Chapter 626

"I don't think many people know that Ningxian is a relatively poor place. Fifteen years ago, the government sent a group of officials to the countryside for inspection. In order to pass the inspection, the county magistrate found a group of craftsmen to build schools. At that time, there was no school in our village. The children in the village studied culture in the home of a schooled elder sister. There were no books or blackboards. They all depended on their elder sister, They listen.

Build a school in a short time. It's impossible. We are not willing to do it. We feel that we are harming our children. After all, the school is built for children. But those officials didn't care so much. If they didn't go to work, they would take people home to beat people, make trouble, and make people uneasy. They had to go. At that time, the construction materials were very poor, and half of them collapsed. My father and the other four people who worked with him were all killed in the landslide. "

The reporter said“ How can there be no school? "

The 16-year-old child laughed, "money should be put into a personal pocket."

This sentence is obscure, but very straightforward.

You can tell what it means to put it in your pocket.

The reporter continued to ask, "how was this matter solved at that time? Don't the officials who come to inspect report to solve it? "

"After solving the problem, the officials who came to inspect not only didn't report it, but also helped the originator cover up the truth."

By the end of the interview, we have basically known how it happened.

"How was it solved at that time? What compensation has been made to the dead? " The reporter asked.

At this time, an old man came up and said, "there is no compensation. Not only is there no compensation, but we are not allowed to tell. Whoever dares to publicize, he will demolish his house."

This makes the reporter can't help but stare big eyes, this is too much!

In the past, science and technology were underdeveloped, and there was no developed network now. It was also a deep mountain area, and it was easy to be covered up.

The old man, full of tears, "I'm just a son who was killed in that accident. I'm going to talk about it, but I don't care. They also beat us and threatened us with vicious words. "

Then the old man lifted up his sleeve, and there was a big scar more than ten centimeters long on his arm

Although the scar has healed, but because it has not been properly treated, the healing is not smooth, it seems a bit ferocious.

"We are all the family members of the dead at that time. We come here either to make trouble or to make a statement. Although it has been a long time, we still want to seek justice for the dead." The old man wiped his tears and wrinkled his face. Rough palm, let see people can't bear to move.

After such a big media publicity, only two hours have been noisy, and was soon valued by the higher authorities.

People who eat melons offline have also made a deep dig into this matter. Which official went to inspect it 15 years ago?

This is what we are most concerned about. Even the county-level officials at that time did not pay so much attention to it. What people hate more is those who helped Zhou to do evil.

Someone deliberately spread the information of the official who went to inspect on the Internet.

Nowadays, the development of the network, soon spread, the speed of people caught off guard, want to cover all cover.

Once the official's information is picked out, we will continue to dig deeply. What happened to the original official now?

I know that the development is better now. People are beginning to get angry.

There are all kinds of things to say.

"Why don't such people die and deserve to benefit the people? It's the devil of the world. "

"How do these people get where they are today?"——

Someone replied, "of course, it's because of the loss of conscience!"

"This kind of person should die. Look at how poor the old man is. Fifteen years ago, those 15-year-old children were only one or two years old. When they were one or two years old, they lost their father and their wife lost their husband. It's really pathetic for a mother to lose her son. "

"That's right. I want to cut these black hearted animals with a thousand knives!"

"These are not human beings, they are demons. They bully the powerless peasants. We should use the ancient punishment, and divide the body into five parts. "

Soon, the county-level officials at that time were also picked out. For a time, the matter was out of control and spread too fast. The authorities quickly resolved the problem and temporarily resettled those people. And announced that it will make an investigation on this matter, if it is true, it will severely punish the relevant officials!

Everyone left a message below

"Hope to give them justice!"

"We believe that the government will give us a satisfactory explanation. If it's true, I hope I can shoot this man. It's too damn hateful. "……

Today is destined to be an extraordinary day, and this incident has aroused the attention of the people all over the country.

Gu's family is also frying pan.

Even Gu's daughter and son didn't know about it.

"Is it true or false?" Gu Bei asked his mother

Gu's mother turned pale. Shaking his head, "it's true."

"How can dad do such a thing?" The fifth daughter couldn't resist and stood up. I can't believe my father is like this.

They only knew that the father preferred boys to girls, but they didn't think of doing such a thing.

"It's incredible." The second daughter also said that she couldn't believe her father was so heartless.

Mrs. Zhou sat silent in the corner. As a daughter, she was yelled by her mother and had to come, but she never thought about doing anything for the father.

She even resented why she was born in this family?

"Someone must have set him up. Otherwise, how could such a long-term thing be picked out? And so thoroughly stripped? " Although Gu's mother was terrified, she was calm as a good wife. "It must have been someone behind the scenes to make things so uncontrollable."

Those people suddenly appeared and broke out through the major media. The on-site interviews showed the pity of the victims and won sympathy. The general public begged for a statement to put pressure on the government. They were caught off guard by a ring.

If no one operates. It couldn't have developed so quickly.

"Did dad offend anyone?" Gu Bei asked.

Gu's mother shook her head. "I don't know. It's hard to avoid bumps in officialdom, but I don't want to spend so much effort to dig such a long-standing thing."

"Now it's not about how things happened. It's about how to solve the problem. Once verified, there will be a heavy penalty. "

In this way, in order to appease the people, it will be strictly punished.

"Sisters, something happened to our father. We have to find a way to save people." The eldest daughter said to her younger sisters.

"How to save it?" The second daughter asked.

When she got the call, her husband wouldn't let her come and said, "how can you be his daughter?"

Obviously, he is also dissatisfied with this matter.

I'll look down on her.

If she had a choice, she didn't want to be born in a family that cared for her family and preferred boys over girls.

It's not that she has no conscience and doesn't even care about her father. It's that she didn't grow up looking after her family. She doesn't have any feelings for looking after her family, doesn't get the attention of her parents, and doesn't experience family affection. Her husband and Zhou huaihou are just like each other. They are upright people and don't want to have relations with looking after their family.

"My husband is not a big official. I'm afraid he can't help. I'll go first if there are other things at home." The second daughter first expressed her attitude.

Gu Bei suddenly became angry and stopped her. "Second sister, you're my father's daughter. You don't even care about your father. Do you still have a conscience?"

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