Chapter 702

Gu Huiyuan didn't show stage fright. Instead, he stood up from the sofa, went to Guan Jin, reached for his tie and said, "I'm sure I'm not his opponent, but don't I have you? Aren't you the one around him? "

Guan Jin looked down at her hand and sneered, "are you so sure I will help you?"

Gu Huiyuan got up to his chin and blew hot air at him“ If you don't help your woman, who do you want to help? "

"Ha ha!" Shut down the machine and hold her cheek, "you can be regarded as a doorman at most. my You don't deserve it

Gu Huiyuan is not angry, smiling, "whether it's my own door, or you take the initiative to find me, this is not important, the important thing is that you and I sleep. How do you want to default? Then I'll go and sue you in a big way

Guan Jin narrowed his eyes.

"Don't stare at me." Gu Huiyuan raised his leg and rubbed against his side, "I like you to be gentle with me."

Guan Jin, "..."

"Can you order a face? Don't be so mean? " Guan Jin shakes her off.

Gu Huiyuan knocked on the corner of the table, she covered her legs, "Guan Jin, don't go too far."

"It's you who are too much. Do you think I will listen to you when I sleep with you? It's just a few photos. As for the video screen, if you want to send it to the media, you can send it to the media. I will never be threatened by a woman. "

With that, Guan Jin slammed out the door.

Gu Huiyuan sat on the table, looking at the closed door and holding his hand tightly.

Unwilling, she took out her cell phone and called him.

Guan Jin drives his car, hears his mobile phone ring, takes it out and looks at it. He sees that it's his number and doesn't answer it. Put the phone aside and let it ring.

No one answered and Gu Huiyuan was not discouraged. Instead, he sent a message.

Soon the cell phone stopped and the text rang, Kwai chin reached for it, and read it.

Guan Jin pulled over the car and replied【 When I meet you, I still have a future

Gu Huiyuan doesn't give up his heart

Gu Huiyuan, I still have face when I meet you

Gu Huiyuan bit his lip and dialed his number again. This time Guan Jin picked up, "what else do you want to do?"

Gu Huiyuan asked“ Do you really want your own future? "

Guan Jin replied without hesitation, "yes."

"Are you a dog? What's the use of being so loyal? You're not working for someone else? As long as you help me, I can let you be the boss yourself. You have the ability, I have... "

"Gu Huiyuan, do you think everyone else is the same as you? There is no human and moral talent, pigs and dogs are inferior. Gu Huiyuan, I can't control you, but you don't want to manipulate me. "

Gu Huiyuan held his cell phone for a long time and couldn't speak.

Guan Jin asked, "why don't you talk?"

"I don't know what to say." Gu Huiyuan's way.

She really can't refute Guan Jin. Her father and brother are both responsible, but she is a daughter and a sister. She can't be indifferent.

"Guan Jin, I'll ask you one last time. Do you really want to help me?" Gu Huiyuan asked.

Guan Jin is still the answer, "I will not betray."

"Good. Don't regret it. " Then she hung up.

Guan Jin looks at the mobile phone, the screen also shows that it has been hung up, ringing the beep of hang up. He pressed the end button, left the phone to one side and put his elbows against the steering wheel. Cover your face.

It took him a long time to let go. He thought about some things and made up his mind.

He restarted the car and soon he drove to the company.

He stopped the car and went up the elevator. When he got to the office floor, the elevator stopped. He walked down and went directly to Zong Jinghao's office.

He was about to knock when the Secretary said, "the boss is not in."

Guan Jin turned and asked, "where did he go?"

"It's not on the itinerary, and I don't know where I'm going." The Secretary said.

What's not on the itinerary is private. She doesn't know.

Guan Jin frowned.

"Do you have anything important to report?" The Secretary looks worried.

Guan Jin didn't speak. I went back to my office.

His office is located diagonally opposite Zong Jinghao's office. It's spacious and decorated. He goes to his desk and touches it. Gu Huiyuan says that he works for people and it's true. He does work for others, but he feels that he has a great sense of achievement. He has today's status and status, and Zong Jinghao's trust and responsibility. Otherwise, how can he have the opportunity to show his strength?How can you be a man without conscience?

He can't help Gu Huiyuan to frame Zong Jinghao.

He can see that Zong Jinghao cares about Lin Xinyan very much.

How can he ungratefully provoke them?

He dropped his eyes, took out his mobile phone, found Zong Jinghao's number and dialed it out.

Zong Jinghao is accompanying Lin Xinyan for examination. She will have regular examination this month. She is doing fetal heart rate monitoring. She can clearly hear the heartbeat of the fetus and make wheezing sound through the machine.

He stood beside Lin Xinyan and held her hand. His heart was complex and excited. Just listening to the voice, he felt that he was a very energetic child. His heart beat so strongly that he could see how vigorous his vitality was.

Even the strength of holding Lin Xinyan's hand increased unconsciously.

Lin Xinyan felt some pain and a lot of sweat, but she didn't remind him. When Zong Yanchen and Zong Yanxi were there, he didn't have a chance to hear the heartbeat in his abdomen. Now that he has a chance, he will be excited, which is the normal reaction of his father.

At this time, Zong Jinghao's mobile phone in his pocket rang.

He took it out and saw that it was Guan Jin calling. He pressed hang up and attached himself to Lin Xinyan's ear and said, "I'll go outside and call back."

Lin Xinyan nodded, "you go."

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