To ascend, I had no choice but to create games

Chapter 100 - Chapter 100: Chapter 93 The Awakening of the Local

Chapter 100: Chapter 93 The Awakening of the Local

People (First Update)_2

Mukuai 1234. looked at Xiemen Waidao with displeasure, “Companion, can you please stop saying those peculiar things in front of the common folk?”

“It’s fine, I quite enjoy seeing their confused reactions. After all, I’m a ‘fun player,’ not a ‘role-playing gamer’.”

Role-playing gamers are those who, in the world of “Medic,” act and speak in ways befitting the identity of a medic, striving to immerse themselves completely in this world.

But fun players love seeking different ways to play, striving to break the bounds of the game system, finding more joy in the game.

One should play games with a smile, and as for whether others smile or not, that’ s beyond my control.

Mukuai 1234 sighed once again.

All these outsiders were sent by the Great Heavenly Lord to save the world. They had excellent talents, learned quickly, could help mend the world, repel disease, and just required virtue in return.

However, their temperaments were varied and strange, like the Xiemen Waidao in front of her who always did inexplicable things.

If only it were possible to choose one’s own companions, she really wouldn’t want to act together with him.

It’s not that she’s always silent, she just doesn’t want to talk to you.

Following Xiemen Waidao’s instructions, Mukuai 1234 directly exchanged the medicinal ingredients for finished products and then handed them to Li.

Li’s first reaction to receiving the medicine was not gratitude but fear.

In these troubled times, there was little feeling between people. The nearby City Lords just strung along their lives, letting them survive only to produce disease. How could anyone be so kind-hearted as to come over and help treat illness? Clutching the medicine, Li hesitated for a long time, still unable to figure out why they would help him, but not daring to ask.

They might look pretty, but for all he knew, they might be ruthless and brutal inside, ready to slaughter him at the slightest displeasure.

His old body really couldn’t withstand such torment.

As Li hesitated, there suddenly came a knocking at the door.

Unlike them, the weak old folks and the young people full of disease, the person knocking sounded solid and forceful, carrying an air of arrogance and unreasonableness.

Before they arrived, Li had a feeling.

The visitors were here for Xiemen Waidao and Mukuail234.

After hiding them in a decrepit back room, Li tremblingly stepped forward and opened the door, only to see three robust constables rush in.

They were young and strong, but they had no disease on them.

In their arms, each one wore a piece of green jade that the City Lord had acquired at great expense from the Demon Lord Temple, which could repel evil and disaster, and resist the invasion of disease.

The jade’s effectiveness was limited, however, protecting only one person and needing recharging with Mana every ten days. This made the City Lord beholden to the arrangements of the Demon Lord Temple.

Apart from being disease-free, these constables could eat meat, train in martial arts to refine their bodies, and a knife in hand meant they could slaughter a village. Ordinary people were less than chickens or dogs in front of them.

After opening the door, the lead constable pushed Li aside, stood in the yard, looked around, and said, “We just saw a purple light flash here. Do you have any idea what that was about?”

Li’s heart skipped a beat.

Indeed, they were here for the medic.

After pondering for a moment, just as he was about to answer, a purple light flashed inside the house, and the disease in the air opened up once again.

Then Xiemen Waidao dragged his young son over, shouting fiercely, “Don’t come any closer! I’ll kill him if you do!”

“Hmph, a mere medic trying to threaten us like some bandit! We don’t need him alive, chop him to death!”

Drawing out their machetes, the constables rushed forward and hacked Xiemen Waidao to death.

Dragging the bloody corpse with them, the constables turned to leave, but not before threatening, “These medics are all lunatics, and the Demon Lord Temple is very displeased. Don’t associate with them from now on. You were supposed to be taken in for questioning as well, but since you seemed to be coerced, take this Plague Chicken as walk-away money.”

The tumored Plague Chicken was taken away, and as it left, its eyes coldly watched Li.

It wasn’t until they had gone that Li stood still for a while before waking from his stupor and hurrying to his son’s side.

He had assumed his son would suffer some minor injury in the recent commotion, but upon closer inspection, he discovered not only was there no injury, the wound on his arm had significantly healed, presumably Xiemen Waidao’s doing.

What’s more, his son’s previously burning forehead was now cool to the touch, and the son, regaining consciousness, opened his eyes, looked at Li, and uttered his first words in three days.

“Dad… I’m hungry…”

“Oh, Dad went to find food.”

“No need, I brought some.”

The familiar voice that rose made Li shiver down to his bones.

Turning his head, he saw Xiemen Waidao and Mukuai 1234 standing right behind him, holding the food that had just been exchanged with morality.

The smell of blood still lingered in the air, and the bloodstains on the ground had not yet dried. Li had just watched the other party being killed and dragged away, but now they were standing there as if nothing had happened.

Covering his mouth, Li tightly controlled his throat, it took a while before he could calm himself a bit.

Struggling to contain his voice, he asked tremblingly, “Are you, are you a human or a ghost?”

“Neither, I am a healer.”

“Are all healers ghosts?”

Watching the extremely frightened Li, Xiemen Waidao couldn’t help but screenshot the scene and then said to Mukuai 1234 beside him, “See, this is how you should play games, the reactions of these NPCs are really too funny!” Mukuai 1234 sighed again.

Looking up at the sky, she began to wonder when she could deplete all her virtue and then return to rest with Heavenly Tao.

Following such an odd outlander was really exhausting.

But the other party had accumulated too much virtue, and she felt she couldn’t leave even if she wanted to.

Heavenly Tao, save me!

Although still very wary of Xiemen Waidao, at the crucial moment, Li decisively reacted.

He quickly shut the door and then invited the two inside his room, closing the room door before feeling somewhat safer.

Looking at the food handed over by Xiemen Waidao, Li hesitated for a long time but finally opened it and found a bowl of steaming rice porridge.

The porridge was so thick that a pair of chopsticks could stand upright in it; it also contained chopped Leaf greens and marbled meat.

The porridge must have been simmered for a long time, with the aroma of rice, meat, and greens all mingling together, making it extraordinarily appetizing.

Smelling the aroma, his younger son once again opened his eyes, his misty eyes fixated on the bowl of porridge, filled with desire.

At this moment, Li had a host of questions.

For instance, where did this porridge come from, and why is it still so hot?

You were clearly killed, so how can you still appear?

What exactly are you healers, why can you heal diseases, and why do the constables seize you?

But in the face of survival instinct, Li finally took an empty bowl, portioned off one-third of the rice porridge, and handed it to his younger son.

Unlike the dark and thick gruel, the rice porridge was tasty with salt added, and a hint of sesame oil.

The meat was marbled, giving it a savory taste.

The instinct for life made the younger son recognize that this was good stuff and he gulped down the porridge, absorbing the nutrients.

As the nourishment entered his body, like rainwater on barren land, it moisturized his physical body and a glow appeared in his eyes.

Having quickly finished his share of the rice porridge, the younger son subconsciously looked at the remaining portion, just about to ask for more, he forcibly held back.

Slowly, he licked his bowl clean, even licking around the rim, before reluctantly handing the immaculate bowl, free of any residue, back to Li.

“Dad, I’m full.”

Li glanced at the remaining porridge.

This was what he had planned to give to his eldest son and his family, but his younger son was still growing, and the porridge was important too.

Just as he was torn about what to do, Xiemen Waidao reached out and conjured up another bowl of steaming rice porridge.

“Don’t worry, I have plenty.”

Seeing another bowl of rice porridge appear, Li was certain.

No matter if you are a human or a ghost, just for these two bowls of porridge, I, Li, would give you my life!

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