Chapter 691

Su Zhan stares at his mobile phone nervously. He doesn't know when Shen peichuan came over. He looks up and is startled. He leans back and his stool tilts. He sits on the ground.

After a second, Su Zhan glared, "Shen peichuan, what are you doing?"

Shen peichuan stood there, looking down at him, "what are you doing? How else can you be so scared? "

"You've just done something bad!" Su Zhan stares at him, gets up from the ground, pats his ass, raises the stool, and doesn't sit down again. It's uncomfortable to sit on a low stool. To be exact, it's not suitable for people who are tall. Otherwise, their legs need to be very bent. The posture is very uncomfortable.

Sang Yu poured a glass of water for him

Su Zhan reached for it, didn't drink it immediately, but asked, "if Shen peichuan teases you, will you be angry? Even ignore it? "

Sang Yu blinked, "is he the kind of person who can make people laugh?"

Su Zhan, "..."

Yeah. Like Shen peichuan, do you know what taste is?

"It's you who tease your girlfriend, and she ignores you?" Sangyu looks at Su Zhan's distress and guesses.

Su Zhan smiles and explains, "we have a good relationship. She certainly has no time to reply to me."

He didn't want to expose his position in this love in front of outsiders.

"I see you're nervous." Sang Yu, to be honest, would not have been frightened by Shen peichuan if he hadn't been fascinated by his mobile phone just now.

"Nervous?" Su Zhan adjusted a facial expression, "am I nervous?"

Looking at Su Zhan's calm appearance, he was both lovely and funny.

Sangyu said with a smile and shaking his head, "you're not nervous, you're just a little anxious."

Because the girlfriend does not return information and anxious.

Su Zhan smiles. Maybe he can't hide his emotions. He points to Shen peichuan and sang Yu, "today, you two should treat me well. I'll go out and make a phone call."

Finish saying Su Zhan to walk out of the room, dialed Qin Ya's telephone, very not easy to break the mirror to reunite, Qin ya a little bit abnormal. Will make him nervous, afraid of change.

In fact, Qin Ya didn't mean not to return to him. There were guests in the store. She went to receive them. Her mobile phone left in the office. After confirming the style with the guests, she saw them off and went back to the office. At this time, it was the third call. She picked it up and answered it.

"Qin ya!"

Qin Ya frowned, "it's me."

"What are you doing? Why not return the message? You scared the hell out of me when I didn't answer the phone He said something curtly.

"I receive guests. Why do you keep calling me? "

"I'm nervous if you don't answer the phone." Su Zhan has a smile on his face.

In the room, sang Yu can only see Su Zhan's expression, but he can't hear what he said, but it seems that his girlfriend answered his phone.

"Does Su Zhan like his girlfriend very much?" Although it's just a small matter, she can see how much Su Zhan cares.

Shen peichuan nodded, "well, it's not easy for them to get together again."

Sang Yu was very interested, "tell me."

"There are too many things to say clearly. In a word, their feelings are full of twists and turns. They have experienced too many things, and you will find it inconceivable to say so." Shen peichuan understands Su Zhan's mood.

Sang Yu looks up at Shen peichuan“ Do you have many stories? "

Shen peichuan nodded, "count it, a lot."

Sangyu lowered his eyes, "you go to chat with your friends, I'll prepare lunch."

She felt a little lost and felt that she had little to do with Shen peichuan.

At the moment, Su Zhan is still talking on the phone. He probably dislikes the hot weather outside and runs to the car not far away to sit. The windows are all closed and there's air conditioning inside.

Shen peichuan didn't go to disturb him and Qin ya, but followed sang Yu, "I'll help you."

Sang Yu said, "no need."

No matter how stupid Shen peichuan was, he could see that sang Yu was not very happy. "What's the matter with you? Did I say something wrong? "

"No Sangyu looked up at him, "I just feel that I know too little about you."

In fact, she didn't want to explore Shen peichuan's past and personal privacy, but she knew too little about the people and things around him.

She likes this man. Nature also wants to enter his world, his circle of friends.I don't want to be an outsider when they are together.

Shen peichuan said seriously and directly, "what do you want to know. I'll tell you later. "

Sang Yu said with a smile, "I'll spend the rest of my life listening to you tell me stories. As long as you don't abandon me in the middle of the way, I'll hear the last one."

"Tut. Tut. " Su Zhan didn't know when he hung up the phone and came back. As soon as he entered the room, he heard sang Yu's words. He couldn't help joking, "it's worthy of being a famous university student. All the love words he said are so artistic."

Sangyu was not embarrassed. She asked back with a smile, "your girlfriend is not angry with you?"

"We're in a good relationship, so she won't be angry with me." At this moment, Su Zhan drags on again and sings in a high tone, "I'm almost angry with her."

Sang Yu doesn't know Su Zhan, but Shen peichuan knows that Qin Ya has promised to come back with him. How many times has he experienced despair?

"Can I tell Qin ya what you said?" Shen peichuan light tone, but Su Zhan heard a warning.

Su Zhan stands up straight“ Why are you so annoying? Why did you learn to complain? Did you learn from your little girl friend? "

Shen peichuan, at the beginning, was limited by his age. He didn't see his heart clearly. He was always called by Su Zhan as a little girl friend. He felt very uncomfortable, like he had done something wrong.

He looked at Su Zhan solemnly, "who is the elder of us?"

"You." Finish saying Su Zhan to know his words what meaning, the bottom spirit is short of way“ Aren't you married yet? Married... I can't say it. "

So small.

"What's your name, Lin Xinyan?" When Lin Xinyan and Zong Jinghao had contact, they were smaller than Sangyu.

Su Zhan said, "that's not the same."

Shen peichuan asked, "what's different?"

Su Zhan scratched his head. "Well, isn't Lin Xinyan and Jing Hao a serious couple? Of course, they have to have a name. Besides, the relationship between Xiaoya and Lin Xinyan is in the balance."

Shen peichuan just no matter how he arranged, "anyway, you are the youngest, now I don't care with you, in the future we get married, you also have to call Sangyu like this, the position should be put in the right place."

Su Zhan, "..."

He blinked, looked at Sangyu, blocked for a long time, "wait until you get married."

Then he went out, "I'm going to enjoy the beautiful scenery around me."

Sang Yu heard some information from their conversation. She also met Zong Jinghao and was deeply impressed. After all, she was a big boss and her aura was unforgettable.

"Is your other friend's wife not old either?" Sang Yu asked.

Shen peichuan nodded honestly, "well, I'll introduce you back."

Sang Yu nodded and asked, "is Su Zhan's girlfriend old?"

She felt a sigh of relief. She was afraid that she would not be able to integrate with their circle before. Now she knows that she is not a special one in the circle. After all, his friend's wife is not big.

Asked by sang Yu, Shen peichuan finds out that the girlfriends they are looking for are all younger.

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