Chapter 75

It's not a big house, but the decoration is very warm. There is a rectangular dining table in the dining room and a family of four.

Because Chuang Tzu Jin doesn't mean Lin Xinyan to go back, he Ruize and he Ruize will agree to go back together, which makes the atmosphere on the table very dull.

Only the innocent Lin Ruixi knew nothing. He sat in Lin Xinyan's arms and asked her to feed himself.

"Mommy, I'll have the custard." Lin Ruixi stretched out her little finger and pointed to the steamed egg soup as delicate as tofu.

Lin Xinyan scooped it over with a spoon and fed it into her mouth.

Lin Xichen, like a troubled adult, sighs at his ignorant sister.

Lin Xinyan brought him vegetables, "little boy. Don't frown

"Ah." Lin Xichen sighed.

This kid, how come the more you talk about him, the more addictive he is?

"Lin Xichen, pay attention to your attitude." Although Lin Xinyan is a rebuke. But no serious expression, or not willing to scold him, or say heavy words to him.

"Are you still in the mood to eat?" Lin Xichen poured cold water on her.

"If you don't persuade grandma, what about work?" Lin Xichen worries more than Lin Xinyan.

"Children, don't worry about the affairs of adults. Eating well and going to school are what you should do." Chuang Tzu Jin served him a bowl of thick soup“ Eat your food and don't take part in the affairs of adults. "

Lin Xichen didn't agree. "I'm a member of this family, so I have a voice. Grandma, Mommy, let's vote on a show of hands. The minority is subordinate to the majority. "

"Hey, this kid, who did you learn from? You can tell the truth one by one." Chuang Tzu Jin didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

There are not many people, but many ideas.

"On a show of hands." Lin Xichen repeated, with a firm attitude.

"So you want to go back?" Lin Xinyan is aware of his son's mind. He seems to want to go back.

She thought that the children had been used to living here and would not want to change places. Lin Xichen's attitude surprised her.

"Mommy's hometown is also my hometown. I just want to see what Mommy's hometown looks like." Lin Xichen, with a small face, said seriously.

Although linxinyan want to promise, but scruple to zhuangzijin feeling, she did not promise.

Lin Xichen is so smart that he knows that Lin Xinyan really respects Chuang Tzu Jin. It's still up to Chuang Tzu Jin to talk about this.

He put down the spoon and ran to Chuang Tzu Jin, pulling her sleeve. Gently shake, "grandma, my good grandma, you agree."

Chuang Tzu Jin refused.

Lin Xichen continued to act coquettishly, praying in a soft voice, "grandma, grandma, my good grandma."

"Grandma, grandma, my good grandma." See elder brother call, Lin Ruixi also follow call.

Lin Xichen's voice is soft. Lin Ruixi's voice is soft and waxy, with a baby like tenderness and special sweetness.

The heart of Chuang Tzu Jin is crisp.

If she didn't agree again, she seemed to be sorry for the two children.

So he said, "let's vote on a show of hands."

Lin Xichen raised his hand first, "those who agree to return home raise their hands."

"Mommy." Lin Xinyan didn't move. Lin Xichen winked at her. Seeing that Chuang Tzu Jin didn't get angry, Lin Xinyan raised his hand.


"No temptation." Zhuang Zijin interrupts Lin Xichen.

Lin Xichen pouted and looked at her sister's hand.

Lin Ruixi looks funny. Mommy and brother reach out. She wants to stretch, too.

Three to one.

Chuang Tzu Jin lost.

She was not angry, just melancholy way, "I do not know, this is right or wrong."

"Grandma, don't worry. I'll protect my mommy." Lin Xichen patted his chest and assured.

Chuang Tzu Jin rubbed his grandson's hair and sighed deeply. After all, he was a child. What do you know.

But this filial piety, it is commendable, "your mommy, did not risk life in vain, gave birth to you."

Lin Xichen blinked. He also heard from his uncle that mommy had suffered a lot in order to give birth to him and his sister.

"I won't let people bully my mommy." Lin Xichen seems to have made a decision, and his words are particularly firm.

Chuang Tzu Jin Jing feels that he says too much, this is a child after all. Pick him up, let him sit on his lap, "Xiao Xi, is the man of our family.""Of course." Lin Xichen raised his head and said with pride.

After persuading Chuang Tzu Jin, the atmosphere on the dining table is relaxed. Lin Rui Xi is drowsy in Lin Xinyan's arms, and her head drops down. Lin Xinyan holds her away from the dining table. The little guy seems to feel that Lin Xinyan is going to leave and opens his eyes, "I want to eat."


The child is so sleepy that he doesn't forget to eat.

Lin Xinyan had to sit back. The little guy took a few bites and fell asleep.

Chuang Tzu Jin asked her daughter to take her children to rest, and she came to clean up the table.

Linxinyan nodded, linruixi has not bathed, wait to wash, wake up to make trouble, she took better.

Lin Ruixi didn't sleep during the day. Lin Xinyan washed her face, hands and feet. There was no sign of her waking up.

Lin sighed, "Mommy, I think my sister should be a pig."

You can eat, you can sleep.

Lin Xinyan told him“ How to talk? My sister is a pig. What do you belong to? Don't forget your mother

Lin Xichen sat by the bed, took out his tablet and played a game called intelligence box. He bowed his head. "I'm a snake. The teacher said snakes are cold-blooded."

Lin Xinyan turned his head. I saw my son's delicate face, curled eyelashes, and he was playing games seriously. I was very grateful to his teacher.

It's what we teach Lin Xichen. Some are very mature.

Some of them are not for his age at all.

"Do you like your teacher very much?" Asked Lin Xinyan.

"Of course." Lin Xichen answered without hesitation.

Lin Xinyan touched his head.

At this time, her mobile phone on the bedside cupboard rings. Lin Xichen is close to her and hands it to Lin Xinyan“ Mommy, you have a phone

Lin Xinyan reaches over and shows Leo's number.

The only one that can show this number is Mrs. William, the iconic one.

At the beginning, Mrs. William was kind to Lin Xinyan.

Although she got her diploma, she had no practical experience. According to the status of Leo, she would not be accepted as a new person.

Mrs. William said that when she looked at her and saw the feeling of her youth, she asked her to stay.

That's how she got to be today.

To Mrs. William, she has a lot of respect.

"I have arranged for Qin ya to go back first. She will arrange everything there. You can go back directly."

"I see."

Lin Xinyan covers the quilt for his children. He goes to the window and looks out. It's dark and he can't see anything.

Her heart, however, gradually understood.

As Zong Jinghao said, since she put it down, what is she afraid of?

She straightened her back. Now she has her own career, her children have grown up, and Zhuang Zijin's illness is under control. Everything is on the right track. Where to live is not the same.

"Lin, do you hate me?" Asked Mrs. William, after a long silence.

"No Lin Xinyan's frank answer.

She was never dissatisfied. At first, she just didn't understand why she could make an exception. After knowing the story of her and William.

There is no more dissatisfaction.

Mrs. William sighed, as if she wanted to say something. She hung up without saying it.

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