Chapter 663

Lin Xinyan patted his hand, "you pinch me."

Zong Jinghao was so angry that he laughed, "are you trying to make me suffer?"

Lin Xinyan knew that he was wrong and shouldn't doubt him, even a little bit. Now they are husband and wife, and the most important thing between them is trust.

Before, she didn't believe the naked photos, but this time it's different. Gu Huiyuan is very scheming, he doesn't know what to say, and it's very thoughtful to use the suggestive technique.

This time, she was negligent and almost cheated.

It's her fault, she said.

She took the initiative to sit on Zong Jinghao's lap, put her arms around his neck, and acted coquettishly in his arms“ Do I have any use for you? "

Zong Jinghao lowered his eyes. Even if he was doubted that he was not happy, he could not bear to scold her when he saw her poor little figure. I have a hard heart. I don't know how to show mercy to jade. You can try to use a beauty trick on me. "

Lin Xinyan smiles, "do you think I'm beautiful?"

Zong Jinghao picked up the man and went to the room, "it's not beautiful. I want to sleep with you every day?"

Lin Xinyan struggled and pushed, "what are you doing in the bedroom in broad daylight?"

"Prove your charm." Zong Jinghao closed the door.

Lin Xinyan does not do, "I do not want."

Inside the door came Zong Jinghao's voice, "what don't you want?"

"What are you doing?" Lin Xinyan asked.

"I've fallen into your trap. So, now I'm a man confused by female. Se, what else do you think I can do? "

"I'm tired." Lin Xinyan prevaricated, "doing too often is not good for the fetus."

He's constantly tossing about because he's "newly married". Although he's old and stable now, he can't bear his repeated mischief.

"Hold it, and do nothing." Zong Jinghao put people in his arms, a bad word for the fetus, more useful than anything, immediately honest.

Zong Jinghao kisses her lips, "after giving birth to this baby, we will not give birth to it."

Lin Xinyan asked, "you want to satisfy your own desires. Or do you care about me? "

"I love you." Zong Jinghao held her tightly. When he went to get the check list, he passed by the delivery room and heard the women crying and shouting. It must be too painful. Otherwise, how could an adult cry so loudly?

"Did you cry when you gave birth to Xiaorui and Xiaoxi?"

Lin Xinyan nest in his arms, whispered, "shed tears, but did not shout, I have a maternal next to her husband has been scolding, can be funny."

"When you give birth, it hurts too much. You also scold me." Zong Jinghao's favorite way.

Lin Xinyan said with a smile, "that would be a shame. I don't want it."

She said, "after today, let's go home tomorrow."

The family is full of elders. She and Zong Jinghao have been living outside.

Zong Jinghao said, "during the turbulent period of time, the affairs of Mr. Gu and Gu Bei are not settled yet. I don't want to go out when I'm not by your side. I'm afraid they will jump over the wall in a hurry."

Although he will monitor the caretakers, just in case, he will have to wait for the dust to settle before he can rest assured.

Lin Xinyan said that she knew what Zong Jinghao meant. This time, Gu Huiyuan, who was called Gu Huiyuan, ran to her to sow dissension.

She almost fell for it. Now think about how stupid she is.

The next day, Zong Jinghao went to the company, and Lin Xinyan went to the villa. After returning to the villa, he went to the company. She went to Qin Ya for the first time.

How are she and Su Zhan.

Qin Ya lowered her head, "we decided to start from the beginning. I should have listened to you at that time and told him frankly. It was not so difficult to face it."

Lin Xinyan patted her on the shoulder, "this is good."

"My second uncle and I are going back to C City tomorrow." Qin Ya said.

This is what she discussed with Shao Yun. Shao Yun is also busy, and the store over there needs to be taken care of.

"What about Su Zhan?" Lin Xinyan asked, this just and good separated?

"I told him that when I go back to C City, he knows." Although now decided to start from scratch, because the last time they were together too fast, this time, they decided to run in. When they really think about it, she and Su Zhan go to see the old lady.

"He agreed?" Lin Xinyan asked again.

"Well, I agree." Qin Ya purses her lips. Now Su Zhan listens to her. She agrees to everything she says."It's good to see that. If I had told him earlier, you wouldn't have to suffer."

Qin Ya bowed her head and said nothing, because she didn't want to face it, which made everyone worried.

In the evening, Su Zhan came over and bought a lot of toys for the two children. On the one hand, I want to tell you what I and Qin ya have decided to do from scratch. On the other hand, I want to thank you for taking care of me during this period.

"Didn't you call peichuan?" We're all together, except for him. Lin Xinyan looks at Su Zhan and asks.

Su Zhan replied, "I called him. He said he had no time. It seems that he was called home by song Bureau. His boss took good care of him and appreciated him."

Indeed, song Bureau appreciates Shen peichuan, otherwise he would not want his daughter to marry him.

To ask him to go home is business, but in fact, it is to let him contact his daughter on purpose.

And this time, the song bureau also picked it out.

At the dinner table, song Ju suddenly opened up“ Peichuan, I've always been optimistic about you. Do you know that? "

Shen peichuan said, "you take good care of me."

Song Ju took a sip of wine. He couldn't open his mouth if he didn't drink more. It's not his wife and daughter who pester him. He won't tell Shen peichuan openly, but after all, his daughter says, "I don't know if you can see it, actually. Yaxin, she's very fond of you. "

Shen peichuan was stunned for a moment. After a while, he realized what song Ju meant.

"I, I..."

"Don't be nervous“ Song Ju thought it over and said, "you're not an outsider, so I'll tell you straight. Detours are not my personality. You know the situation of Yaxin. She's divorced, and I know she doesn't deserve you..."

"No, I'm not good, and being divorced is not a disadvantage." Shen peichuan said, "divorce is because that man can't resist temptation, not Yaxin's fault."

Song Ju sighed, "I'm glad you can say that."

Shen peichuan didn't answer. Now he almost knew what song Ju wanted to say. For a moment, he was in a mess and didn't know what to do.

"Peichuan, you're old, too. Why don't you think about it?" Song Ju's face turned red. As Su Zhan's boss, he let him marry his divorced daughter. What a shame.

"If you don't think it's appropriate, take it as if I didn't say it." Song Ju finally added.

It was so sudden that Shen peichuan didn't even know how to say no.

Song bureau did take good care of him, and song Yaxin was also very good, but since he failed to get married, he never thought about it again.

"Come and drink when I don't say anything." Song Bureau poured wine for Shen peichuan.

Shen peichuan said nothing.

Song Ju picked up his glass and collided with him, "we did it."

Shen peichuan holds up his glass. After thinking for a while, he said, "it's too sudden. I don't know how to answer you for a moment."

"Don't be nervous. After all, it's Yaxin in my family." Song Ju didn't mean to tell Shen peichuan about it, but because he felt in his heart that the second married woman was the first-class dwarf with old ideas. Even his own daughter, he thought so.

Shen peichuan is unmarried and upright. He appreciates it very much.

If it were not for his daughter, he would not approve of Shen peichuan's second marriage.

Shen peichuan was also embarrassed. "Don't say that. It's too sudden. Let me think about it."

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