Chapter 711

"What's the matter?" Lin Xinyan looks at his son standing in front of the sofa.

Zong Yanchen pointed to his sister who was still crying. "She wanted to play cat and mouse. She cried again when she lost."

"My brother is a pain in the neck." Zong Yanxi, wiping her tears, ran to her father and mother and complained, "brother, he's so annoying."

Lin Xin looked at her daughter speechless.

She was scared for a long time and didn't speak. She was worried. After that, she became the same again.

"When can you get rid of your complaining habit?"

Zong Jinghao stretched out his hand to touch her head, "admit defeat."

Sang Yu cleaned up the pillow that two children had just thrown to the ground while playing games, and some toys were everywhere.

Zong Yanxi thought that her father would face her. Scold brother, did not expect that his father did not bias himself, turned his lips, and ran back. Help sang Yu clean up the toys.

"The child can't be used to it. If you are used to her, you may cry again now." Lin Xinyan said to the men around him.

Zong Jinghao turned to see her, "do you mean I'm used to her?"

Lin Xinyan said, "you know if you are used to it or not."

Said toward Sangyu, "put it, let mother clean up."

Sangyu stands up. Some cramped hands clutching the hem, "it's nothing, it's not tiring."

Lin Xinyan said with a smile, "I'm not used to it just now, are you?"

Sangyu bowed his head, "OK."

Lin Xinyan can see that she is a little nervous. She doesn't feel comfortable living here. After all, she doesn't know each other and she doesn't spend much time together.

"My two children are very noisy." Lin Xinyan talks with her to ease the atmosphere, and tries to get closer to her to make her less restrained.

Sang Yu said with a smile, "they are lovely and smart."

Lin Xinyan sat down on the sofa and asked her to do the same.

"I'll clean it up for you." Sang Yu squats in front of the toy basket and picks up toys with Zong Yanxi.

The game toys of the house were scattered when they finished the cat and mouse game, and many small parts rolled everywhere.

"When will uncle Shen come back?" Zong Yanxi looks up at sang Yu and asks.

Shen peichuan didn't call her, and she didn't take the initiative to contact Shen peichuan, because she knew that Shen peichuan must be busy when he just came back and had a lot of things to deal with.

She can't help him, the only thing she can do is not to give him any trouble.

"I don't know."

Zong Yanxi blinked, "aren't you his girlfriend? How could you not know his whereabouts? "

Sang Yu thought she was funny. She seemed to know a lot when she was young.

"Even if I were his girlfriend, I couldn't deprive him of his time? He has his business to do. "

Zong Yanxi didn't understand.

"There are so many things in your adult world. Girlfriends will change later, too. "

The smile on Sangyu's face changed the taste in a moment.

I know she only refers to her and song Yaxin.

"She's a child. She doesn't understand." Lin Xinyan is afraid of Sangyu.

Sangyu shook his head, "actually I'm not good."

After careful investigation, she seems to be a third party, breaking up Shen peichuan and song Yaxin.

Zong Yanchen put the toy basket in the corner for his sister and said, "let's go to the room."

Zong Yanxi nodded, "grandfather is not in the study, I want to see what they are doing."

"Let's go." Brother and sister, hand in hand toward the study.

At this moment, the feeling is very good, Zong Yanxi forgot that he just cried.

Sang Yu sat on the sofa. Looking at Lin Xinyan, "did peichuan tell you about me?"

Lin Xinyan said that he mentioned it but did not elaborate.

Sang Yu's hands intertwined and said in silence, "I have no parents, no good family background and no help for peichuan..."

"Peichuan is not the kind of person who needs help to start a career. You just need to take good care of his life." Lin Xinyan interrupted her.

She felt that her feelings were pure. As long as she knew what she liked or didn't like in her heart, other things didn't matter. There's no need to care.

If you think too much, you'll be tied up.

Sang Yu said with a smile, "thank you."Lin Xinyan's words make her suddenly open. Even if she comes back with Shen peichuan, her heart is still a little uncertain. She doesn't know whether she is right or wrong.

Now she is sure that she likes Shen peichuan and Shen peichuan likes her.

Although there is an age gap between them, what does that mean?

Lin Xinyan clapped her hand“ Rest early. "

Sang Yu nodded.

Lin Xinyan got up, went upstairs, pushed open the bedroom door, and saw a figure on the balcony. He was talking on the phone, and vaguely heard that he was talking about doctors and so on. Her heart was tight for a moment. She relaxed her steps and tried to hear what he was saying. However, as soon as he approached, Zong Jinghao hung up the phone. When she turned around, she was stunned to see Lin Xinyan standing behind her“ When did you come up? "

"I just came up. Who are you talking to?" Lin Xinyan raised his head and asked.

Zong Jinghao had already taken a bath and was wearing silk pajamas. Lin Xinyan can smell the fragrance of his bath gel.

"The person in charge of the branch of M country, call me and say that he has contacted the experts of Mayo Medical Center to consult you. We will be there tomorrow afternoon."

Lin Xinyan nodded. Say, "OK."

Zong Jinghao put his arm around her shoulder and walked into the room. "Let's sleep."

Lin Xinyan asked him to go to bed first, "I'll wash."

The next day, Zong Jinghao and Lin Xinyan got up early. The two children knew that they were going to start school. They got up early in the morning. Sang Yu helped Yu Ma prepare breakfast.

After dinner, Lin Xinyan went to clean up the relevant procedures for the two children to go to school and put on his schoolbag. The two children were a little excited.

Lin Xinyan laughs and thinks they are very cute. There are no books in the schoolbag. I don't know what they are excited about.

Dress them, and Lin Xinyan braids his daughter's hair. Tell her daughter, "going to primary school is a big child..."

"You can't be willful. You should be polite and respect the old and the young. You have said it many times. I know it and I remember it. Mommy, don't say it all the time." Zong Yanxi is a bit impatient.

Zong Yanchen pinches his sister's cheek“ You look so impatient. You're so ugly. "

"You're ugly!" Zong Yanxi hates being called ugly.

Lin Xinyan sighed. He looked like he had no choice but to take two children with him.


At the dinner table, Zong Jinghao said to Zong Qifeng and Cheng Yuwen, "I'm going abroad with words."

"At this time? Yan Yan, it's not convenient for her to go out now. " Cheng Yuwen said.

That's what Zong Qifeng meant.

I want to go out and wait until I have a baby.

Zong Jinghao did not hide the two elders, "her health is not very good, to do a check."

"What's the matter?" Zong Qifeng was worried about Lin Xinyan and her baby.

"I don't know yet. I'll let you know when I have the inspection and the specific results." Zong Jinghao said.

"Don't worry about it. We'll look after you at home and children, and you'll be relieved to leave." Cheng Yuwen said.

Zong Qifeng is not so optimistic. He has gone abroad, which is certainly not a small matter. He stood up, put his palm on Zong Jinghao's shoulder, and grasped it hard. "Good or bad, tell me the truth."

Zong Jinghao said, "yes."

Today, on the first day of school, Zong Jinghao and Lin Xinyan went to see them off. The driver was driving, and they were sitting in the back with their two children.

Zong Yanxi has been smiling since she got up in the morning.

I'm looking forward to my primary school life.

Today, there are a lot of people at the school gate, and the luxury cars parked on the side of the road are in a row, blocking the road. The security personnel are doing the evacuation work. Zong Yanxi pulls Zong Jinghao forward, and Zong Jinghao frowns, "slow down."

Too many people are easy to bump into.

There is a person standing in the teaching building, looking at Zong Yanxi in the crowd, looking at the smile on her face, looking at her happy appearance, clenching her fists tightly together.

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