Chapter 602

Open the menu, a careful look, sang Yu raised eyebrows, a dish of cold tofu is 68 yuan, but the name is better, what is called special Luzhou flavor sauce with royal white jade ice, but it is still tofu. All names are tofu.

She thinks it's unreasonable and continues to look down. But it's almost the same.

The so-called French cabbage soup is cabbage soup, which costs 18 yuan.

Roast French duck with charcoal fire. It looks like roast duck. 266.

Honey with white vinegar baked boar back small meat, that is, sugar crisp tenderloin, a plate to 88.

Sangyu didn't continue to look down. He just couldn't accept it. He thought it was too bad. He just changed his name. The place was more upscale, and the price went up exponentially.

She closed the menu and handed it to the waiter

Shen peichuan asked, "don't you like it?"

Sang Yu nodded, "there is no dish I like here. Let's go to another house."

Shen peichuan stood up and said“ Well, you can choose the place. "

Sang Yu laughs and says yes, but the service station dares not say anything. After all, Shen peichuan is wearing a uniform. You can tell what his identity is at a glance. Let's see the age difference between sang Yu and him. That's clear. Little girlfriends can't be used to it.

Out of the restaurant, sang Yucai told the truth, "this is a trap. A plate of cold tofu costs 68. What kind of tofu is so expensive?"

Shen peichuan didn't expect that she was too expensive to order. He said with a smile, "this is my chance to kill me. After this village, there will be no shop."

Sang Yu looked at him and then laughed“ It seems that it's a pity not to kill you. "

"There's still time for regret." Shen peichuan said.

He's serious. He really wants to treat her to something good.

"Well, I'll choose the place." Sangyu pulled him into the car, "I know a place where the food is delicious. You drive."

Shen peichuan looked down at the hand she put on her arm. Young age, but not very delicate hands. It's supposed to be work.

After all, in this city, they are only freshmen. It's not easy to support yourself.

"If you have any help in the future, please call me. I promised your mother." Shen peichuan said.

Sang Yu thought of the smile on his mother's face.

Shen peichuan obviously felt her change and apologized, "sorry, I didn't mean to mention it."

Sang Yu shook his head. "It's OK."

She bowed her head and held her hands together. "My mother, she's pathetic. I wanted to save her from that family when I grew up and could make money to support her, but... "

She didn't give herself the chance. I went in for homicide.

Shen peichuan said nothing. Knowing this time, he is more suitable to be a listener.

"My father likes to gamble. When he wins, he eats, drinks and whores with his friends. When he loses, he asks my mother for money. If she doesn't give it, she kicks and punches. My mother is a housewife and has no culture. The main income of the family depends on the lilies in the family. At ordinary times, he can only do odd jobs and can't earn much money. My father has already squandered all the savings of the family, No money, forced my mother to go outside to make money to gamble for him, out of trouble, lost money, or start to play my mother vent. After many years of living like this, I've watched it for many years. As I grow up, I want to take my mother away from that family more and more. I try my best to get into a good university. I think that after a few years of patience, I can pick her up. She didn't wait for me after all. "

When she thought of her mother being beaten by her father, she trembled all over. She clearly remembered that once, her father used the wooden bench at home to smash her mother. At that time, her mother fell on the ground and couldn't get up, with a large area of blue on her back.

After a few months, it didn't stop.

Another time, he pressed his mother on the ground, grabbed her hair and slapped her face. There was a lot of blood in her mouth. She wanted to pull her father away and told him not to beat her mother. As a result, she was kicked out.

"My father is a beast. He deserves to die. I never think he is a loser. On the contrary, he is too cheap. Sometimes, I hate the law. It is clear that my father is a damned man. Why should I punish my mother?"

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