Chapter 697

Zong Jinghao reminds a, "mail box."

Lin Xinyan slides across the page to find the location of the mail box, clicks in and asks, "the first one?"

Zong Jinghao said.

Untitled, Lin Xinyan points in, she browses.

Song Yaxin has been to the Department of Obstetrics and gynecology. It also indicates the time, place and which doctor showed her.

At the beginning, she didn't pay attention to it. Then she looked down. It was a copy of the medical record. Every patient had a file in the hospital. At that time, what song Yaxin did was abortion.

Lin Xinyan frowned, "she and her ex husband have children, divorced?"

Zong Jinghao asked her to continue watching.

Lin Xinyan's mood is more and more uneasy, Shen peichuan is not saying. Does song Yaxin and her ex husband have no children, and they divorced because of their ex husband's cheating?

The time of abortion is not far, more than two months ago.

She continued to look down. Now Lin Xin was not calm.

She opens her eyes wide. The following is the evidence of song Yaxin's infidelity. The record of her and her lover going to and from the hotel. Is song Yaxin cheating in her marriage?

Wasn't her ex cheating?

She looked up at Zong Jinghao, "is this true?"

"It's true. Guan Jin went to find out in person. Now the only thing she doesn't know is how she made her husband carry the pot. Even her parents are in the dark. "

Lin Xinyan was shocked. She didn't like song Yaxin very much, but she didn't expect that she could cheat others.

It's obviously bad character.

Isn't that cheating Shen peichuan?

Lin Xinyan felt that his three outlooks had been refreshed.

How can you go so far as to cheat your parents.

Surprised, Lin Xinyan began to worry about Shen peichuan, who he personally introduced to them and admitted as his girlfriend.

What would Shen peichuan do if he knew?

What should Shen peichuan do?

Zong Jinghao takes a deep breath and knows that she is worried again. He takes her mobile phone and finds the information and photos sent by Su Zhan. The photos are taken by sang Yu at the door while Shen peichuan is helping her.

"You see." Lin Xinyan did not doubt that he had brought it over and saw the picture at the first sight.

Who is this girl?

She read Su Zhan's message and learned that Shen peichuan is with this girl now. Lin Xinyan's cognition has not been renewed again.

She never thought that Shen peichuan would "step on two boats." Song Yaxin didn't solve the problem here, but she got along with another girl there.

After reading all the information sent by Su Zhan, Lin Xinyan knows what's going on. Shen peichuan likes the girl who is with him now.

Don't come back, and cheat song Yaxin is to let song Yaxin take the initiative to let go.

Lin Xinyan returned the mobile phone to Zong Jinghao, "I didn't expect that. Shen peichuan has so many ideas. "

Last time I heard sang Yu's name in Su Zhan's mouth. Now I see a real person.

"I don't think it's right for peichuan to do this. It's not a waste of people. He should come back and make it clear to song yaxinxin."

If song Yaxin doesn't give up after waiting for two months, what will Shen peichuan do?

How to explain to others?

After all, he himself began to promise.

"You think he can come up with that kind of attention? According to his character, he should have come back to deal with it long ago. In all probability, Su Zhan gave him the attention. " Zong Jinghao knew their personalities very well.

Lin Xinyan thinks so. It must be su Zhan's attention. According to Shen peichuan's straightforwardness, he will come back immediately and make it clear to song Yaxin.

"Will you tell peichuan what you find out?" Asked Lin Xinyan.

She thinks that Shen peichuan should know, which is also conducive to his ending the relationship with song Yaxin.

Zong Jinghao nodded, "I'll tell him. As for what to do, he decides for himself. "

Lin Xinyan nodded and thought it was the most appropriate way.

Zong Jinghao finished the soup. Lin Xinyan asked, "do you want more?"

He shook his head. "Enough."

Lin Xinyan thought for a moment and asked, "do you like collecting red wine?"

Zong Jinghao frowned. What was the question?

Lin Xinyan nununuzui, let him see the wine cabinet, "so much wine, special collection?""No, a lot of them. What's the matter? " Zong Jinghao's heart bristled when he asked. She never asked where the wine had been. What's the matter today?

Lin Xinyan said with a smile, "nothing, just suddenly curious, I went up first."

She put down her chopsticks and got up.

Now Zong Yanxi is sleeping with her. She wants to take a bath first. After the daughter has taken a bath, she can sleep with her arms around her.

Lin Xinyan takes a bath, puts on loose pajamas, half lies on the bed, picks up her mobile phone. Sometimes she talks with Qin Ya for a while, all about the store.

Now it's all Qin Ya's business, and it's developing well. She recruited several designers, and with the help of Shao Yun, she found several skilled garment makers and embroiderers.

Customization has high requirements for the craftsmanship of garment makers, and ordinary tailors can not complete some special designs.

She sent a message to Qin ya. But no one came back.

She thought that Qin Ya might be busy, so she put down her cell phone and prepared to lie down. Zong Jinghao came in with her daughter. Zong Yanxi has taken a bath and is wearing short sleeve shorts and pink silk pajamas with lace. Zong Jinghao puts her on the bed and she immediately climbs into Lin Xinyan's arms. Zong Jinghao stood by the bed and looked at his daughter, thinking when she would be well?

It's so sticky that people don't have time to breathe.

Lin Xinyan looked at him, "what are you doing standing up for? Why don't you take a bath? "

Zong Jinghao unbuttoned his shirt with one hand and said, "I'll take her to the company tomorrow."

In this way, Lin Xinyan can have a rest.

When he was not at home, Lin Xinyan held him alone.

He was shocked to see that Zong Yanxi was going to be in the first grade soon. She was a lot taller and fatter. She was always too tired to hold.

Besides, she's in this shape.

It's better for him to take him to the company.

Lin Xin was speechless. "What are you doing with her?"

Zong Jinghao said, "let her see more people, is conducive to her recovery."

Zong Yanxi looks at Zong Jinghao, blinks his eyes, turns his head and buries his face in Lin Xinyan's arms, as if rejecting his behavior in this way.

Zong Jinghao pretended not to see it. He turned and went to the bathroom.

Lin Xinyan lay down, put her daughter in her arms, patted her on the back, "sleepy or not?"

Zong Yanxi shook his head.

Lin Xinyan picked up the book "piggy sobbing and snoring" on the table, "I'll read you a story."

Zong Yanxi nodded.

Lin Xinyan lowered her head to kiss her forehead. She was so lively and playful before, but now she became so quiet. She was very worried.

Zong Jinghao took a bath and came out. Zong Yanxi hasn't slept yet. Lin Xinyan moves in and gives him a seat. He goes to the bed and sits down. He reaches for the book in Lin Xinyan's hand and says, "I'll read it to her."

Lin Xinyan was just a little sleepy, so he nodded. Zong Jinghao took his daughter and put his arms around her. In fact, he heard where Lin Xinyan had read and asked his daughter, "where did your mommy read?"

Zong Yanxi pointed to the line Lin Xinyan read.

Zong Jinghao said in a warm voice, "Xiaorui told dad where he had read. Dad wanted to listen to Xiaorui."

Zong Yanxi drilled into his arms and did not speak.

Zong Jinghao touched her head, sighed and continued to read her story.

When Zong Yanxi fell asleep listening to the story, it was two hours later. Lin Xinyan had fallen asleep. Zong Jinghao put down his book and turned off the bedside lamp.

At night, he vaguely heard Lin Xinyan's voice.

"It's so painful..."

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