fun, upon seeing the multitude of players voicing their opinions for the game they cherished in their hearts, and listing the exemplary examples in the game and their influence, he was somewhat moved.

After carefully watching the video edited by Wang, he realized that to many people, a game isn’t just a game, but also a repository of emotions, an aspiration towards life.

The charm of games was so terrifying that even though they brought no tangible benefits, and even wasted the players’ time and harmed their interests, they were still willing to speak up for games, showing how important games were in their hearts.

Closing his eyes to feel for a while, when Fang Cheng opened them again, his eyes had turned to gold.

Mr. Fang, who was eating watermelon on the side, was startled by Fang Cheng’s current appearance and hastily called out, “Wife, come out and see God!”

“Stop yelling, I haven’t forgiven you yet!” Mrs. Fang’s voice came from the room.

“Your bag is on its way.”


Rushing out of the bedroom, Mrs. Fang discovered that the entire room was bathed in a golden glow.

This golden light, like a river, surged through the room, rushing towards the distance like a great river.

Seeing this scene, Mrs. Fang held her breath and asked subconsciously, “Son, what are you doing?”

“I’m altering destiny.”

Isn t that a bit of an exaggeration, whose destiny are you trying to change?”

“Many people’s.”

This river is the River of Fate, and even a slight change can trigger a huge cause and effect, and the Divine Skill of altering destiny is to control the various tributaries to ultimately change the destinies of those involved.

Wang’s video, the online discussions, the demands of some people, these voices had already formed a small tributary of fate, and Fang Cheng was looking for a suitable fulcrum to leverage this point and lead this tributary towards the perfect shore.

By applying force at the fulcrum, the karma to be borne is not significant, ultimately affecting only one or two people.

For someone like Fang Cheng the Immortal, these karmic consequences are actually inconsequential; he could choose not to resolve them. However, if he encountered the other party involved, it would be better to clear it, othemise, it would always be on his mind.

After staring at the long river for a while, Fang Cheng whispered to himself, here it comes.

With a light tap, a fulcrum appeared, and the tributary of fate changed its course and flowed towards a more beautiful future.

Meanwhile, in Rong City, Xu Qingling, who was taking a nap, got up, drowsily wiped away her drool, then lay back down.

Lying on the bed, she swung her pale legs, first checking her FlyMessage and sighing with disappointment when she found no message from the person she had pinned to the top.

Then, she opened up Giant Blog to catch up on the news, and came across the game controversy that was making waves.

After understanding the situation, she wiped the reddening corner of her eyes, then made a phone call.

“Grandpa, here’s the situation… Okay, I got it, I’ll come to see you now, let’s talk face-to-face.”

Quickly getting up, Xu Qingling changed into a casual outfit and took a cab to her grandfather’s place.

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