Chapter 617

"You go out!" Qin Ya didn't worry about the occasion. She had been hysterical with him for a long time.

Su Zhan doesn't move and looks at her, "Xiaoya..."

"Do you want me to die in front of you before I give up?" She covers her chest, and her heart can hardly breathe.

It hurts. It hurts. She feels like she's dying.

Su Zhan didn't dare to force her too much. He stood up slowly and said, "I'll give you time."

With that, he came out of the room. After closing the door, Qin Ya's cry inside seemed to be louder. Because there is no one and unbridled, the second floor Lin Xinyan standing at the stairs, saw Su Zhan came out, a slight sigh.

Just now, all of them knew that they were moving so much. It's just that everyone is very knowledgeable and doesn't come out.

Zong Jinghao hugged her, "don't look."

Lin Xinyan followed him back to the bedroom, "I want to ask you something. You should answer me truthfully."

"Well, you say."

"If I couldn't have children, would you treat me as well as you do now?" Lin Xinyan looked up at him.

Zong Jinghao looked at her, "what are you saying?"

It's a hypothetical question that children are so old. Nothing to answer?

Why is she so strange to ask such childish questions today?

Childish equivalent, many women ask their boyfriends, his mother and she fell into the water at the same time to save the same question.

"I'm asking you. Answer me truthfully." Lin Xinyan grabbed his collar reluctantly, and had to ask him to give himself an answer.

Zong Jinghao looked down at his little hand holding his collar and said, "no, you won't be born. I still like you, but there will be regrets."

It would be a pity if two people who love each other are together without a child. As long as he thinks about the absence of Zong Yanxi and Zong Yanchen in his life, he can't accept them.

Lin Xinyan slowly let go of her hand. Yes, she can fall in love, but there must be regrets. Having children is a process that every couple should go through. It is also a stage in a woman's life when she becomes a mother excessively. It is also a man's emotional feeling when he becomes a father.

She dropped her eyes. What should Qin ya do in the future?

Zong Jinghao found that her mood was not right, "what's the matter with you?"

She shook her head. "It's OK."

But she doesn't look OK. Zong Jinghao lowered his head to kiss her lips. Lin Xinyan frowned at him.

He laughed, "you have something on your mind. It's ugly. Don't frown."

Lin Xinyan hit his chest, "you are ugly!"

"Where am I ugly?" He raised his eyebrows.

Lin Xinyan said, "you are ugly there."

Then he quickly walked into the room, tried to close the door and shut him out. However, he Zong Jinghao quickly resisted the door, but he didn't dare to use his strength, for fear of hurting the child in her stomach. His hand was on the doorframe, and Lin Xinyan didn't dare to close it. Once he closed it, he would get his hand.

"You go out." Lin Xinyan pretended to be angry.

"Don't go out." Zong Jinghao attitude is also firm, "don't make trouble."

"Who asked you to call me ugly?" Lin Xinyan continued to pretend to be angry, "I decided to draw a clear line with you, this is my room, you are not allowed to come in."

Zong Jinghao, "..."

He said, "you're not ugly, I'm ugly, I'm ugly."

Lin Xinyan was amused by his attitude and relaxed his strength. Zong Jinghao took the opportunity to push the door. Holding people lying on the bed, breaking her head, let her look at themselves, still because she said he was ugly and worried, "am I really ugly?"

Lin Xinyan thought it funny that he could not be happy because of such things. He said with a smile, "you are ugly. I don't dislike you. "

Zong Jinghao, "..."

"Do you really think I'm ugly?"

Lin Xinyan said, "well."

"Do you think there are many people like you, you are handsome? In fact, it's not because you have more money. Nowadays, women dislike poverty and love wealth. So do I. I like you to have money. "

Zong Jinghao was angry smile, "you so belittle your husband, the heart will not hurt?"

Lin Xinyan asked with a smile, "what is the heart? I may not have

Zong Jinghao pinched her cheek, hugged her and said with a smile“ Naughty. "

Lin Xinyan's face was close to his heart and said low, "thank you for making me happy."Zong Jinghao sighed, but he still couldn't let her down. He said, "come on, what is it that makes you so worried?"

Lin Xinyan grabbed his collar uneasily. She can think of how hard it would be for her if she could not give birth to Zong Jinghao.

She is a woman who understands Qin Ya's feelings. Qin Ya is not willing to face her own defects or Su Zhan.

Zong Jinghao low Mou looking at her to grasp own collar's hand, patted her buttocks, "is really a grinding goblin."

Lin Xinyan glared at him, "I'm a goblin. What are you?"

He said without thinking, "you are the goblin, I am the man who is confused by the goblin." Then she lifted her hair in her ear, as if some people knew why she was depressed and asked, "is it because of Qin ya?"

Lin Yan nodded.

Now Zong Jinghao fully understood why she suddenly asked him such a question.

He comforted his daughter-in-law, "everyone has his own destiny. Don't worry too much."

How can Lin Xinyan not understand that this is an irreversible thing. The only thing I can do is to accept, but I can't stop my heartache.

I feel sad for Qin ya.

Dong Dong

At this time, Yu's mother came up and knocked on the door, "dinner is ready."

Through the door, Yu Ma's voice came in.

Lin Xinyan is too lazy to think about it.

"Or shall I serve it to you?" Zong Jinghao saw that she was tired.

Lin Xinyan laughs. She has guests at home. How can she let him serve food for herself? "Next time there is no one, cook for me."

"OK, I'll wash my hands and make soup for you later." Zong Jinghao chuckled, a pair of take her no way to spoil like.

Who is his daughter-in-law? Who let her have her own baby in her stomach? Who wants to like her?

So. Let's face it.

It is estimated that Yu's mother has already called. Shen peichuan and his two children also come out. He looks at Su Zhan's palm print on his face and touches his nose. He thinks, what do you think of this product? There are bright marks on his face. Why don't you go? I'm not afraid of embarrassment.

Su Zhan saw that he was unnatural. He touched his cheek and said with a generous smile, "I still have people to fight. You don't even have people to fight you. It's you who should be embarrassed."

Then he took Zong Yanxi's hand and said, "go, let's wash our hands and eat."

Shen peichuan, "..."

Zong Jinghao patted him on the shoulder, "how to think of it, come here today."

Shen peichuan looked at him strangely, "didn't you ask me and Su Zhan to come for dinner?"

Zong Jinghao's face was obviously the expression I didn't shout.

Shen peichuan reacted quickly and said with a smile, "that kid lied to me."

In order to pursue Qin Ya is also painstaking.

Aunt Wang began to serve, and everyone sat at the table. When Lin Xinyan hesitated to go to the room to see Qin ya, Su Zhan said, "sister-in-law."

Lin Xinyan asked, "what's the matter?"

"Xiaoya certainly doesn't want to come out for dinner. You help me prepare some food, and I'll bring it in for her."

Lin Xinyan took a look at him and said, "come in with me."

Su Zhan follows her into the kitchen.

Lin Xinyan asks Aunt Wang to go out first. She has a few words with Su Zhan.

Aunt Wang washed her hands and walked out of the kitchen. When there was no one, she said, "Su Zhan."

"Well, sister-in-law." Su Zhan's attitude is very good, in the heart also guessed she may be why call oneself to come in, "you want to ask me and Qin Ya thing."

Lin Xinyan nodded, "Su Zhan." She hesitated to speak and thought about what to say to him.

Su Zhan said, "the relationship between you and Xiaoya is like a family member. I have called you sister-in-law, and I have never treated you as an outsider, so you can say whatever you have to say."

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