Chapter 676

As soon as he opened his eyes, he didn't adapt to the light. He closed them and opened them again. After several times, he was completely awake. He remembered that he had fallen into the river, and then he was hit by a wooden boat, and then he was hit again. Now he thought that he could feel the pain in the back of his head.

He moved his body and wanted to sit up and see the surrounding environment clearly. He remembered that the man was afraid that he would mislead him and then knocked himself unconscious. How could he send himself to the hospital again? This is not common sense.

When he wanted to move his leg, he found it pressed down and looked down. What came into view was a familiar face.


Why is she here?

Maybe it's because I saw her so suddenly that my heart beat faster.

Sang Yu slowly woke up and saw someone looking at her overnight. She rubbed her eyes. Surprised way, "you wake up?"

Shen peichuan looked at her for a long time before he said, "how can you be here?"

"You fainted, was seen by my students, I sent you to the hospital, I should ask you, how can you appear here?" Sang Yu sat up. Rubbing the numb arm of the pillow, "do you still have a headache? Are you hungry? "

Shen peichuan had no words. He just looked at her and said, "why did you leave school?"

Sangyu dropped her eyes and said, "I don't want to read."

In the past, she tried to be a mother and a woman who could match him. Later, when her mother died, she heard song Ju's words and let her understand that no matter how hard she tried, she could not be a person who could help him.

She didn't know who else she could work for, and suddenly she lost all her motivation. Life also lost direction.

After she was at a loss, she hoped that what she had learned would not be in vain, so she came here to be a teacher. She didn't charge any tuition fees. She had saved a little before. While she was a teacher, she also worked part-time online to give junior high school and senior high school students online lessons and earn rewards. The money was used to buy books and exercise books for students, and part of it was used for life.

Although not very well off. But she is very good at calculation, will not spend money indiscriminately, living in the countryside, the cost is not big, more classes can still leave some.

"It's a pity to give up such a good university." Shen peichuan couldn't understand her idea.

Sang Yu said with a smile, "you are not my parent, so leave me alone. What do you do now?"

After leaving City B, she changed her mobile phone card, and even her classmates who got along well were disconnected.

She thought that since she had decided to leave, she would go clean. It's clean.

She thought she would never see him again in her life.


"Sangyu." Wang Wen came in with breakfast.

Wang Wen, 21, a sophomore, is tall and thin. He wears a casual white T-shirt. His skin is white and greasy, and he is full of vigor.

Shen peichuan originally wanted to ask sang Yu to borrow his mobile phone and call Zong Jinghao, but he was interrupted by Wang Wen and forgot.

Looking at Wang Wen delivering breakfast to Sangyu, and looking at his gentle smile to Sangyu, he made countless question marks in his heart.

Who is this man?

"Why are you here so early?" Sang Yu didn't expect that he would come to the hospital so early, how early he had to get up. To get here so early from the village?

Wang Wen said with a smile, "let me guess. You certainly didn't eat yesterday. Am I right?"

Sangyu is silent.

"If you don't talk, I guess you're right. I know you don't eat well, so I'll send you breakfast early." Wang Wen put breakfast on the table and saw that Shen peichuan had woken up. And he said, "hello."

Shen peichuan responded.

"I bought breakfast. You can eat it. When it's cold, it won't taste good." He opened the box to buy breakfast, porridge, and fried dumplings. He handed the fried dumplings to Sang Yu, "this is delicious. When I was in high school in the county, I ate this every morning."

Wang Wen is a sunny boy. He looks clean and comfortable, especially when he smiles. Gentle and kind, Sangyu unconsciously raised his lips and said, "thank you."

Shen peichuan looks at sang Yu's smile to Wang Wen. There was a frown.

"Don't always say thank you to me." Wang Wen didn't like her estrangement from himself.

Thank you. I'm just seeing him.

Sang Yu said with a smile, "I won't tell you. Have you eaten yet?"

"I ate it when I bought it." Wang Wen replied.

Sangyu goes inside. He handed Shen peichuan the fried dumpling, "Wang Wen said it's delicious. Try it."Originally, Shen peichuan didn't want to eat, but looking at Wang Wen's expression, he reached out and took one. He didn't know what the intention was. In short, he did it.

Fried plain stuffing, but the taste is really good, fried below crisp, thin skin, more stuffing.

The stuffing is made of leek, vermicelli and egg, with shrimp skin. It has the smell of leek and the freshness of shrimp skin.

Sang Yu opened the lid of the porridge and gave it to him“ It's choking to eat. Eat it with porridge. "

Shen peichuan looked at her and asked, "I ate them all. How about you?"

Sang Yu said with a smile, "I'm not hungry. I'm hungry. I'll buy it. I'm not an injured person. You can walk around at any time. "

Shen peichuan didn't answer, "I don't like porridge. You can have it."

Sang Yu put down the porridge and said, "I'll pour you a glass of water..."

"You don't have to worry about me. Drink the porridge first." Shen peichuan interrupted her.

She suddenly realized that she was too enthusiastic for him, so she quickly took back her hand and took a sip of porridge.

Shen peichuan handed her the fried dumpling, "you eat it." Then he explained, "I have no appetite."

"But how can you not eat?" Sang Yu didn't understand his intention and said, "I want to eat even if I have no appetite."

She took a fried bag and handed it to his mouth. Shen peichuan was stunned for a moment. Soon sang Yu realized that his action was not right. When he was about to take back his hand, Shen peichuan reached out to take it. In the process, he accidentally touched sang Yu's hand, and both of them jerked back almost at the same time.

It's like electricity.

Wang Wen can see that they seem to be very familiar.

And Sangyu was very kind to him, so he took the initiative to say, "Sangyu, you must have not had a rest all night in the hospital. OK, you can go back to sleep after eating. I'll watch you here."

"I don't need to be taken care of." Before Sangyu spoke, Shen peichuan opened his mouth first. He swallowed the fried bag Sangyu handed over, lifted the quilt and got out of bed. Sangyu put down the porridge and said, "you can't get out of bed. The doctor said that you should observe for 48 hours."

"It's OK. My body. I know it." Shen peichuan insisted, he poured a glass of water to drink.

"Are you going? Let me call a taxi for you. " Wang Wen said.

Shen peichuan looks up at Wang Wen. He seems to want to let himself go.

Why does he want to go to himself so much?

Shen peichuan's eyes moved to Sangyu.

Because of her?

She - in love?

But she said she liked her own. Did she change her mind so soon?

I can't help feeling depressed.

"I can't go yet." Shen peichuan looked at Wang Wen and said, "her mother once entrusted me to take care of her. I always need to know whether her life is good or not so that I can go at ease."

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